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  If your a flamer, read this...

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Author Topic:   If your a flamer, read this...
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 498)
posted August 05, 2000 12:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for The_Blond_Myth   Click Here to Email The_Blond_Myth     Edit/Delete Message
Hey guys all I do is try to help someone out, and u bust my balls. I am tired of arguing about it. I am leaving for a week so if you guys send me an email and I don't get back to u till next week u know why.

"This is George the owner, and Tony the Guru... Tony knows everything." -Lee Priest

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moe dank
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1406)
posted August 05, 2000 01:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for moe dank   Click Here to Email moe dank     Edit/Delete Message
everyone gets their balls busted on here every once in a while, even the mods. dont take it to serious.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 312)
posted August 05, 2000 02:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for THE APE     Edit/Delete Message

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 176)
posted August 05, 2000 04:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Vanguard   Click Here to Email Vanguard     Edit/Delete Message
The thing is they probably would never say anything to your face. Its anonymous, so who cares?

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The Ranger
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1452)
posted August 05, 2000 06:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for The Ranger   Click Here to Email The Ranger     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 67366885
Ranger's advice Bro,
" We either come into this world to be common like the majority...or become genetic freaks, we're not here to win any popularity contest....we don't back down, don't give in, and under no circumstances apologize if we're right...Period!"

Let it roll off you like water off a ducks ass Bro!!!

It's All Good Bro's!!!


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 270)
posted August 05, 2000 06:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEGEND     Edit/Delete Message
i've been flamed and i have flamed, just roll with it bro. nobody holds a grudge, unless your a disrectful jackass, and i haven't seen any bad post from you, that would warrant any grudges. enjoy your vacation and c'mon back when your home..peace!!!


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 569)
posted August 05, 2000 10:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message
Yeah, don't let it get to you bro. Flaming and getting flamed is all just part of the board. When you say something stupid around your friends, don't they usually joke on you? Mine do so I look at it as the same thing. Peace...Mav

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 05, 2000 10:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message
And to think when I first saw this post, I thought it was directed at gays or something. I almost didn't click on it for that reason. But you are talking about a different type of flamer! Peace...Mav

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 80)
posted August 06, 2000 12:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GENETIC_FREAK   Click Here to Email GENETIC_FREAK     Edit/Delete Message
I too thought it was a queer ref. but, I clicked because I saw your name. I like the contributions you make to the board. So keep posting and screw the key-board tough guys that speak loudly from behind a monitor.
The Freak

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 157)
posted August 06, 2000 12:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ghans   Click Here to Email ghans     Edit/Delete Message
You deserved the flaming that came to you. I was suprised that you had said it. It's over, we still want to hear from you.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 246)
posted August 06, 2000 12:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Monster   Click Here to Email Monster     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 35077339
Yeah Genetic_Freak, I thought it was a queer referance, too. I thought mabye The_Blond_Myth was coming out!?!?!?

Heh heh, dont get mad... fuck em!
I dont pay attention to flames, about me or anyone else, so I dont know what posts in particular are being brought up, but fuck em anyway!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 06, 2000 02:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for evissam   Click Here to Email evissam     Edit/Delete Message
Boo hoo!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 892)
posted August 07, 2000 01:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ajc1977     Edit/Delete Message
Did I miss something here?...If I remember correctly, Blonde tried to tell some 18 year old kid to not listen to us fuckers, and to go ahead start juicing ...and to take fucking insulin of all things.

No grudge, but that was an ignorant thing to do.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 80)
posted August 07, 2000 11:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GENETIC_FREAK   Click Here to Email GENETIC_FREAK     Edit/Delete Message
I missed the post about the 18 year old but, ill look for it. If the kid has it in his head that what he wants to do....he will. At least give his the info on how to do it safely. Thats probably what the blond was doing. If he was encouraging a guy who was unsure, it was a wrong thing to do(unlike the blond) It just seems egos at times are a bit to big on this board and if theres a dif of opinion guys bitch and cry like litte school girls. How productive is that?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 80)
posted August 07, 2000 12:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GENETIC_FREAK   Click Here to Email GENETIC_FREAK     Edit/Delete Message
I missed the post about the 18 year old but, Ill look for the post but, if the kid
has it in his head that what he wants to do....he will. At least give his the info on how to do it safely. That's probably what the blond was doing. If he was encouraging a guy who was unsure, it was a wrong thing to do(unlike the blond) It just seems egos at times are a bit to big on this board and if theres a dif of opinion guys bitch and cry like little school girls. How productive is that? Take a look: half the mods rarely post ie macro, you never see assface anymore.......I wonder why

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 892)
posted August 07, 2000 12:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ajc1977     Edit/Delete Message
Everyone is entitled their opinion, true...AS is one thing, but what person would tell an 18 year old to use insulin?

Speaking of opinions, I guess this is where my opinion of The_Blonde_Myth went down hill fast.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 80)
posted August 07, 2000 07:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GENETIC_FREAK   Click Here to Email GENETIC_FREAK     Edit/Delete Message
Could someone direct me to the title of the post. I cant find it and would like to read it to better evaluate. I still think if a guy comes here looking for info on anything even if he is 18 he should be told the risks and benefits of the drugs use. In many ways, insulin is the lesser of the two evils when it come to juice/insulin under the age of 21. After all, the only documented side effect to insulin use is hypoglycemia or(hypergylcemia due to the Somogi effect , seen to true DM). Anabolics in adolecents on the other hand can lead to premature epiphyseal closer, priapism, increased odds of gynecomastia, not to mention the acne, and all the other sides that adults with fully developed organs run the risk of.(sorry to the 18 year olds out there) I have, as I have mentioned in previous posts, patients as young as 11 years old self administering their own insulin, checking their blood values with a one tough, and living safe healthy lives. In my own experience, I have found insulin to be a great anabolic drug and with some education a very safe drug with zero sides, unlike juice(which I also love) Since I have not read the actual post Ill shut my mouth here but, lets not fear this great anabolic drug, rather understand it and share the information as it pertains to body building in the best forum on the net E.L.................The Freak

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 10)
posted August 07, 2000 07:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DESTRO     Edit/Delete Message
I understand a system of checks and balances is good for safety reasons here BUT it is not a place to run your mouth just because its on the internet instead of face to face.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 892)
posted August 07, 2000 08:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ajc1977     Edit/Delete Message
I'll look for it.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 892)
posted August 07, 2000 08:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ajc1977     Edit/Delete Message
The thread must have been deleted...I searched and came up empty.

And Destro...FYI I'm not the only one who had a problem with that... Plus, Blond is the one who started running his mouth saying "Don't listen to these fuckers"...And another thing, in person I can back my mouth up bro.

~~~ ajc1977 ~~~
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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 892)
posted August 07, 2000 08:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ajc1977     Edit/Delete Message
That's why I think insulin should be feared...When some 18 yr old is self administering without any doctor's supervision...That was the second time I've ever "flamed" someone and the first time was to back up some poor bro that got flamed, when I actually knew he was correct.

See it how you want, but if someone can tell an 18 year old to do that shit, I can tell him he's an ignorant asshole.

Blond- I have no problem with you now, but I wouldn't do you any favors either bro.

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(Total posts: 1290)
posted August 07, 2000 08:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MattTheSkywalker   Click Here to Email MattTheSkywalker     Edit/Delete Message
I like ranger's advice.

Also, everybody gets flamed sometimes. People disagree. That's why they call it a DISCUSSION baord.



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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 80)
posted August 07, 2000 10:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GENETIC_FREAK   Click Here to Email GENETIC_FREAK     Edit/Delete Message
ajc1977 This is not a statment to start words of war but, at what age is it ok to self administer insulin or any other drug without an MD's supervision 19? 20? 21? ect. Insulin, like anabolics should be understood and respected, not feared which is why the 18 year old came to the board in the first place. Like I mentioned in my earlier post, there are less side with insulin than juice. Unfortunatly, hypoglycemia can lead to coma and death. I dont personally feel a guy that age should use anything but, should he make that decision he should well informed. On a related note, do any of you guys reading this thread know of a body builder that ended up in a coma from insulin? Just curious; and I dont mean I heard of this guys buddy.....BS I happen to think body builders do to much research, and ask too many questions for this to be common. Ive worked 3 er's in 3 states and have never seen it or heard of it. I like to think of our cult as a well informed educated group..............The Freak

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 509)
posted August 08, 2000 12:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for gearface   Click Here to Email gearface     Edit/Delete Message
Bro I wish I would have gotten to that post before it was locked cuz I would have backed you up bro. I agreed with your advice so fuck them other guys. Yeah you heard me right.Eeveryone has their opinions and The Myth's came from experience.Those who flamed, flamed him worse then a newbie. There could have been a much better way to disagree with The Myth.Think next time bros.
Lift until u can't...... and then some.

[This message has been edited by gearface (edited August 08, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 892)
posted August 08, 2000 01:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ajc1977     Edit/Delete Message
You're absolutely right-I don't know of anyone who's died because of insulin. I don't know anyone who has been killed by a Mack truck either, but I'm not going to fuck with insulin if I don't know anything about it OR walk out in front of a Mack truck. The point is, he didn't tell the kid to talk to a doctor before using insulin for the first time, so don't make it sound like he was giving the kid sound advice.

And gearface, the Blond Myth is the one who started this bullshit by saying "Don't listen to those fuckers..." This is what got me started. And you're damn right he got it worse than a newbie, because newbies don't say shit that could end up getting someone hurt.

Anyways... There will be no apologies or grudges, but I still think it was irresponsible and that's that. It's shit like that, that gives bodybuilding a bad name.

~~~ ajc1977 ~~~
Visit my member website at http://profiles.elitefitness.com

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 80)
posted August 08, 2000 03:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GENETIC_FREAK   Click Here to Email GENETIC_FREAK     Edit/Delete Message
Once again, having worked in three ER's in three states, I have seen my fair share of MVA's involving trucks and if you watch the news or read a paper you will know it happens on a daily basis(real bad analogy you used) As far as your point about talking to a doctor, start a new thread asking board members how many of them actually spoke with their MD's before juice or insulin. I never read the thread so I dont know if the advice was sound or not(within the relm of bodybuilding) As I stated earlier I dont think an 18 year old should use anything. It seems the real problem here is he said "dont listen to the fuckers". I think ego is the central issue here, not the welfare of an 18 year old guy looking for information........The Freak

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 184)
posted August 08, 2000 03:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for musclegear   Click Here to Email musclegear     Edit/Delete Message
Sometimes it's fun to get flamed, look how much I've been flamed today!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 892)
posted August 08, 2000 03:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ajc1977     Edit/Delete Message
Freak...You may be right about the ego thing, but it's scary that there is advice like that going around. My point was that if the kid saw Blond get reamed, he would know not to take his advice.
Blond's words were something to the effect of "...throw some insulin in there and you'll get big". I was not the first to jump his ass about it and was not the last.

And FYI, we make a point on here to suggest that people find a doctor they can level with and get some blood work done before their first cycle if possible.

I really don't care that much about it, but I feel like I have to justify what I did to the other members so they know I'm not flame happy...Not that I really care what you think, but there are some responsible bros on here who are very helpful.

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