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  Short Cycle - Week One.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted August 16, 2000 04:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Monster   Click Here to Email Monster     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ok, today will be the end of the first week of my first short cycle. This evening will be the 7th shot of sustanon, Ive been staying around 4000 to 5000 calories a day, most always clean (1 day a week off). So the week-end results are (drum roll)...
8 1/2 pounds in 7 days!
Remember, Im using NO ORALS AT ALL. So that shouldnt be any water weight like you see with dbol and such. Compared to previous cycles of mine thats not a huge gain, but when you take the no orals thing into account it really is impressive.
So today will make a total of 1750mg of sustanon to date. I havent had any side effects to speak of (Im not taking anti-E's).
I might be a little oily, but nothing unbearable...

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posted August 16, 2000 05:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ajc1977     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I read about cycles like this in Pump Magazine. I'd be very interested to see how effective these are. I'd like to compare two short cycles to one typical 8-10 week cycle with the exact same amount of gear and see what works best.

Does anyone have any insights on this?

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posted August 16, 2000 05:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for E-Toon   Click Here to Email E-Toon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm sure your making great gains, but how much muscle mass does everyone think can be gained in one week? 8 lbs is pushing it.

I know that my weight fluctuates ~5-8 pounds on some days. Today I woke up at 207 after weighing 214 last night after my workout and drinkings lots o' water.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 16, 2000 05:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for HelmsmaN   Click Here to Email HelmsmaN     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Good point E Toon, a gallon of water weighs just over 8 pounds.

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posted August 16, 2000 05:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ajc1977     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That much sustanon will cause some water retention if you don't use any estrogen blockers, but remember, most of the test hasn't even kicked in yet...Those gains are probably directly related to the little bit of test propionate in the sustanon blend.

Regardless of what those gains are, I'd get some clomid if you shot 250mg of sust per day for a week.

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posted August 16, 2000 06:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Monster   Click Here to Email Monster     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yeah, weight fluctuates, but weighing yourself in the evening and then in the morning always gives a different weight. I use VERY strict control procedures and know very well how much my weight fluctuates day to day. So weight fluctuation is NOT a factor. Ive been using gear for years and years, and am very capable of monitoring my progress, and I can tell you that I am not retaining water to any appreciable degree. But When I spoke of water weight, I meant the intramuscular water that orals cause, which is lost when you discontinue their use.
When I do my usual cycles of 1000mg of sustanon a week and dbol, I gain well more than 8 pounds a week (for the first few weeks).
But yeah ajc, I'll probobly use clomid, post cycle for the hell of it. I just get kinda ticked off about people second guessing me.
Ive maintained a bodyweight of 250lbs for over a year, and I know exactly how much I fluctuate and at what time of day. Anyone who isnt weighing them self at the same time of day under the same conditions is either a fool or doing it on purpose to see some results that wouldnt otherwise be there. But I find a 5-8 pound fluctuation in weight to be a little odd? Mabye its just me, but Ive never experianced any kind of wild weight fluctuations in my life (my bodybuilding life at least).
But I digress...
Anyway ajc, I dont use anti-e's because Ive never been very sensative to virilization. I always have some on hand, but have never needed them (even at 100-1500mg a week for 10 week cycles). The same with water retention. Even using Omna (which everyone I know bitches about water troubles with) I dont retain much. I believe its related to my lack of sensativity to estrogen, as water retention is estrogen related...
But for those who are interested, I'll be continueing the sust till day 11, then ten days of deca, then I'll bring it on home with 20 days of prop EOD...

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posted August 16, 2000 07:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So I see you decided to stick with the one sust a day routine you were talking about. Glad to hear it. Keep us posted. Peace...Mav

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posted August 16, 2000 08:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for E-Toon   Click Here to Email E-Toon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey Monster,

Can you give more details about your cycle... such as gear, doses and duration. Sounds interesting!

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posted August 16, 2000 10:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Monster   Click Here to Email Monster     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, Ive been doing a lot of research into androgen loading. Since most of the gains of a cycle are in the first month of the cycle, and the post month period is the time that is so devistating to the endocrine system it just makes sense.
A quicker cycle results in less damage to the endocrine system and a shorter "off" time between. 30 days on, 20 days off.
Sustanon is the perfect choice due to the staggered times of deesterification. 1 sustanon a day equals to 1750mg a week, but due to the various deesterification times a daily injection over a weeks time doesnt even equal to the same strain on your system as a weekly 750mg shot (as only the prop is immediatly active, and gone before to the third shot).
This way you have a steady stream of androgens in your system instead of a big rush and harsh ceassation. So Im going to load the heavy androgen for 10 days (originally 15, but I changed in order to end the cycle at 30 days instead of 42).
Then I move onto a lighter, but still androgenic drug. Primo is my choice, but I dont have any, so Deca will have to do. For the next 10 days I'll be doinf deca daily at 200mg to ride out the sustanon. After that I'll be doing prop for another ten days EOD at 100mg then tapering down to eventually end at 50mg. This gives the sustanon a chance to deesterify and gives me the ability to precicly predict the end of my cycle.
20 days clean and go again...
I dont use orals because they are hard on the liver, and the gains are all superficial from them, and are lost after ending them (all intramuscular water). Sure theyre good for strength, but I do ok without 'em.
Thats pretty much the story. I'll add more tommorrow, cuz its time for bed right now...

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted August 16, 2000 10:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Curious     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm curious to hear what some of the vets have to say about this or anyone else who has tried it. How many weeks are you going?

That which does not kill you makes you stronger.

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posted August 17, 2000 04:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Monster   Click Here to Email Monster     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I figure that since most of my appreciable gains come in the first 4 or 5 weeks, it just made sense. After a 20 day "off" period, I'll be going right back at it again.
Mabye 2 or 3 times around. I may also try the exact same cycle, but go low calories and see how it works for cutting. Shit, Im losing bodyfat AND gaining muscle at 5000 calories, so it seems promising...

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posted August 17, 2000 05:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ajc1977     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sounds good bro and it makes sense. That IS the cycle from Pump Magazine that I read...I would really like to hear how it goes.

Also, I gained 7 lbs in the first 10 days of my last light Deca/Sustanon cycle and kept every bit of it...So, I believe that it is possible.

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posted August 17, 2000 06:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigTruck   Click Here to Email BigTruck     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sounds good bro -- I'm in the middle of a short cycle too, a two-week cycle.

Very intersted to hear about your experiences. Keep us posted.

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posted August 17, 2000 06:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sounds good bro. Keep us posted. Peace...Mav

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posted August 17, 2000 07:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Monster   Click Here to Email Monster     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yeah ajc, I saw that in pump, too. My original cycle was 7 weeks (42 days), and after seeing that I trimmed it down to 30 days.
BTW, the Humalog is AWESOME!!!! I will NEVER NEVER NEVER go back to Humalin R or S!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted August 17, 2000 08:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CLEMDOG   Click Here to Email CLEMDOG     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hold on Monster, whats the difference between Humalog and Humulin R? Just because it is a pen and you can dial in your dose or is it slighly different chemically? That would definitely make it Much easier.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted August 17, 2000 08:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Monster   Click Here to Email Monster     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Humalin R WAS considered a faster acting insulin, but Humalog is now the fastest. It comes in multi-use vials, too, not just pens. Its is active within 15 minutes, and completly clears your system in about an hour (as opposed to "R" and its 4 hour life).
That makes it more predictable and easier to control. Ive had plenty of times when the "R" kicked in its 4 hour peak at times when I was out and had to rush to get some carbs. This makes it WAY easier. Just hit it and be done with it.
I'll use it post workout, and take in carbs. By the time Im done showering and such, its about to hit its hour peak, and Im eating again (post work out meal) anyway, so its all good. Not to mention you shouldnt consume fats of any kind while its in your system, so therefore its only an hour of watching out...

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