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  Real Beginer

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Author Topic:   Real Beginer
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 2)
posted August 12, 2000 04:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Collegeboy   Click Here to Email Collegeboy     Edit/Delete Message
I am thinking of starting with sustanon stacked with dbol. what would you recomend me to do with these and anything else i should add. i am 6'4" 170. have worked out some through out high school, but no daily routines for about 2 years. i figure i should start out for about a month in the gym before starting any roids to make sure i don't tear anything when i first start. i have had friends tell me to work each muscle only once per week what do you think of this.

Last but not least my friend is offering me the sustanon and dbol. should i trust him or is there a reptable sorce to get stuff like this. i have thought about going to a doctor and try to talk him into prescribling it. do you think that he would do it if i tell him i am going to do it wheather he prescribes it or not. i just what to do everything right from the start. sorry to be so long winded.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 67)
posted August 12, 2000 04:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lc576   Click Here to Email lc576     Edit/Delete Message
Hold on tight, your about to get FLAMED!!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 136)
posted August 12, 2000 04:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Sight1   Click Here to Email Sight1     Edit/Delete Message
I don't want to FLAME you too much, but there are some things that need to be addressed based on your first post.

1. You have asked for information that you have not researched through the archives on this site. Your questions could already be answered.
2. You have asked for advice without giving any measurements or goals. ie height, weight, age, bulking, cutting, etc.
3. Anabolic Steroids are illegal. Doctors are more times than not going to deny you, and rip you a new asshole for asking for AS.
4. NEVER ask anyone on this board to provide you with a source. Nor should you ever post a source.
I will find a Newbie post and bump it to the top of this board for you to look into.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 136)
posted August 12, 2000 04:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Sight1   Click Here to Email Sight1     Edit/Delete Message
Look at the repost that I just submitted...


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 2)
posted August 12, 2000 05:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Collegeboy   Click Here to Email Collegeboy     Edit/Delete Message
Please flame away just please give me alittle info along the way. Everyone here was newbies once and if they can't step back and see that then they don't need to be here. sorry to be so harsh. i am a mod at a hacker site if anyone would like to watch alot of TV for free check it out www.mindbinge.com ! I apreciate any flames that can be taken to help me but please no stupid shit. Again i am just asking for help and if you would like to tell me something and don't want it posted out in the public just ask one of the mods here and i am sure they will give you my email addy.

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Still Growing
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 52)
posted August 12, 2000 06:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Still Growing     Edit/Delete Message
I just want to say one thing; If you haven't worked out for two years, you shouldn't stress the steroids yet. Don't plan to start a cycle in a month, train and see how far you can go without any gear. You can probably train longer than a month and still have good gains.
And yes, it would probably be smart to only train each body part one time a week to keep from overtraining, especially when your not using any.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 201)
posted August 12, 2000 06:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MIKAI   Click Here to Email MIKAI     Edit/Delete Message
Ok firstly whats your rough location if you are in the US A/S are illegal. If your in the UK your safe as A/S are not illegal as such one of my friends got done with enough for a 10 week cycle they gave it back to him after a little bit of a slap around the wrists.

Unfortunatly doctors and peoples views on A/S are very biast. My doctor did not like it at all he said that i did not know what im doing and gave me a lecture on it.

Also do some research before you start you dont want to do what your friend gives you. sit on this board for a while and try to find the answers to your questions also you the search engine on this site.

also check out this link some good info on the types of A/S


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 500)
posted August 12, 2000 09:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Twisted_Steel   Click Here to Email Twisted_Steel     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 754174
6'4 170, Holy balls your a a walking twig.

[This message has been edited by Twisted_Steel (edited August 12, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 324)
posted August 12, 2000 09:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigJay81   Click Here to Email BigJay81     Edit/Delete Message
Twisted Metal I think your humor is about the same as mine you beat me to this I'll catch the next one.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 269)
posted August 12, 2000 02:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for matr1x   Click Here to Email matr1x     Edit/Delete Message
Hey welcome collegeboy, I won't flame you......I need an answer to my question on the psx forum on your site if you can.
I'll only give you one peice of advice though, you need to research, research, research and know your shit before formulating a cycle and posting it and asking for opinions on it.

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