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  Any serious problems?

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Author Topic:   Any serious problems?
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 14)
posted August 06, 2000 08:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Binderdundat   Click Here to Email Binderdundat     Edit/Delete Message
I wanted to find out if anyone has personally had any serious problems after using the juice. I have always maintained that juicing is relatively safe, and has few side effects, and has no documented deaths attributed to it. I also know from my own medical knowledge that it is extremely difficult to prove direct cause's for any disease (look at tobacco). Seven months ago I was diagnossed with stage IV cancer. I began juicing two years prior to this (mild to moderate cycles). I also have no risk factors for cancer (don't smoke rarely drink, eat healthy, and exercise a lot). I am also in my twenties (a little early to get cancer). I am certainly not saying that the juice gave me cancer, but I obviously do wonder if it may have temporarily comprimised my immune system to give me cancer, or may have helped contibute towards it. I believe that it is far more likely that I was just unlucky, or that it is something else that has caused it.Still I wanted to know of any others who had problems after they had used steroids. Thanks

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 16)
posted August 06, 2000 08:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Transcend   Click Here to Email Transcend     Edit/Delete Message
What is stage IV cancer? Do you have a certain area affected by cancer, like the prostate? I've read that hGH may speed the growth of cancer and I've read that steroids can cause prostate problems. My knowledge is pretty limited though. Maybe some of the other bros can help you. Good luck.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 14)
posted August 06, 2000 08:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Binderdundat   Click Here to Email Binderdundat     Edit/Delete Message
Stage IV refers to the spread of the disease. Stage I is localized in one region with definative borders, it progresses up to stage IV where it has spread from its initial site to other area's of the body. Also it wasn't prostate or testicular, it was is bone cancer. Which is why I believe it wasn't steriods (I may be crazy, but due to the initial tumor location, I think my cell phone may have had something to do with it).I have never used hGH, or even GHB.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 14)
posted August 06, 2000 10:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Binderdundat   Click Here to Email Binderdundat     Edit/Delete Message

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 132)
posted August 06, 2000 10:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bchemist   Click Here to Email Bchemist     Edit/Delete Message
You probably know by now that if cancer is going to happen, it will happen sooner or later. Unfortunately for some people who are genetically dispositioned (like for muscle growth) the slightest stimuli are going to trigger a mutation. Apparently Anadrol is linked to leukemia but that's the only anecdotal relationship I have ever heard. Leukemia is a form of bone marrow cancer isn't it?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 14)
posted August 07, 2000 03:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Binderdundat   Click Here to Email Binderdundat     Edit/Delete Message
Yes leukemia is a cancer of the bone marrow. I believe Dennis Newman developed this, hmmmm. With the anadrol I have read in pdr that it can cause liver cancer. This doesn't relate to me as mine is a bone sarcoma, and is extremely rare. One of the doctors whom I have seen seemed unconcerned about AS usage, and have never talked to anyone else who has had any problems. While it may be unfounded, the idea of going back on AS makes me very nervous. Better safe than dead.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 132)
posted August 07, 2000 05:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bchemist   Click Here to Email Bchemist     Edit/Delete Message
They say that a positive state of mind is the best thing to fight cancer. I would go back on personally.

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