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  DNP experts

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Author Topic:   DNP experts
(Total posts: 482)
posted August 09, 2000 10:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigPapaPump   Click Here to Email BigPapaPump     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 39254017
OK...time for you guys to educate me. I have to this point stayed away from DNP. Clen is no longer effective and I want something different.

Give me the straight up pro's and con's. No theory's. I'd like to hit a test run after this cycle to see how I'll do preparing for a show. I need some dosage info and alot of do's and dont's. I've slacked off lately and have dropped down to mid 220's. Use that as your example. Mail me if you need more info, or better yet just post it up, I can't be the only need to know.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 97)
posted August 09, 2000 10:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Zeacky   Click Here to Email Zeacky     Edit/Delete Message
There is someting called a "search engine".

USE IT!!!!!!

These newbies never learn! Hehe

***Delete this post before someone catches wind of this!***

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 97)
posted August 10, 2000 12:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Zeacky   Click Here to Email Zeacky     Edit/Delete Message
"Papa need's some help guys."

"Give him granpa's old cough medicine" hehe


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 17)
posted August 10, 2000 02:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kakdiesel   Click Here to Email Kakdiesel     Edit/Delete Message
I've gone through TWO cycles of DNP (8days on 8 days off is one cycle) at 400 mg a day

Pros: Insulin production is basically nil. A good thing, for fat burning where insulin is not present even with the consumption of carbs. Unbelievable fat burning (50% increase in bmr)

Cons: Extreme body heat, constant sweating, heavy sweating during sleep, insulin production is basically nil. A bad thing because energy is low, muscle glycogen is low, and over all feeling of tiredness/lethargy because of it.

Here's what I did and got great results:
Cut my calories by 500, ate an ISO caloric diet with fats coming from EFA's (for an even greater thermic effect) and only complex carbs (quick digesting sugars will quickly be thrown off as heat from the body..after a meal of simple sugars, about half an hour you are sweating even more!)I did light cardio every morning for 30 mins (walking 3mph)
Weights during the first 8 days of being on DNP was split into three days:

Chest, Shoulders
Back, Legs
Arms, Abs

With 6 sets per body part, and concentrating on basic movements (bench, squat, rows, deadlift)and for arms only two exercises for the biceps and two exercises for the triceps.
Do the workouts earlier in the week when you arent as tired--trust me as the week goes on you'll get more tired and more tired.
Now on the 8 day off DNP week, do the same workouts on the first three days and watch for the next fews days as sub q water leaves, and you achieve glycogen supercompensation..it works trust me. The great thing about DNP is that training is very minimal and fat burning is really maximal even when doing no cardio. Hope this helps and if you have any more questions post on here or email me privately


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 207)
posted August 10, 2000 02:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for bigrand   Click Here to Email bigrand     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 81338456
Got good results doing 600mg day one to get it in the system, then going 400mg/day for another 7-9 days. I found i diddnt even need the mass amounts of water i thought. The only sides i got were increased sweating, not a hell of a lot, and uncomfortability due to feeling hella hot. I did take all apropriate supps, as well as several aminos at high quantities and some MD6. My third experience with DNP, i got a severe allergic reaction which doesnt happen often. I guess i was on e of the lucky ones.

If you have any questions, feel free to mail me. Ozzy, Puc, and a few others (sorry if i forget names) can also help.

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the truth
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 678)
posted August 10, 2000 03:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for the truth   Click Here to Email the truth     Edit/Delete Message
My girlfriend did her first week at 200 mg/day, just to see how she would react to DNP. Then she took a week off and started taking 400/day the following week. She got quite warm, but otherwise felt OK, and lost about 4 lbs. Now she's going to take t-3 for a week, break for a week, and go back on the DNP for another week at 400 mg/day. She is not training at all during this cycle, but she already has a good muscular base from training. She'll resume training after her DNP cycle, and she's mulling over going on primo @ 50 mg/wk for a cycle.

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Luca Brasi
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 361)
posted August 10, 2000 04:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Luca Brasi   Click Here to Email Luca Brasi     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 68955173
email me with any questions you might have.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 316)
posted August 10, 2000 07:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Parabellum   Click Here to Email Parabellum     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 78471720
I did one cycle of DNP @400mg a day for 7 days. It worked great. I lost about 8 lbs.

I waited a week and tried to start again.
I took 200mg at night and I woke up with these tiny red dots all over my body. I had to stop the DNP and take benadryl.

I tried again a week later this time it was even worse. I hit the Benadryl and stayed off ever since.


Born to fight, Trained to kill, Ready to Die, But never will!

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Doc Ponch
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 109)
posted August 10, 2000 04:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Doc Ponch   Click Here to Email Doc Ponch     Edit/Delete Message
BPP, I've done a few prolonged cycles of DNP, with very mixed results.

I've done three cycles, each lasting between 2-4 weeks, using between 200 and 400+ mg/day (wet powder). MP is a proponent of longer, lower dosage cycles and Dan Duchaine mentioned this type of regime also, so I thought I'd try it this way. My first cycle was 4 weeks, starting at 200 mg/day and increasing to 300, then 400+ by the middle of week two. I ate pretty much an iso-caloric diet, 2200-2500 calories/day (approx). After a week off, my fat loss for this cycle was minimal. I stayed off another two weeks, then did two 2-week cycles at 400+ mg/day, with a two week break in between. This time, I stayed ketogenic during the cycles, with one or two carb days during the week end. I thought that maybe my carb intake was too high the first go round, as I have a very tough time getting lean with carbs in my diet. Obviously, the carb up effect on the weekends during these cycles was minimal, but I wanted to try to keep my metabolism off balance. I did notice that the sweating was greatly reduced during ketosis.

After all these cycles and almost a whole ounce of DNP, my scale weight decreased very little, maybe 2-4 lbs. I know I lost fat, maybe 10lbs all together, but my results were not as dramatic as I had hoped for and differed from what I had read from others. I had all the typical sides, sweating, especially at night, an elevated heart rate (70-80 bpm lying in bed watching tv!), difficulty sleeping through the night, lethargic feeling, etc. I've been off DNP for about three weeks now and I'm definitely leaner, but I don't know how much the DNP really helped. Over the last month or so, I've heard similar stories from others, so I'm not the only one who's had less than spectacular results from DNP.

I say, try it for a couple 7 or 8 day cycles and see what happens. Start at a low dosage, maybe 300/mg day, especially if the powder's been dryed and capped, and see what happens after 3 or 4 days. If no problems, up it 400, 500, or 600 mg/day for a few days and see what happens and choose your preferred dosage based on how bad the sides are at the respective dosage. I think that's the trade off. How uncomfortable do you want to feel vs. how fast do you want the fat to come off. I don't think this stuff will kill you if used correctly (and judiciously), but I don't think it works great for everyone. If you want more details, e-mail me.

The Doctor

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 476)
posted August 10, 2000 04:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigCatratcho   Click Here to Email BigCatratcho     Edit/Delete Message
I like DNP. It was a little tricky for me to get it configured to my system, but here's the short version (read, no facts backed up with numbers as I would have to dig 'em up)

5'9" 220

two cycles, 8 days each:
first run, I went low calorie, low carb (about 2000-2200 cals) by day four my temp went down to normal, and I started to add some t-3 to get my temp back up to near 99 degrees.
results: lost three or so pounds of muscle, six pounds of fat (I have the actual numbers, but not with me) Also, the weight came off about a pound or two a day, not a big drop on the last days, as I've read.

folks told me to eat lots of carbs, especially simple ones. That didn't make intuitive sense, but the added carb idea did, as perhaps you don't want to deplete your t-3/insulin levels too rapidly.

I ate pretty normal 40%protein, 40% protein, 20% fat kept the cals up around 2700 and I lost two pounds of muscle and eight pounds of fat. This time I lost some weight in the first few days, then leveled off until about day ten or eleven I lost a bunch of water.

FINAL ADVICE: Eat your BMR calories, have some ECA in order to get through your workouts (I read my journal entries just recently and saw entries like: "really fukin tired today" feels like a zombie no carb diet (which essentially it is). It builds up in your system, so on day five you have about 600mgs of DNP in you (8 day/300mgs a day)

1. You will sweat at night you will sweat in the day.
2. wash often
3. change your sheets
4. Take it in the morning, it seems to make the night sweats better
Oh, yeah, it helped that an unusual cold front came through my area during my cycles.
email me "wif any questions"


"tank tops are for medium sized guys..."

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 476)
posted August 10, 2000 05:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigCatratcho   Click Here to Email BigCatratcho     Edit/Delete Message
on my above post:

the ENTIRE cycle was fourteen days, including the period of the DNP leaving the body.

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Anabolic Man
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 9)
posted August 10, 2000 06:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Anabolic Man   Click Here to Email Anabolic Man     Edit/Delete Message

Dude, did four caps a day (800mg) and felt
like shit!!! I sweated all day and all fucking night and felt sick to my stomach!!!
I felt like a chemo patient with no fucking
appetite!!! I did drink 200 ounces of water
a day and took all of the supps and T-3. I did this four 30 days. I started each week by
upping the dosage, first at 200mg a day for week one, and then another cap for each following week finishing at four caps a day
during week four. I do not think that I will allow myself to get so fat that I ever have
to drop bodyfat like that again! Guys, stay
lean and for Heaven's sake, if you are going to go on a bulk cycle, make sure it is a clean one! It is so hard to get fat when you are only eating tons of clean calories! Peace!


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