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  DEA and the internet

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Author Topic:   DEA and the internet
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 101)
posted August 10, 2000 01:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for KidRock   Click Here to Email KidRock     Edit/Delete Message
It has obviously gotten around that the DEA has been granted anything and everything to conduct ON-LINE investigations to arrest any individuals caught in participating in any illegal activity on the net. Over the past few years, the internet has become a source for many controlled substances, and it was only a matter of time before the DEA would be funded for taking action. It's very simple really. These police officers are funded to run investigations over the net. The main objective, at least at first was to police the net and catch child pornography.....etc. So over the past two years this program has been very successful. So successful that the perverted F***ks have learned what to do and not to do to get caught. So through education and media, the police have succeeded in stomping down on these scum bags. I commend the work and dedication of these officers. However, since things have slowed down, and arrests are not being made, the funding for these programs are threatened to be cut. So in order for the net-police to stay in bussiness, they have chosen to do exactly what the rest of their pathetic agencies logic leads them to do. Start waisting all of our money on boards like this. You see, there are just not enough arrests being made to keep the funding going. So although the first priority is to protect the children, you will find that within the next few years it will be their last priority because they know that the use of illegal drugs is endless, and will keep them arresting and fining individuals over pathetic non-violent crime. Thus this will add to the war that has been proclaimed on our own people, "THE WAR ON DRUGS." Keep the circle going....right? I hope there are DEA reading this right now, because what you are doing to people lives is wrong. I'd like to see you bust the *REAL* drug dealers! What you are doing now is very sad, and one day the people of the US will not put up with it. It is just a matter of time before you will learn what it is like to be treated the way you treat people. Hitlers army was just doing their "jobs" too. I hope that some of the DEA agents have some what of a brain, but as I see it, YOU DON'T! Our tax money deserves to be better spent, and since we have not even dented this war, I for one would like some say where this money is going. It sure does'nt deserve to be put in your program if this is the best you can do.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 235)
posted August 10, 2000 02:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Vanguard   Click Here to Email Vanguard     Edit/Delete Message

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john smith
Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted August 10, 2000 11:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for john smith   Click Here to Email john smith     Edit/Delete Message
Do we all realize that we spend 50 million dollars a year trying to keep drugs out of this country. Is that not a waste or what? Give any person 1 hour and they can get anything they want ( that is illegal). During prohabition the government couldn't stop the gangsters until they made alcohol legal again. When are they going to realize if they want to take the power away from the big drug dealers make it legal, but that is too simple. We have always been to taught to learn history so we won't repeat the past, but it looks to me we are. When a certain amount of uneducated people can get laws passed about something they dont know anything about. Its pathetic when st****ds are categorized with recreation drugs. When even the fda says its doesn't belong in the same category. The fda says there is no evidence of physical or mental addiction, like cocaine or heroine, but ster**ds are categorized with such drugs. Old men in washington thought its not ethical or moral for people to use such drugs because we would blow away their old football records or something. I know this is just one person talking about how he feels, and means nothing to solve the problem. I just read the post and felt like B*tching.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 505)
posted August 11, 2000 12:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahmer   Click Here to Email dahmer     Edit/Delete Message
bump this up!!!
It is obvious that "big brother is watching" Don't be stupid people. No source posting!!! No asking for sources. And if anyone e-mails you about a source, delete it!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 22)
posted August 11, 2000 03:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for fistfullofsteel   Click Here to Email fistfullofsteel     Edit/Delete Message
Brothers, stay united. United we stand, divided we fall. One day we will end this hypocrisy. If you don't think there is no hypocrisy then what the hell is G.W. Bush doing running for president. I do believe he was a cocaine user. Not pot, not a.s., but cocaine.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 235)
posted August 11, 2000 09:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Vanguard   Click Here to Email Vanguard     Edit/Delete Message


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 235)
posted August 11, 2000 09:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Vanguard   Click Here to Email Vanguard     Edit/Delete Message

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 372)
posted August 11, 2000 10:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Yoda   Click Here to Email Yoda     Edit/Delete Message
Have faith Bros, when Jesse "The Body" Ventura runs for President and wins we'll then we will have an ex AS user in the the White House and I'm sure he'll see things our way, hahahaha!!!!!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 236)
posted August 11, 2000 09:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for xrciseink     Edit/Delete Message
It is very mysterious how laws are passed in the US. I agree with the fact that steroids were put in the same classifications as cocaine and other recreational drugs because of jealousy. I truely believe that. When is the last time a group of teenagers said, "I just got 100 Dbol tabs dude, let's party tonight on them!" Tell that to any drug user or non-educated know it all who tries to say roids are the same as cocaine, heroin, etc.....I said it once and I will say it again...THE DEA and FDA in this country is a joke! Write your congressman, it can't hurt.....show the evidence, most steroid users who don't smoke or eat like the average Joe will outlive the average JOE!! Your hear that you FDA/DEA officers!! Thats a fact JACK! By the way....WE HAVE BEEN GIVING COLOMBIA 1 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR TO FIGHT THE DRUG WAR....the other number mentioned above is the money we have spent here (Domestically) thats some serious investing by the Clinton administration to keep the circle of the WAR ON DRUGS going.......keep speaking out! It is our right to do so....things will change. Don't vote for the CLINTON party either...they are VERY corrupt! GOD BLESS THE U.S.A. we need him.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 109)
posted August 12, 2000 01:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for NYJuicer   Click Here to Email NYJuicer     Edit/Delete Message
bump.. everybody should read this

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 212)
posted August 12, 2000 02:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ChefRski   Click Here to Email ChefRski     Edit/Delete Message
Good Post Bro.


**Can you smell what the Chef is Cooking?**

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 26)
posted August 12, 2000 02:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for turbo   Click Here to Email turbo     Edit/Delete Message
This is why I come here...Intelligent, intellectual threads dealing w/ issues that concern and interest me are the reason I choose to spend atleast 1 hour almost every night reading (and contributing to, when I can) this board. This topic worries me greatly, if not scares me a bit. This country was born w/ the idea of limited government power, a system of checks and balances, and elected officials who should rally for the people who elected him/her. This system is evolving...not to a better, citizen-ruled coordination, but to a structure of substantial government size and power. It is a shame that the desire for increased performance and physical prowess, supplemented w/ performance enhancing substances is illegal in this country. It's a bigger shame that there are agents patrolling for these performance seeking individuals, who, as said above, are not engaging in any violent or vicious activity... only seeking their personal best. It is a shame...and I'm sorry for us all.....Just thought I'd let you fellas know what thought about this lovely tid-bit of communisim.

Peace be to God


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 337)
posted August 12, 2000 02:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigJay81   Click Here to Email BigJay81     Edit/Delete Message
Bump read this post

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 73)
posted August 12, 2000 03:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lc576   Click Here to Email lc576     Edit/Delete Message
Do you all really believe that there are DEA agents covertly surfing the net looking to surreptitiouly induce into a buy/bust.

It's meth, cocaine and heroin they are after. Sure, if you are a major supplier I am sure it's not just the DEA that would be interested in meeting. For those of you who are using for personal enhancement I really doubt you would ever have anything to worry about.

Trust me, DEA agents are in bed right now sleeping, not surfing the net to nab a group of guys that want to build a little muscle.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 337)
posted August 12, 2000 03:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigJay81   Click Here to Email BigJay81     Edit/Delete Message
Sure I have known many who have been nabbed for personel use either via-internet, or just dumb luck. Yes they do care its thier job if they catch one person it makes them look good. How else do you think they ge to the big dealers. By useing a person they have nabbed for pesonal use and making them a bargin to get off free for info.

Lift Until You Die.......

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T Bone
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 96)
posted August 12, 2000 07:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for T Bone     Edit/Delete Message
Your reply to this post makes me curious. Interesting downplay.

T Bone

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 646)
posted August 12, 2000 07:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Vitaman   Click Here to Email Vitaman     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 77744808
Where does it all end?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 236)
posted August 12, 2000 12:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for xrciseink     Edit/Delete Message
Ic576....you are wrong....way off bud. No flaming intended. BigJ....or whoever posted that the DEA busts the small guys to get the big guys....you are also wrong. They never go up the ladder. They go down the ladder. They bust "joe" the street dealer with drugs and than "joe" turns in everyone he is selling to. Not who is selling to him. If he were to turn the guy above him in, eventually he will be murdered by that guy. So do the police care? Hell no, they just want arrests to make themselves look good, get promotions, and keep the funding going. Like KidRock said, it's a continuous circle they have been doing for 30 years with all the success they want. To make continuous money. Arresting drug users and small time dealers in the US guarantees a business for the government.....people need to know we are giving Colombia 1 BILLION dollars a year. Where is the Clintons administrations logic? Their past reputation, (COLOMBIA), gives us no reason to do this. IT IS A CONSPIRACY TO MAKE MONEY, NO MORE. I hate to say that because I love the USA, but it is the truth....just do some research. There is 30 years worth of cases to see. It's all there.....WE NEED TO STOP IT.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 478)
posted August 12, 2000 04:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for charlie   Click Here to Email charlie     Edit/Delete Message
TBONE im with you.

***** K A R M A *****
For every ACTION there is a REACTION !

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 15)
posted August 12, 2000 04:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tries6   Click Here to Email tries6     Edit/Delete Message

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 73)
posted August 12, 2000 06:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lc576   Click Here to Email lc576     Edit/Delete Message
T-bone, let me ease your mind, I am a cop and have never hid it from anyone on this board. I have been bodybuilding for 20 years and come to this board for that reason.

I have always been natural but have an intrest in AS even though I can't use. I am not out to get any of you and i don't engage any of you in conversation about AS. Usually on the training board, supplements and chat. I can't speak for the federals but I can tell you in my ten years in law enforcement never has Anabolic Steroids been a target of any drug unit or operation I have ever been involved in.

It has been my experience when an arrest takes place it is by accident. For example, cop makes a traffic stop, get consent to search and happens upon the gear.

If the feds are targeting Anabolic Steroids it would be the major oversea suppliers summugling the durgs into the United States.
And those receiving these shipments. Of course if you happen to fall some where in the middle of these events you might feel some heat. But to say this board is being targeted by covert federal agents, I just don't think so.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 119)
posted August 12, 2000 06:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jarabbit   Click Here to Email jarabbit     Edit/Delete Message

You know what is scary is the fact they are class 3 scheduled drugs. They shouldn't be there with the others and I'm sure we would all agree. They don't punish you the same way as the other class 3 drugs such as narcotics right?

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T Bone
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 96)
posted August 12, 2000 09:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for T Bone     Edit/Delete Message
I'd like top refer you to a post by BPP (mod) on this subject. Looks to me like the DEA has intrests in this area.

T Bone

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 101)
posted August 13, 2000 07:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for KidRock   Click Here to Email KidRock     Edit/Delete Message
Show him whats up Tbone. IC, come on...your really a cop and you are this naieve? It just makes no sense to me why we have 3X as many people incarcerated than anywhere else on the planet. A lot of these people are in prison because of weed! Want a soloution? Don't change any laws, just reclassify certain drugs. IE: Steroids and marijuana. There is no way steroids are like cocaine and heroin, and marijuana is no worse than beer or tobacco. Quit giving Colombia 1 billion dollars a year and use that money on treatment programs, and take the other 50 million and use it to enforce certain laws. LIKE D.W.I., etc. It's not going to fix it, but it is a start. After what Phiilip Morris and the tobacco companies did, there is no reason that if we allow alcohol and cigarettes to be legal that anyone should ever be locked away for marijuana.....the penalties that are in place currently for certain drugs are no better than what hitler did to some of the jews. Yes, it is unfair to compare that, but when someone you know goes to jail for saling weed and comes out so f***ed up that the system creates a cold hearted future violent criminal, you can imagine my opinion towards the penalties of certain drugs. Just my opinion...things need to change. It's simple, stop waisting our money, and start reclassifying penalties for certain drugs. In other-words STOP USING KINGPIN AND CONSPIRACY LAWS ON PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT KINGPINS! Just for the record I hate weed, I think it makes you lazy and dumb. Is it my right to tell someone what to do if it is not harming me....no! Just don't smoke around me! I hate cigarettes and alcohol too, but I keep the same opinion. I'm very young, in my twenties,....this is how I see it. How can we as a generation respect the government after everything we have grown up to see by the example YOU have set! THINGS JUST HAVE TO CHANGE!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 73)
posted August 13, 2000 08:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lc576   Click Here to Email lc576     Edit/Delete Message
Trust me, naive is one thing I am not. It is what you don't know that fuels your fear of the goverment and law enforcement. You probably have no idea what or how law enforcement operates or what your rights are. If you only knew your rights, you would never fear an encounter with law enforcement.

If you only knew how slammed we are with trying to keep the wraps on drugs like meth and cocaine you would realize there is not much left over to allocate towards other, less harmful drugs such as AS. Throw in murder, arm robbery, rape and a whole host of property crimes, you would truly see how slammed we are.

The best thing I could tell you and everyone else on this board is learn your 4th and 5th amendment rights. Not just what they same, but case law that defines their scope. Knowledge will set you free!!!!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 101)
posted August 13, 2000 11:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for KidRock   Click Here to Email KidRock     Edit/Delete Message
I can respect that. Things still need to change. Later...

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