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  Mail Order Madness

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Author Topic:   Mail Order Madness
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 72)
posted August 08, 2000 10:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for A-BoMB   Click Here to Email A-BoMB     Edit/Delete Message
I just wanted to post about something that really puzzles me. All of this mail order shit is absolutely insane. I am not going to call anyone stupid because I have tried this too. There are so many scams out there that a good source is a scarce commodity. Further, many legit sources also double as scammers. If a source is good, chances are that they will eventually be busted, as well as those who are using them to obtain their gear. If someone were to send me a money order, I would take it and not send them shit. I recently tried the internet thing and was sent a fake ass pakage with a fake ass letter from US Customs. The package was empty ( stuffed with a foreign Newspaper, and the scam letter). What a bunch of shit!!
Even if I had received the product, whose to say the shit was real, or uncontaminated. You read all the Conspiracy Theories and write them off... but when events such as the MKUltra experiment are PROVEN to have occured... whose to say our Government or another Government (or some random Sick-o)isn't infecting us with some chemical or disease. I know it sounds insane but it is a possibility. I have seen guys extract the contents of a bottle of T-200 and fill it with Mazzolla Corn oil and sell it to someone they personally KNEW!!! I am not saying that everryone has such a low moral standard or such a lack of character, but if you believed everything you read on these boards... Everyone is 6' plus, everyone is ripped and sexy and strong as fuck. My point is, things are not always as they appear. Since we are using an interface where identities can be 100% concealed, everyone runs a serious risk of making a bad choice and trusting. This mistake may cost you money, it may cost you your freedom, it may cost you your health, and it could cost you your life. Be carefull!!! Try and exhaust all resources in your immediate area before you start ordering off the web. Ask around your gym, ask your friends, it is harder to scam or cause pain to someone you know...(trust me... LOL)


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 340)
posted August 08, 2000 10:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for gamer   Click Here to Email gamer     Edit/Delete Message
Don't get too discouraged. There are good sources that although are hard to find, will take care of you. E-mail me if you like and I can help you out.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 357)
posted August 08, 2000 10:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for T-BONE     Edit/Delete Message
Well not to be a dick, but if you buy something that has the metal pull tab off, you deserve to get ripped off. There are good mail order sources out there, you just gotta find them. Maybe you should take Gamer's advice.

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moe dank
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1426)
posted August 08, 2000 10:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for moe dank   Click Here to Email moe dank     Edit/Delete Message
someone who isnt me(swim) loves his fucking source! Swim sends the money and with in a week the bastard is in the mail. Fuck forein souces, domestic or to hell with it!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 72)
posted August 08, 2000 10:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for A-BoMB   Click Here to Email A-BoMB     Edit/Delete Message
Not to be a dick T-Bone, but that tab doesnt mean shit. On most, you can gently lift an edge up and insert a syringe (small guage)to pull the liquid out. If you dont believe me I have a bottle of T-200 by Brovel that I'll sell you for $10.00, the tab is intact..LOL. For real, dont be nieve, those tabs are no sort of safety measure. Try it out!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 72)
posted August 08, 2000 11:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for A-BoMB   Click Here to Email A-BoMB     Edit/Delete Message
MOE...I agree 110%.. DOMESTIC or NOTHING, unless you get it directly from a foriegn country (i.e. a lil' trip down to Southie)

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 357)
posted August 08, 2000 11:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for T-BONE     Edit/Delete Message
Well if you want to put it that way!! Let me rephrase myself. The little metel tab is connected to a BIG BLUE plastic top. If you buy one with the BIG BLUE plastic top off and the tab exposed, you're asking for it. Is that worded better now?

By the way, don't think I'm being an ass, just trying to make a point.

[This message has been edited by T-BONE (edited August 08, 2000).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 72)
posted August 08, 2000 11:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for A-BoMB   Click Here to Email A-BoMB     Edit/Delete Message
Point taken T-Bone.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 505)
posted August 09, 2000 12:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for kram696969   Click Here to Email kram696969     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 15497701
believe nothing of what you hear, and 50% of what you see...hehe...thats one motto..but sometimes you just have to take a chance..and sometimes it works and somtimes it dont..peace

just do'in my best...

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 340)
posted August 09, 2000 12:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for gamer   Click Here to Email gamer     Edit/Delete Message
bump for domestic.....I love not having to worry about customs and if you build a relationship with a supplier you trust this can be very valuable tool for protecting your investment.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 17)
posted August 09, 2000 01:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BIGREP   Click Here to Email BIGREP     Edit/Delete Message
Here's the best advice I can give anyone....

Order small don't drop a big load of change on a source, until sure, even then proceed carefully...

Even good source sometimes can get bad sh*t, so be alert on everything you order...

D.T.A. "Don't Trust Anybody"


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 283)
posted August 09, 2000 01:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigJay81   Click Here to Email BigJay81     Edit/Delete Message
Since Foriegn is all I can get I always order from him Perfect source. But you should always be looking for a good domestic.

Lift Until You Die.......

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 493)
posted August 09, 2000 01:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahmer   Click Here to Email dahmer     Edit/Delete Message
Oh I am sorry I am not 6ft and ripped. I am 5ft 11in and ripped! There are plenty of EXCELLENT sources out there. Some people still run legit operations. It can be quite profitable.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 286)
posted August 09, 2000 03:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ironmaster   Click Here to Email ironmaster     Edit/Delete Message
Hey, abomb... I figure on a 50% loss ratio on doing business this way (sad but true almost to the penny in my experiences). But you know what, I'm still ahead over buying from the local gym scums with their ridiculous prices and bullshit gear. There are a few totally honorable brothers out there who supply. If patient, you will locate one - treat him right, cause the good ones are few and far between.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 251)
posted August 09, 2000 03:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lqdmscle   Click Here to Email Lqdmscle     Edit/Delete Message
Thank goodness I don't have to order via internet.

If its that bad take a trip down south. If you live far, fly.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 145)
posted August 09, 2000 04:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeteyPete   Click Here to Email PeteyPete     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 78260652
Thank god for the internet, all i ever saw around where i live was fake shit. Anyone with anything real was too afraid to reveil anything in fear that i was a narc.

I found a great source whom helped me construct a cycle and gave me good, honest advise. Look for someone who is aiming to help before looking for someone who is looking for cash.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 779)
posted August 09, 2000 06:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dexter   Click Here to Email Dexter     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 71953041
A-BoMB, I disagree with you. Not just your skewed thinking but your remarks:

"If a source is good, chances are that they will eventually be busted, as well as those who are using them to obtain their gear. If someone were to send me a money order, I would take it and not send them shit."

"Take it not send them shit"? Look at your character, pal, that's all I can say. It's fucked up in my opinion.

Problems happen, but a good source will do his (or her?) best to resolve them. And the solution isn't, for most people, traveling south of the border.



Strength and Honor.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 637)
posted August 09, 2000 09:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message
But if you find 'ya a good international source you will save boatloads of money. Worth the risk if you ask me. True scams are everywhere but that is why god put a good head on your shoulders so you can try and keep from getting ripped off. BTW, I use both but my foriegn source is so much cheaper, that I only go domestic if I have to. Peace...Mav

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 417)
posted August 09, 2000 09:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jdismukes   Click Here to Email jdismukes     Edit/Delete Message
Yeah, I don't understand, it you act like just because you are dishonest the rest of us are. I could be wrong but, this is the impression I get from you.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 113)
posted August 09, 2000 09:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for media   Click Here to Email media     Edit/Delete Message
O.K. A-bomb. So you've been scammed once ... or twice. And you proclaiming that everything about mail order to be a BS. I don't get it. That is your opinion only. So, you go to the nearest Pharmacy in your neighborhood and buy some test and few hundreds tabs of d-bol. In the matter of fact buy some for me as well. What are you talking about? When you saying that everybody is dishonest, are you judging by yourself? Lots of people do the mail orders, USA or foreign, and they are just fine.
Any more questions on the subject? E-mail me or some of the mods.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 90)
posted August 09, 2000 09:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for cunroe   Click Here to Email cunroe     Edit/Delete Message

"If someone were to send me a money order, I would take it and not send them shit."

Is this an accurate statement, i.e. "how you think/would treat a fellow bro" or, is this just a reaction to you becoming a recent scam victim? I hope the latter bro.



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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 227)
posted August 09, 2000 10:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gettinhard   Click Here to Email Gettinhard     Edit/Delete Message
I disagree!!!!!!!!!!you always run risks when dealing with ilegal substances....but i cant buy the shit off of a local guy becuase that could seroiusly effect my job if someone found out...by mailordering no one knows..i tell know one about my AS use...in my office i keep protein powders and all kinds off supplements so people dont get fishy, when they ask what do you take i bring them to my office and show them all the shit and tell them to go to the nutrition store and buy some.....also buying in person you run a bigger risk of being caught be the Cops, most likely if your source is known he has someone that wants to take him out either a cop or another sorry fuck and you run the risk of being caught with him.........with mailorder, ya you run the similar risk but most likely if your order is small customs will send you a pretty little letter and you just move on...about your post of getting screwed with fake gear, we all run that risk, buying domestic is a bigger risk of getting bullshit gear...i have been scammed before, but when i found this board i never got scammed again becuase i use reputable sources that other brothers vouch for...

Again there is always a risk this is just my opinion.......

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ripped to shreads2
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 228)
posted August 09, 2000 10:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ripped to shreads2   Click Here to Email ripped to shreads2     Edit/Delete Message
domestics are awesome my source of mex as has been so bussy lately it usualy takes 5 days after reciving payment now it is 10, my friend from slovakia sends me shit and it gets here in no less then 6 days, you cant beat the prices of foreign though i pay 3 bucks for an amp of cyctahoh and 4 bucks for a box of spiropent 1 for 100 mg of cypionate
shit iam going back home this winter, fuck iam packing my suitcases with juice on the way back

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 485)
posted August 09, 2000 10:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Twisted_Steel   Click Here to Email Twisted_Steel     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 754174
I wont send any mixed signals. I truely feel for those of you forced into foreign transactions.

215LBS of Twisted Steel and Pure Sex Appeal!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 520)
posted August 09, 2000 10:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SCHNiKEN   Click Here to Email SCHNiKEN     Edit/Delete Message
I just recently started using mail order and all i can say is they are much more reliable and have a much better variety of items to choose from and not to mention great prices.. The thought of some big government testing thing on all of us has crossed my mind though.. like who knows maybe theres terrorists from bangkok that crush up some kind of powder that spreads a horrible biological warfare weapon into the united states through roid users.. but i am paranoid.. lol

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1320)
posted August 09, 2000 11:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Slopain   Click Here to Email Slopain     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 71360584
Find yourself a good source (I obviously prefer domestic but to each his/her own). I dont agree that a good source has to go bad, that just doesn't make sense. Get yourself one good source that offers alot and build a relationship with him/her. If you have a good source, only recomend him to those you trust/know - unless he/she gave you his/her ok to spread the word. I have a dope ass source (sometimes I need when I can;t get down to mex b/c i am so damn busy). I try to make sure if I ever do hand out a name its soemone I have at least some knowledge of or have seena round - Its out of selfishness - I don;t want the man to get busted b/c then I who would I go to when Im busy.

A Good Source is worth his/her weight in gold. Do some research ask around to find one. I feel for the bros who get scammed, but just do some fact finding. And for gads sake if you see a source post - be very skeptical and at least ask a mod.

on a brighter note - Im 100% thus far (3/3).


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 72)
posted August 09, 2000 04:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for A-BoMB   Click Here to Email A-BoMB     Edit/Delete Message
Hey guys, lots to clear up. In my last post I was venting... I am mad about the intire situation we are discussing. When I said that "if someone sent me a mail order I wouldn't send them shit" what I meant was that if I lived in Zimbabwe and some idiot sent me $500.00, I would have no problem relieving them of their excess wealth. By using the internet, we take away from the personability of human interface. It is much easier on the concious to steal from someone you know nothing about... just a name and CC number or Money Order. I am sure that their are some good sources, I know first hand of a good one that I use to get things that I normally cant find locally. My point is that I have never met this guy, he seems to care and wants to help but I am sure that serial killers seem to as well (gross comparison). It is CRAZY that we subject ourselves to such risks. It is sad that people can not be trusted and further that they might allow fellow humans to inject themselves with potentionaly life treatening substances for the sake of making a buck.This is my complaint
BTW, I got my money back from the scam.. not from the source but by other means. So I am not sour... just confussed and upset... I hold myself to a higher standard of loyalty, honesty(for the most part), honor. It saddens me that the human spirit is capable of such grave injustices. Enough rambling... I hope that you all can see my P.O.V. in a differnt light.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 281)
posted August 09, 2000 04:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEGEND     Edit/Delete Message
just venting abomb no harm no foul, be cool!!!!!!


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 779)
posted August 09, 2000 04:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dexter   Click Here to Email Dexter     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 71953041
Well A-BoMB, I just noted another one of your statements:

"When I said that 'if someone sent me a mail order I wouldn't send them shit' what I meant was that if I lived in Zimbabwe and some idiot sent me $500.00, I would have no problem relieving them of their excess wealth."

I live in Russia. Big fucking deal. And most people are not wealthy, pal; buyers of gear are for the most part law abiding, family-oriented, productive citizens of whatever country they're from.

And "releiving them of their excess wealth" without exchanging something of value previously agreed-to is thievery. It sucks. It's scamming. It's totally repugnant.

Fuck you. (Sorry bro's, I really feel strongly about this issue.)



Strength and Honor.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 357)
posted August 09, 2000 05:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for T-BONE     Edit/Delete Message
Why do I think that this post will be getting locked soon?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 34)
posted August 09, 2000 05:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hacker   Click Here to Email Hacker     Edit/Delete Message
BIG BUMP or Dexter!!!! Right on man.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 939)
posted August 09, 2000 05:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ajc1977     Edit/Delete Message
Don't sugar coat it Dexter. Just tell us how you really feel.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 339)
posted August 09, 2000 05:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for THE APE     Edit/Delete Message
I know where you're coming from Dexter and I understand why.Bro's that have been here awhile know the real deal and take those kind of posts with a grain of salt.Of course 90% of those kinds of posts wouldn't even be made in the first place if guys would just do what every one tells them and E-mail a mod to check on a source before they throw their money down the toilet.Check with the mods BEFORE you send out your dough fella's not after the fact and you wont run into any of these problems except on extremely rare occasions........

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 39)
posted August 09, 2000 05:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for HelmsmaN   Click Here to Email HelmsmaN     Edit/Delete Message
In one word - KARMA

Rip offs, get ripped off.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 779)
posted August 09, 2000 05:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dexter   Click Here to Email Dexter     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 71953041

By they way, are you Navy or former Navy? Feel free to email me, bro.

This post has disturbed me so much that I've stayed awake and have been cruising around on the Internet -- and checking this thread occasionally.

And my conclusion is, again, Fuck You, A-BoMB. Get lost. Fuck off. FOAD.

Mods, I will understand it if you delete this post or lock the thread.



Strength and Honor.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 72)
posted August 09, 2000 06:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for A-BoMB   Click Here to Email A-BoMB     Edit/Delete Message
Dexter, crawl back into your Laboratory you degenerate fucking Commie poop. Am I to believe that you are preaching to me about moral standards? By picking apart what I say and manipualting my intentions you are far more guilty than any scammers. At least they have a purpose in scamming..money... what is your excuse for being such an Asshole? People who just cant wait to flame... what a bunch of insecure assholes. If you did not like my opinion... dont read it!!! If your ignorant lazy brain still can't figure it out, then let me clarify once again.
A person in another country has no obligation to fulfill his end of the bargain. MY POINT WAS NOT THAT AFRICANS (or Russians for that matter) ARE THIEFS, RATHER THAT IT IS EASIER FOR SOMEONE TO ROB YOU AND DO YOU WRONG WHEN THEY ARE NOT READILY AVAILABLE TO CONFRONT.. And it is easier on the person doing the scamming not to be confronted physically or emotionally. DOES THIS APPEASE YOUR LIL' TEMPER TANTRUM??? Why dont you take some classes on Reading. Often it is useful to read the entire selection and get the main idea. Dont judge a book by its cover...dont judge a post by a sentence...same principal FUCK-o. My post had little to do with scamming, why do you want to argue about that? The reason I used Zimbobwae is b/c I ordered my shit from Africa. ENOUGH SAID... Fuck you Dexter, I hope your testicles atrophy beyond recovery, you get a severe case of gyno, and your asshole implodes. When this happens I hope you feel real bad about being a mean person.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 72)
posted August 09, 2000 06:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for A-BoMB   Click Here to Email A-BoMB     Edit/Delete Message
Dexter, crawl back into your Laboratory you degenerate fucking Commie poop. Am I to believe that you are preaching to me about moral standards? By picking apart what I say and manipualting my intentions you are far more guilty than any scammers. At least they have a purpose in scamming..money... what is your excuse for being such an Asshole? People who just cant wait to flame... what a bunch of insecure assholes. If you did not like my opinion... dont read it!!! If your ignorant lazy brain still can't figure it out, then let me clarify once again.
A person in another country has no obligation to fulfill his end of the bargain. MY POINT WAS NOT THAT AFRICANS (or Russians for that matter) ARE THIEFS, RATHER THAT IT IS EASIER FOR SOMEONE TO ROB YOU AND DO YOU WRONG WHEN THEY ARE NOT READILY AVAILABLE TO CONFRONT.. And it is easier on the person doing the scamming not to be confronted physically or emotionally. DOES THIS APPEASE YOUR LIL' TEMPER TANTRUM??? Why dont you take some classes on Reading. Often it is useful to read the entire selection and get the main idea. Dont judge a book by its cover...dont judge a post by a sentence...same principal FUCK-o. My post had little to do with scamming, why do you want to argue about that? The reason I used Zimbobwae is b/c I ordered my shit from Africa. ENOUGH SAID... Fuck you Dexter, I hope your testicles atrophy beyond recovery, you get a severe case of gyno, and your asshole implodes. When this happens I hope you feel real bad about being a mean person.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 227)
posted August 09, 2000 06:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gettinhard   Click Here to Email Gettinhard     Edit/Delete Message

its time to close this thread, I understand Dexters point.......you guys need to take this to email.......

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 637)
posted August 09, 2000 06:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message
Dexter and A-bomb: Chill the fuck out bros. This topic is not controversial enough to be cussing each other out. It is just not worth it. Now shake hands and go back to your corners. Peace...Mav

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Bigger A
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 173)
posted August 09, 2000 06:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bigger A   Click Here to Email Bigger A     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 54140431
Chill out Dexter.........it will be ok, really. Shit happens and lifes a bitch but, just chill a little. There is no need to go flamming everyone on here.

Remember bro we are all in the same boat so, lets just help each other out.

Why can't we all just get along. lol

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 72)
posted August 09, 2000 06:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for A-BoMB   Click Here to Email A-BoMB     Edit/Delete Message
I agree, and although I was just speaking my mind and it had nothing to do with what dexter was complaining about... I apologize for my rude comments, they were not intentional, just words of anger (that Suspension is f***'n with me). Dexter, sorry to have come off in such a way that would cause you such distress... I feel that it was a misunderstanding. I feel the same way you do about the topic... just a little more skeptical. I hope this clears things up.


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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 09, 2000 07:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message
It takes a real man to apologize. Good for you bro. Peace...Mav

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 779)
posted August 10, 2000 01:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dexter   Click Here to Email Dexter     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 71953041
A-BoMB, I received your two emails.

I apologize for the flame. Scamming is just a fact of life in this world of AS.

I still despise scammers, but I guess I do need to chill out.



Strength and Honor.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 363)
posted August 10, 2000 10:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Yoda   Click Here to Email Yoda     Edit/Delete Message
Fuck, this board must be getting better at this kind of shit because you guys fought and actually made up before I got to read it, good job guys!!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1320)
posted August 10, 2000 11:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Slopain   Click Here to Email Slopain     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 71360584
Good job bros! I can see your point Dexter. And obviouisly I think A-bomb is just pissed off b/c of his recent lost of fundage. BE SAFE! ask a mod or a vet if you in doubt!

Way to keep the board respectable both of you brothers (A and Dext)!


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