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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 369)
posted August 09, 2000 03:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JUICESEEKER   Click Here to Email JUICESEEKER     Edit/Delete Message


Ric Drasin, personal trainer to the stars and former WWF Pro-Wrestler ("The
Equalizer"), has been involved in bodybuilding and personal training for more than 30
years. In the 70's, Ric trained with Arnold Schwarzenegger and many other bodybuilding
legends. Each month, he'll share his opinions and experiences about serious

Bodybuilding vs. Pro-Wrestling

Supplements vs. Roids: The Real Truth About What Works & What Doesn't

Men - Train with a Lady for Better Results!

Should Trainers Pay Gym Fees?

Steroids: One Man's True Story

Selecting a Personal Trainer

Gyms and the Celebrities That Go to Them

Over training

Back Stabbing at the Indy Promotions

Is Wrestling Fake?

Training with my Son

By Ric Drasin 'The Equalizer'

Every time I step foot out the door, I am approached by someone who say's, "you're a Wrestler aren't you"? Kid's run
up for autographs as do Adults and the older generation for their kids. It's fun and I enjoy giving them out. But to get to
that point in Wrestling took many years of hard work, hard training and a numerous amount of pain.

Let's turn back a few pages when I began. I was 21 and had been competing in Bodybuilding for a few years and
winning a few local titles including Mr. California.
Yeah I was a good looking sun tanned guy with blonde curly hair and an abundance of girls calling me. My Dad in the
early years would take me to Wrestling Matches every Thursday night without fail. I was intrigued by it. I wondered if
maybe someday I'd enjoy doing that also. Well as I was training on a Thursday at the local YMCA, a few of the
Wrestlers came to town to workout before their match. We started talking in the weight room about the business and I
told them that I'd be interested in getting into it.
They told me to come on down to the Olympic Auditorium in Los Angeles and talk to the booking office as someone
there could possibly train me.

I was living in Bakersfield about 108 miles away from there but decided to make the trip and find out.
I went in on a Monday morning and into the auditorium where 14000 seats were vacant and you could smell the
cleaning solution of the workers mopping the aisles. What a pungent odor! I went upstairs and walked into the office
and there sat 4 men behind a desk, 3 of them top wrestlers who were making up schedules for that week. I kind of
stuttered and told them that I was inquiring about becoming a wrestler. They asked a few questions and told me to
take off my shirt to see if I had a body that could handle it. Well, I blew them away as I was very muscular and most
wrestlers then were fat old men. They took me into another room where as small ring was set up and introduced me
to Women's World Champ. Johnnie Mae Young. I'd seen her wrestle. She was a tough old gal who could really kick
ass. We talked and she took me into the ring and showed me some stuff. I ended up with mat burns and pretty sore.

She asked, so, "do you want to come back tomorrow for more"? I agreed. She said that she felt that she could make
some money with me because of my looks and would proceed to train me for the next 6 months 5 days a week.

I drove back and forth every day for the 5 days a week and then came back and trained in the gym with weights. It was
hard. She had 6 other guys that trained with us and two girls. Most of them dropped out. I stuck with it as I knew that I
could handle the abuse. She taught me every style possible, including Mexican style which means you work to the
right side instead of the left. Women had to work harder than men in order to prove themselves and get over with the
crowd. So I had to learn to work women's style also which is tons of holds and a lot of bumps!!

That was ok, as it made me a better wrestler. She booked me on my first match with
Buddy Killer Austin. I'd seen this guy work too, and scared the hell out of me. He was a
Huge blonde guy with a big stomach (hard as a rock) huge hands and a Killer face! He came into the training room
and locked up with me to show me a few things. He locked up so hard that I saw stars. I thought, this is it, I'm gonna

Anyway we started our match that Wed night for TV and worked about 5 min in the ring and he beat me with a 'pile
driver'. It was a real experience and I loved it. It was the most fun that I'd ever had and couldn't wait till the next match.
He was great to work with and showed me a lot. From that point, I started working 5 nights a week with different
wrestlers every night. They booked me with World Champions to just everyday wrestlers. Each had their own style
and I learned from all of them.
I took a lot of ribbing at first as I was the only one that was a Bodybuilder and there was some jealously. But they got
over it when I proved myself to them.

From there I worked all over the US in different territories. Canada, the South, Montreal, Hawaii, Alaska, Minnesota, etc.
The south was different as the 'red necks' gave me a hard time being from LA or 'Hollywood' as they said.. They
wanted to stretch me out in the ring, but after a week of giving it back to them, they accepted me and everything was
cool. I was a Jr. Heavyweight Champion and also Heavyweight Champion for CCW.

Now 34 years later, I'm still wrestling at 55 and training people for wrestling. I've done numerous TV commercials and
films where a Wrestler was needed. I paid my dues over the years and have wrestled for as low as $15.00. Most
wrestlers know, it's a labor of love. Pay scales have gone up and down over the 34 years. Some guys work for free
just to be seen.

I have my own Federation, AWF, American Wrestling Federation and run shows as fund raisers for schools. This
gives new guys a chance to work and learn the business before they decide to move on to WWF or WCW.
Now getting into that WWF & WCW is another story.

I worked for WWF, WCW, AWA, NWA, CCW, etc over the years and this is when they had territories which means
that they ran local cities every night. Now it's major cities all over the place 300 days a year. Things have changed
immensely. You can't work small towns through them now. Not enough money for them. However there are literally
hundreds of wrestlers not working because of this. It put the small promotions out of business for a while. Now that it's
so popular, smaller groups are forming and running shows and doing well.
Now wrestling is full of guys with great bodies. Everyone works out and everyone is in shape. If not, they won't even
look at you. Many wrestlers come from generations of wrestlers. Grandfather, father, son, etc. My son is now getting
into it and working with me.
AS I said, I get approached constantly and constantly by bodybuilders who want to become wrestlers. They feel since
they are huge, and can pose, they can wrestle. Maybe some can but most can't. I've worked with many here in Los
Angeles, that are 1/2 my age.
They can't last 3 min in the ring without sucking air. I can go at least 20 to 30 min. It takes another type of conditioning.
Most aren't willing to sacrifice size to get there.

Good chance of injury and maybe no training for a few weeks. No bodybuilder likes that. Neither do I, but it happens.
Here's the thing. You have to be dedicated and know this is what you want. Train in the gym and train in the ring. Find
someone good to work with you and show you everything about wrestling from the ground up. Too many guys try to
get by with a 'Clothesline, Moonsalt, Frankenstein, Pile driver and when it comes time to do wrestling holds, they're
lost. I told a guy who was a body builder as we had a match together and he was nervous as hell. Lets do about 7 min
of wrestling holds and then some high spots off the ropes.
He told me as we were in the ring, 'But, I don't know any holds'! What??? No one taught him.
What a shame, this is about wrestling , not running around the ring posing. You need to learn basics, just as basic
weight training before you go off on fancy stuff. You need at least 6 months of ring training everyday. Learn everything.
Video tape it, watch yourself and try to improve. Work on ring presence, persona, but back it up with fire and wrestling
holds. It's a lot different than bodybuilding. You're not a STAR until you prove you are and there are always smaller and
of course (bigger) guys that'll take you down and make you look foolish in a second. IN fact they do it just to prove it.
Once you've trained and have done some small shows then you can apply to WWF and WCW to see if they'll take a
look at you. This sometimes takes a year to get around to seeing you. But you better be prepared. They'll run you
through some matches, give you a mic and let you talk. They'll criticize you and 'Maybe' give you a development
Maybe!. If you get it, they'll work with you and then give you dark matches. Those are the ones they run off TV before
the TV show starts. No one sees them, just in case they stink. I have a friend that's been doing them for 3 years for
WWF. No one knows who he is yet as thy won't put him on TV. He's huge and could win any contest, but that doesn't
mean anything to the promoter,
Unless he feels that he can make money with you. Also there is a huge clique involved. It's just like High Schools' in'
group. IF you hang with them and play their game, they might accept you. They are the ones that give you the push. If
they have anything against you, forget it. you'll get no where. Pro wrestling is the hottest thing on TV, but it's gone
beyond what wrestling had started out to be.
At some point this'll change and they'll contain it back to the ring again. Wrestling is an art form
and takes great skill to learn and execute. Going outside the ring to the dressing room or parking lot using cars,
bulldozers, etc for the show doesn't take skill. Taking risks in the ring and endangering you're opponent also doesn't'
take skill, it takes stupidity. Therefore to become a wrestler you must use your brain not just brawn. You're in there to
do a show and work with your associates and not hurt them. They have to make a living just as you do and be able to
work without serious injury. It's one thing to take chances on yourself, but to endanger someone else when you haven't
worked on your moves is just plain ignorant. Bodybuilding is one art form and Wrestling is another. They can go hand
in hand if you have the proper training and at that point you can be as successful as the 'Pencil" (being the promoter
and office) will allow you to be. Only a handful make big money out of it and even at that, it's for a limited time. Your
body can't take that abuse for too many years. Keep in mind that you have to invest your money and have other
alternatives when it's over. Nothing lasts forever. If done right and you promote yourself right with a good 'character',
then you can use that to open other doors as I have. Acting, commercials, films, personal appearances, birthday
parties, events, public service are just a few ways to get yourself out there. People begin to recognize you as a
'Wrestler/Personality' and you can build it into something else and develop a business out of it, just as you have done
to develop your body. If this is you aspiration, then I wish you the best of luck. Just remember what I have said and
think positive. It can work if you want it to. This is just a guide line to follow.
Yours in Wrestling:
Ric Drasin 'The Equalizer'

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The Real Truth About What Works & What Doesn't

I may be opening a can of worms, but I must be honest. I have tried almost every steroid out there starting in the early
60's through the early 90's. Yes, they can be dangerous, but remember, back in the 60's they weren't illegal and you
could get them from most doctors.

I was about 19 and wanted to increase my lifts and put on more muscle. I remember I started with Dianabol. In those
days, that was about the only thing available. It was a little blue pill that cost $7.00 for 100. I took 1 a day and upped it to
maybe 2, and it took exactly 2 1/2 weeks before I noticed anything at all and then all of a sudden, I exploded overnight.
My pump was tremendous and my strength skyrocketed. I felt pumped all day long every day.

When I went off the roids, I noticed a decrease in weight of about 4 lbs. Mostly water. I felt great, strong, alive and thick.
I also tried Winstrol which is a little bit more anabolic. This worked well also, but more on the cutting side. I got hard
and I noticed my skin was like silk. Probably the best skin texture that I ever had. I used these two anabolics off and on
for quite a few years as they were readily available.

Through the years other anabolics came on to the scene - more sophisticated drugs from Europe. I tried most of
them. Got most of them from Arnold Schwarzenegger. The Primobolan from Germany was the best. I got even bigger
and stronger, especially when combined with Dianabol. I had physicals all the time and never had side effects. True,
they can do damage if abused, but I believe the key is moderation - with anything!

Supplements back then in the 60's and 70's were limited to protein (milk and egg), soy and liver tablets. That was
about it. The protein caused constipation and the liver tablets gave you so much gas that it was embarrassing to go
out on a date! But supplements have come a long way. I found a great protein through Matrix Mass Systems and this
isn't a plug. The stuff is good and it works. It really helps my muscles grow.

Here's the supplement program I follow:

PROTEIN: 3 times a day.

CREATINE: Before and after a workout. This really gives me the extra energy and stamina to train, and it helps
with recuperation. It has increased my muscle mass and cut body fat. I love it and will stay on it forever.

VANADYL SULFATE: I take this with every meal to push glycogen through the muscle. This also hardens me up
and cuts fat. It's definitely a must.

ANDROSTENE or DHEA: Pretty similar, but I think the Androstene is better. This increases testosterone in the
body naturally and feels like a steroid.

STACKERS 2: Speeds up my metabolic rate and lets me jam through a workout and not get tired. Burns a lot of
body fat.

As I said, I got these from Matrix. They have the best quality supplement that I have found on the market. No B.S. They
work and the price is right. You can ask my wife - I'm cheap when it comes to spending money and I feel these are
worth it.

So what's better steroids or supplements? Well, I think steroids work better. But they are illegal. You can't get them
and if you do, who's to say that they are real? They are also extremely expensive. So try what I have done with the
supplements above. They are the next best thing and will give you amazing results. Train hard (but don't overtrain) and
eat right and you will definitely see results.

For questions on supplements and roids, e-mail Ric at [email protected].

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Who doesn't appreciate a good firm body on a woman? I don't like to see flabby, out of shape bodies on women who
think that all they have to do is have their hair and nails done and slap on a half pound of makeup. A woman who takes
care of herself with weight training will develop a healthy pride in her body, rather than just vanity.

In the 60's and 70's you'd never find a woman in the gym with the guys. They would rather go to a spa because most
gyms were "hard core" and filled with men. At Gold's Gym in Venice, Calif., there were a few exceptions. They had
maybe 2 or 3 women training there, and they typically looked like drill sergeants. But as time went by, more
feminine-looking women started coming in with their boyfriends and husbands. It was becoming more accepted.

Today, gyms are a lot like single's bars - the place where a lot of relationships start. What better place? Gyms are not
smokey and there's no alcohol to hide behind. There's just natural sweat and endorphins.

Women in the gym can be an advantage to men - giving them the opportunity not only to meet new women, but also to
train better. Men are often more aware of how they are training and, subconsciously or not, they may train harder. No
man wants to look bad in the eyes of a lady, right?

My wife, Randi, has been very beneficial in my workouts. We trained together everyday for years. I would push her and
she would push me. She had no knowledge of weight training when we started - she was maybe 98 lbs. Great body -
but she needed about 10 lbs on her. I trained heavy and hard and she trained lighter, but with the same workout. I
continued to gain size and she re-shaped her body.

So the bottom line for men is this: get your girlfriend, wife, or female friend interested in training with you. You'll both
train harder and enjoy the workout more. And if you're committed, you can keep each other on a good diet, too. One
hand washes the other. And if you meet someone in the gym - who knows? - you might end up marrying her. I did!

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Attention: Personal Trainers who pay gym fees to train clients...

Over the past year several gyms have been charging Personal Trainers a monthly fee or a percentage of their income
for training their clients in the gym. This is the most absurd thing that I have ever heard of. It's no secret that gym
owners are a different breed of people. Most gym owners that I have met through the years become senile at a very
young age.

They are extremely tight when it comes to spending money to improve the gym or stock it with clothes and
supplements. I have sold many items, such as bodywear, all over the world and in large orders. But when it came to
gym owners in the US, they would order maybe 6 shirts. Most of them are extremely greedy and if you are the least bit
successful, they want their part of it. They also assume that they know more than anyone since they are a "Gym
Owner." It takes more than selling memberships to become an expert at training.

Now here's my theory. If I had my own gym, I would welcome trainers and for every client that they brought to the gym,
I would extend their membership (1 month or 3 months). After all, trainers bring members ($$$) to the gym. In turn,
those members buy supplements, clothes and bring in more members. Trainers are walking billboards for gyms and
health clubs.

What more could a gym owner hope for? He has FREE salespeople to which he doesn't have to give a dime, just a
few months membership. I'm told that Gold's in Venice, CA is now charging $280 per month for trainers to train clients.
Isn't this a little strange to pay twice for membership, since you also have to be a member to train there. So you pay
membership, then pay an additional $280 a month to train another person.

What if that person is a training partner? How will they know the difference? I'm told that they have spies on the floor.
This is ridiculous. I was even questioned because I was working out with my son who is a member.

I think that it's time for trainers to take a stand against gym owners. Without you, their memberships will drop. If this
comes up in your area, show them this article. This is logic. This way everyone is happy. Show the owners the
possibilities of membership growth by giving trainers the incentive. It could be a free month, bottle of aminos,
protein, clothes, etc. It doesn't matter. I just wanted to put this in perspective and I'm sure you will agree.

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Don't take steroids! Steroids kill. They cause cancer, make your hair fall out, cause 'roid rage, make your chin grow,
and more. Some of these claims are somewhat true. But in the hands of the media, steroids have been branded as
the devil's evil drug.

Steroids were first used to heal wounded soldiers in World War II for their ability to regenerate damaged tissue.
Steroids also fought disease, added recovery strength and gave a mental boost to the injured. I remember reading in
the early 60's about Bill Pearle, Mr. Universe. Bill was way ahead of the competition. He was awesome and word on
the street was he was using steroids -- dianabol, to be specific. Steroids were legal at the time, requiring only a
doctor's prescription and a good reason to ask for them. I had the same good reason and when I was 19 or 20, I got a
prescription for dianabol. I started slowly, taking 2 per day, a total of 10mg. Within 2 weeks, I increased in strength and
built a muscle thickness that I had never been able to achieve. What a pump! I thought my skin would rip open
whenever I flexed. My appetite increased along with my libido. I felt great, in fact, never better.

I used them for about 2 months before tapering off. About 1 month later, I dropped 4 pounds, but retained at least 10
pounds. I was ahead of where I was before I started using steroids. I had also increased my metabolism and cut body
fat, which made me feel and look much, much harder. In those days, a bodybuilder's diet was meat, cheese and milk.
We didn't know about carbs or fats, only that our muscles needed protein, but I still had fantastic abs.

As other steroids became available, such as winstrol 2mg, I tried them, too. They were more of a "cutting" drug. They
made me very muscular and my skin became silky smooth. It wasn't until I moved to Los Angeles and Venice, CA that
I was introduced to more advanced, injectable steroids, such as Primo Bolan Depot from Germany. This was injected
weekly in conjunction with dianabol. Guess who really loved this combination -- Arnold Schwarzenegger! In fact, he
and Franco gave me the injections! This combo was superb and helped Arnold win Mr. Olympia. Surprised? Don't be.
Everyone at Gold's Gym in the 70's was taking this combination. Everything was easy to get and really cheap.

In the 80's, technology advanced beyond steroids to human growth hormones. I tried them, too. I ignored the
recommendation to increase caloric intake to 7,000 a day, so they ripped me up to where I had veins popping on top of
veins. In only 10 days, my incline press jumped from 90 to 150 pounds using dumbbells. Today, chemical technology
has become so sophisticated that you need a chemistry degree to know what to take and that's what the Olympia
competitors are studying. These guys spend over $50,000 a year just to compete. Honestly, I believe that if you are
going to compete at that level, then you need to take them. It will never change. No drug-free competitor will ever be
able to measure up against someone who is on the juice and no one will ever achieve such muscularity without drugs
unless he is a genetic freak of nature. Football great Lyle Alzado was said to have died from steroid abuse. Lyle trained
at Venice Gold's Gym, and from what I understand, he spent a fortune on street drugs and eventually died of AIDS.
From his frail, gaunt, balding looks at the end, I would say so, too.

Steroids can make your hair fall out. An overload of testosterone can block hair growth. Big muscles -- bald head. I
don't care. I prefer a bald head. Steroids are now considered a class III drug and are illegal. The government wants to
limit and control our muscle size. Roid rage? Sure, an overdose of hormone can change your mood. So do birth
control pills. And PMS -- what's the difference? Be aware of your mood swings. Roid rage can be controlled.

Doctors now prescribe testosterone for men over 40 to compensate for the body's failure to produce it, which causes
hair loss, aging and loss of sex drive. Research in older men shows that test therapy reverses these problems.
Testosterone is even being used to fight AIDS and it's working. Growth hormone is also reversing the aging process.
In all my years, the worst side effect I have ever seen from steroids is a pimple and a headache. And we would get
those anyway. Since you can overdo anything, everything should be done in moderation and monitored by a doctor.
The extreme bodybuilder who thinks that if 1 cc a week is good, then 1 cc a day is great, is asking for trouble -- just like
taking too many aspirins, or drinking too much or overeating. I am in no way advocating the use of steroids. If you can
do without them, more power to you. If you are not competing or in the public eye, which demands specific sizes and
shapes, then stay away from them. My point is that steroids have gotten a bum rap and every idiot on the streets
thinks he is an expert because of sensationalist articles in the newspaper.

I still take test on certain cycles. At 52, my body doesn't produce it anymore. I get pegged for 35 and sometimes even
younger. Maybe this is why, or maybe not, but I feel good and have no ailments from them. I also have my doctor's
approval and supervision. My wife and I have 3 healthy kids, so I know I'm not sterile. Consider my experience and
what I've learned and form your own opinions.

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Selecting a personal trainer is kind of like finding the right mate, the right car or the right hairstylist. Your trainer has to
be tuned into you. Every person has different needs and different problem areas to work on.

In my estimation, most trainers should go back and learn how to train themselves. I've seen them pop out of the
woodwork in every gym that I've trained in. I train at Gold's Gym in North Hollywood now and almost every day I see a
new trainer. Most of them are in their early 20's. How much experience can they have at that age? It takes more than 6
months of workouts and a little bump on the bicep to be considered an expert at training.

I've been training people since the early 60's. We were called gym instructors back then. They gave us a card with 20
exercises and we had to give the member 2 sets of each exercise. Everyone got the same routine. You don't go to the
doctor and expect to get the same medicine that he gave to everyone else, do you? Well the same routine won't work
for everyone either. You have to find the right workout and diet for your body.

I took it upon myself to start giving people routines that I thought would work for them and having them write down
everything they were eating for a week. When I switched their diets and gave them a tailored program, they started
getting results. And it increased my business when word got out that people were getting results.

I moved to Venice Beach, California in the 70's and learned a lot training with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Joe Weider.
Not everyone wants to look like Arnold, but most people want to be hard and lean. Here are a few things to look for
when choosing a trainer:

Look for someone that looks like he/she trains and knows what they are doing.

Ask how long they have been training.

Find out what they know about nutrition and diets. I know people who have trainers that don't even discuss diet.

See if they socialize or stay with their client and work them hard.

I don't believe that a trainer has to be a slave and carry your weights to you and wipe your brow. A trainer is a coach
who helps you through those forced reps, recognizes when you need to increase your weight, and makes sure that
you are eating right. Your trainer is a partner, giving you goals and pushing you on. He/She is not there to baby you or
do the work for you.

Bottom line: To have a great body, find a trainer that can design your program to a three-day, four-day or even six-day
routine. Splitting body parts works well, such as chest/back one day, shoulders/arms the next, and legs the next.
There are many variations which I will write about in the future. You have to do the work, feel the movement and
concentrate on the body part you are working and your trainer is there to keep you on track.

If you find a trainer that fits the bill, hire him/her for a week and see if you like them. Try to observe them with other
people to see if they are on track and, most of all, see if their clients are making progress. After you find a trainer, the
rest is up to you. If you have questions about finding the right personal trainer, just e-mail me at
mailto:[email protected]

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When I was a kid and I joined my first gym, not only were there no celebrities but there was a sparse number of gym
members. Weightlifting and bodybuilding was not an IN thing to do. If you wanted to develop muscle, you were weird
or off center. Not that that's bad...I think being a little weird says that a person has some creativity. Certainly a
bodybuilder is creative as he/she sculpts his or her body into an artistic form. The same can be said about celebrities
and actors. They must be able to go over the top to perform in front of an audience or on film. How else could they
achieve their character?

Well, one day in my local YMCA weight room in my small town USA were two Professional Wrestlers. The ones you
see on TV! "Wow...they're actually here," I thought. I was a wrest

[This message has been edited by JUICESEEKER (edited August 09, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 254)
posted August 09, 2000 05:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for matr1x   Click Here to Email matr1x     Edit/Delete Message
mmm...a spam site if ever I saw one.

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