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  Critique this Anabolic only Cycle..

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Author Topic:   Critique this Anabolic only Cycle..
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 20)
posted August 04, 2000 11:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for TonyDelk   Click Here to Email TonyDelk     Edit/Delete Message
I am 6-1 and 207 with 6% bodyfat right now. I can't get "huge" because of professional purposes and for the avoidance of sides. I have responded very well to low dosage cycles of anabolics combined with clean eating and intelligent and intense training. Looking for an 10-12 pound gain of solid skeletal muscle of which I can maintain more than 80%. This will be the first time I have used Winny and Primo though.

My plan is a 12 week cycle(maybe longer?)of Anabolics and non-Aromitizables.

Deca Primo(I) WinnyV TProp Clomid
Week 1 400 400
Week 2 200 200
Week 3 200 200
Week 4 200 200
Week 5 200 200
Week 6 200 200
Week 7 200 200 50(EOD)
Week 8 200 200 75(EOD)
Week 9 100 75(EOD) 25(EOD)
Week10 100 75(EOD) 25(EOD)
Week11 100 50(EOD) 25(EOD)
Week12 100 25(EOD) 25(EOD)

End of Cycle

Questions: If Primo is so long acting, should I discontinue it around the same time as the Deca?

I've read so many times that Primo won't effect/prevent HPTA from trying to come back on line. But wondering with so much in the system, it would need to be discontinued when introducing the faster acting stuff like Winny and Prop?

From Week 13 to Week 15 I will be using Clomid.(First two weeks 100mgs EOD and 50 on the last week EOD)

With such low dosages is there any reason to take clomid once or twice a week during the cycle?

I appreciate any help and info. If you feel I should do anything differently, please feel free to show/tell.

These are the only AAS I have access to(I also have EQ but figure since I'm using DECA, wouldn't make sense to add to the stack)

Thanks to all who have helped design this.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 6)
posted August 04, 2000 11:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for bubba456     Edit/Delete Message
Hey tony....I like your name......do you ever watch UK basketball?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 202)
posted August 04, 2000 11:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for susthead   Click Here to Email susthead     Edit/Delete Message
personaly id go with 400mg deca and 300mg primo for 12 weeks forget test prop you will get a lot of quality from those 2 drugs

use creatine hmb glutamine at the same time and eat 2g protien per pound of bodyweight and 2 grams carbs per pound of bodyweight.

eat rest sleep train and youll grow

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 20)
posted August 04, 2000 02:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TonyDelk   Click Here to Email TonyDelk     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks for the reply Susthead.

I agree, but I still would like to add the Winny because of it's short acting nature. I stopped the Deca because of its long half life and because I would like to be close to being uninhibited by the end.(due to the low doses of drugs I'll be using)

Don't you think eliminating the Deca at week 8 or 9 is the best way to go in order to theoretically get Test close to getting back "on line"?

Anyone else?

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big dog
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 181)
posted August 04, 2000 04:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for big dog   Click Here to Email big dog     Edit/Delete Message
I would add 100mg of Test prop. EOD to avoid a limp dick. Make sure you have enough clomid.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 699)
posted August 04, 2000 04:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Decaman   Click Here to Email Decaman     Edit/Delete Message
Has this worked for you before? Those doses, especially at the end of your cycle, just seem to be a waste of gear in my opinion. 100mg of deca, 25mg of winny? Why are you pyramiding the winny? I personally wouldn't use those doages. Also if you were concerned with not getting too big, you could have used the eq instead of the deca, at reasonable dosages, I think that would have been more suited to what you are trying to do. I don't know bro, if it worked for you before , good luck with it.


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