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  Steroids & Bodyfat

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Author Topic:   Steroids & Bodyfat
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 20)
posted August 07, 2000 06:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for madmitch     Edit/Delete Message
Ok I am not that fat, but I have read in a few books and on discussion boards that steroids may actually work better for you the lower your bodyfat levels.

One guy on another discusion board claimed that the higher your fat percentage the more steroids you require to get any gains.

This would mean that a Person with a low body fat level say 5 - 6 percent would respond better to lower steroid doses than a guy with say 15 - 20 percent body fat.

Has anyone heard of any scientific information to back this up?

Or have any of you guy's experienced better gains after you reduced your bodyfat using a cutting cycle and then started bulking again?

I'm very interested to find out as it could help some guy's including myself reduce the amount of gear needed to make good gains.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 192)
posted August 07, 2000 08:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gettinhard   Click Here to Email Gettinhard     Edit/Delete Message
i dont believe that......

you should plan your cycle well the quality muscle will come through with less BF...

the point to AS is for seroius weight lifters to break through to that next level thats why most of use have low BF and thats why people tell you to wait...i am a true believer in that you should have at the highest 16% BEFORE you start anything higher is not good...specialy if your trying to bulk...now if your going on a cutting cycle than thats a little different..but still 20-25% is not good,

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 438)
posted August 07, 2000 09:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Twisted_Steel   Click Here to Email Twisted_Steel     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 754174
Yes, anatomically, hormonally, logically the increase in free flowing testosterone aids in the reduction of adipos tissue. Ever seen a fat silver back gorilla before, or brahma bull? The reason bodybuilders get fat on testosterone is because they allow themselves to get sloppy. They know it increases the efficiency of their metabolism, so they believe 4 quarter pounders a day shouldnt be a problem to metabolize.
Heres the facts, people will tell you that growth and fat reduction are not possible. Thats complete bullshit. However, both these processes contrarest each other to a degree. To the point where the maxiumum potential of each is never fully realized.
The consumation of a steroid diet should never result in the gross increase in adipos tissue. Use the test, eat efficiently, and you will provide the body with enough nutrients to promote hypertrophy. You will also lose bodyfat. Its easier said than done, but veru possible.

215LBS of Twisted Steel and Pure Sex Appeal!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 20)
posted August 07, 2000 11:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for madmitch     Edit/Delete Message
Twisted Steel I agree with you.

Although - I don't eat a crap diet I still manage to put on some fat each cycle. Ok I have never used Clenbuterol and T3 along with the testosterone to see if this would help me loose the fat and still allow me to gain muscle at the same time. However that is exactly what I am going to try next.

I don't like those Mega 6000 - 8000 calories per day diets, where the guy's suggest eating anything that doesn't move. Either they have got one hell of a metabolic rate or else they use a ton of Test, GH, T3 and clenbuterol to get back into shape after such a food fest.

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