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  has this happened to anyone else???

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Author Topic:   has this happened to anyone else???
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 117)
posted August 03, 2000 03:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pharmaguy   Click Here to Email pharmaguy     Edit/Delete Message
last week I'm busting squats pretty heavy. Anyways, I go down all the way but when I come up I get this burning sensation all the way from my hip to the bottom of my leg. Not like a soreness from hitting it or fatigue. Just pain. Anyways, I still manage to finish my workout. My problem is that yesterday when I tried to do squats I couldn't finish without my hip fucking aching. So I just walked out. Has anyone had similar experiences? And if so, what the fuck is it; by the way, it's only in the front and not the side


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 51)
posted August 03, 2000 03:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mikey   Click Here to Email mikey     Edit/Delete Message
Well, could be a pulled muscle, which is unlikly due to the description or could be you slipped a disk in your lower vertibrae and the disk is putting pressure on your sciatic nerve. The pain feels like a burning censation down your leg into the heel down to the small toe. If the disk has slipped and became irritated, pop the ibuprophen (2 tabs a day/3/day) and ice down your lower back for 15 minutes a day 3 time a day. This should help. This is what I did when I had the same problem.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 294)
posted August 03, 2000 04:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pup'nIrn   Click Here to Email Pup'nIrn     Edit/Delete Message
First of all scratch the squats for a few weeks. I know you hate it but its for your own good. You need to goto your physician or even a 'good' chiropractor to have your injury addressed correctly. To many people wait around hopeing it will get better on its own and allow perminant nerve damage. I would have to think you havn't ruptured a disc as you have felt this coming on a few weeks but stranger things have happened. It could be any of the following...
1) Muscle strain- maybe the periformis muscle which in a large portion of societ the sciatic never intersects this muscle and gets impinged.
2) Sacro-iliac joint sprain-- most physicians don't recognize this area as a joint but there is movement and ligament tissue to damage there. It can become out of line and cause the pressure of the sciatic nerve.
3) Disk damage
All of these can be treated with non-surgical procedures and don't require that much rehab if you catch them early and don't delay. I suggest asking around for a 'good' chiropractor or D.O. --doc. of osteopathic medicine. A D.O. is a general practice doc with extra training in manipulations. Hope this helps.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 9)
posted August 03, 2000 04:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for HelmsmaN     Edit/Delete Message
Bro, a buddy of mine has hip pain in the front, and it turned out that his periformis is giving him problems. He is not squatting or doing Deads these days. I have been dealing with a periformis issue, where the Hams meet the glutes, but with more stretching, it looks like it is going away. I only feel it when I am in the 400's, never feel it at 5 or 600. As I understand it, the periformis runs between the hip bone and the sacrum which is a triangular bone at the base of the spine, and is responsible for external rotation of the femur. However, if it is the whole damn leg, I would get to a muscle doc pronto. In that case, I'm thinking disks or a pinched nerve.

[This message has been edited by HelmsmaN (edited August 03, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 117)
posted August 03, 2000 05:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pharmaguy   Click Here to Email pharmaguy     Edit/Delete Message
thanks bros, I'll definitely get it checked out.


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