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  effects of pot?

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Author Topic:   effects of pot?
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 130)
posted August 03, 2000 06:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Vanguard   Click Here to Email Vanguard     Edit/Delete Message
What does pot do to you besides getting high?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 202)
posted August 03, 2000 07:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for susthead   Click Here to Email susthead     Edit/Delete Message
1 it makes you produce more estrogen not good for a bb

and its the single biggest demotivater of all time it will stop ya trainning cause ya cant be bothered

load of shit stay away.

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 07:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Vanguard   Click Here to Email Vanguard     Edit/Delete Message
I asked the same question on the chat board and I got an opposite answer.

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 07:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for havoc   Click Here to Email havoc     Edit/Delete Message
Susthead please dont give answers that are completely wrong.

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 07:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mistah_d     Edit/Delete Message
I can't wait to see what Green and Moe Dank have to say about this. I personally smoke dank, and I must admit, it is definitely not a motivator, and it does increase my desire for carbohydrates. HOWEVER, I smoke either after a workout, or on an off day from the gym. I have learned to control the munchies quite well, and it helps me relax, especially after coming home from the gym at 10:00 and needing to go to sleep prtty much right at 10:30. You'll get conflicting opinions on this. It is definitely not healthy in any way shape or form (other than mentally). However, the sides are much less than gear (in general, for most people), so if you're willing to do gear, pot is "less harmful". I am disgusted by people who know little about it, and espouse their myths regarding its effects, as I am similarly disgusted when people do the same with gear...you think a gearhead would understand that SUSTHEAD!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 07:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Vanguard   Click Here to Email Vanguard     Edit/Delete Message
so are you saying it produces extrogen?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 625)
posted August 03, 2000 08:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for havoc   Click Here to Email havoc     Edit/Delete Message
I guess I will post this shit over hear as well. Marijuana contains 19 essential elements including boron, magnesium and zinc. Remember anything abused is bad for you in the long run, whatever it may be, with the herb that I grow and smoke I need 2 to 3 hits at the most to be high for a solid 4 hours, next I usually smoke through water or some type of filter. Marijuana is beneficial for a person like myself who eats 10 meals a day to spark some type of appetite when I am not that hungry, if it does increase estrogen, its not enough to cause gyno, remember herb can also be ingested through cake, brownies, spaghetti sauce and tea.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 29)
posted August 03, 2000 09:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bringin_Ruckus   Click Here to Email Bringin_Ruckus     Edit/Delete Message
I blaze about 5 times a week and work out 5 times a week i wouldnt reccomend blazin and goin to the gym as i have done it and feel very weak...blazin definetly isnt bad for u too only enhances how you think about things...if your gonna shoot yourself up then rippin the binggah aint that bad...

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 09:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Green   Click Here to Email Green     Edit/Delete Message
Nothing like going to the gym stoned! I mean I get in there and kick ass. It helps me relax and focus on what I'm doing. You also go into weed time and you don't take much time in-between sets. I'm sure there are negative sides to smoking just like everything else but it gives me a good appetite and I don't ever want to drink. When I go to a club I just fire up and have 1 beer then water. I used to be a borderline alcoholic when I was in college so I know how hard alcohol is on the body. Plus.. No calories!

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 10:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Vanguard   Click Here to Email Vanguard     Edit/Delete Message
I need to drink a ton or I am parched. Im going to go to the gym stoned and try it out.

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ripped to shreads2
Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 10:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ripped to shreads2   Click Here to Email ripped to shreads2     Edit/Delete Message
i know a guy who smokes pot all the time.
"pot is not a drug" "i can quit anytime" "no one ewer died from smoking pot"
well he newer takes his shirt off, cause hes got bigger tities then some of the girls in his area yap pot gave him bitch titts.

My coment was not directed to offend any of you fellow bros who like to burn, i was jus giving an example, plus i smoked a few in my earlier days.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 10:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for JayisCrazy   Click Here to Email JayisCrazy     Edit/Delete Message
The only thing I have heard is that pot and also alcohol will reduce you test levels! Also, I know from puffin a few that it definatly doesn't give me the same stimulating effect as an ECA stack!
Ps. By this time next year, pot will be legal here in Canada! I'll have to have a few of you Bro's up!

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 10:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for gearseeker   Click Here to Email gearseeker     Edit/Delete Message
Hey van,

I personally love lifting high. I get super focused and can feel the muscle work more. Ive hit every all time best while stoned.

My training partner gets completely silly and laughs at everything. He also complains that he is weak when high.

Works for me - not for him.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 267)
posted August 03, 2000 10:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MP5   Click Here to Email MP5     Edit/Delete Message
Funny how all pot heads think pot is good for them. It is not good for you, it makes you stupid, wastes your money, and cooks your lungs. The bottom line is that your lungs were not designed to breathe smoke. I think if all the smokers and pot heads in the world had asthma like I, maybe they would not take their lungs for granted. And if you need pot to relax you and help you sleep then you need to hit it harder in the gym, I crash hard every night. I am sure I will be flamed for this cause of the roids, but pot was never found naturally in my body, and does nothing to build your strength, speed, and endurance like roids, quite the opposite. Plus I have never seen roid stickers, hats and t-shirts celebrating roids like you do with all the potheads.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 625)
posted August 03, 2000 11:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for havoc   Click Here to Email havoc     Edit/Delete Message
MP5, once again a moronic response, being that I have 2 degrees and going for my masters with a consistent GPA of 3.3 and played collegiate basketball and pro overseas and 240lbs at 5'10 with 6% bf only 24 years old ALL NATURAL with genetics and dedication that is rarely matched and having growed and smoked herb for the last 7 years of my life I would like to say you are completely incorrect in your response, you should not stereotype every person that smokes, everyone is different, many people with asthma either ingest herb or use a vaporizer, intelligent pot smokers have high grade marijuana where 2 or 3 hits is efficient enough for them to get through the day, they dont inhale in a week the amount of one cigarette. Not a flame just the truth.

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 11:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Beezers   Click Here to Email Beezers     Edit/Delete Message
Actually MP5, bud is good for asthma. It is a bronchial(sp) dialator. It expands the bronchial tubes allowing greater oxygen flow into the body. For a long time and in many places weed is used as an asthma treatment. The lungs have the ability to cleanse themselve of polutants, it's part of thier job. So if they are not over poluted with the smoke they are completely capable of cleaning themselves out. Along with that it lowers blood pressure and slightly lowers body temperature, so scientificly it does actually relax the body, it's not all in the mind. There are many theraputic uses for this great plant and it was put on this planet for a reason. It and human culture have co-existed and evolved together since the begining of mankind. There is no need to fear this plant. The information we hear about it was all government propaganda that started in the 1930's. After decades of beating this incorrect information into the heads of already brainwashed society it has become the norm. If used in moderation it is benign.

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The Franchise
Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 11:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for The Franchise     Edit/Delete Message
Hey MP5! Would'nt it be cool if we could get T-shirts and hats celebrating our favorite 'roids?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 11:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for slim_shady   Click Here to Email slim_shady     Edit/Delete Message
i agree with havoc and the others..i burn and i also take care of my body by not eating junk or letting the drug 'control' me. i don't use it when i am working out and there isn't anything wrong with doing some after and/or on an off day. the shit doesn't ruin your body or give you tits either. this isn't the place to preech the values/benefits of weed (i.e. good for the ozone, cancer relief, etc) but people that say pot causes you to get fat, stupid, etc don't understand that those who do get fat and stupid would have even without the use of pot. if pot ruins someone's life, it's because they didn't have the willpower/self-control to do it. i will now get off my soapbox.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 267)
posted August 03, 2000 11:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MP5   Click Here to Email MP5     Edit/Delete Message
Havoc, I am glad you are so proud of yourself. You are probably a rec major or a PE major anyhow. "intelligent pot smokers have high grade marijuana where 2 or 3 hits is efficient enough for them to get through the
day", so 2 or 3 hits a day is better for you than clean air? I have heard the rumor of it being a bronchodialator but so is my inhaler and it is not loaded with tar. Plus it does not give me that smokers cough and stupid laugh that all pot-heads have. Nor does it make me wear hemp necklaces, tie dye, birkenstocks, or use such phrases as "right on", "be kind to your mind". And as far as it being natural, so it Radon, mercury, poison ivy, sumac and the list goes on, that does not mean we are supposed to mess with it.

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ripped to shreads2
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 140)
posted August 03, 2000 12:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ripped to shreads2   Click Here to Email ripped to shreads2     Edit/Delete Message
once i experienced with extecey i newer smoked pot again and now that i been clean for a year i rather spend my cash on roids then bud any day, and it is wery sad to see you guys think that it is ok to burn, well if you think it is go ahead, you guys work out high,hum pot is a bronco diolator hum,you getting your masters good for you but it is too bad that you are a pot head no matter what kind of education you have that wount change the fact that you are a pot head and that is the truth if you wana flame me for this post go ahead and how do you guys do cardio.

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 12:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for havoc   Click Here to Email havoc     Edit/Delete Message
Pride has nothing to do with my previous post, it was an attempt for me to prove to you that everyone is an individual and yet you still stereotype with the laugh, neclaces, birkenstocks etc, I have never owned any of that cause thats just not me, you have your thoughts and I have mine, I also have research, papers, lectures and an easy 50 speeches under my belt to prove the facts instead of spitting out bullshit. Hey it doesnt matter, end of discussion.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 130)
posted August 03, 2000 12:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Vanguard   Click Here to Email Vanguard     Edit/Delete Message
So gear is no problem, insulin, wasting money on supps. is everywhere but enjoying life a little with no real harm is bad? I dont understand.

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 12:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for WCP   Click Here to Email WCP     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 39184064
Personally I dont fuck with the shit and dont plan on it. It stinks, and people act like zombies when they are rocked on it.

Maybe Im just a control freak, but I like to have full capability of all my mental functions at all times. Now with all medical mumbo jumbo aside, let someone who smokes show me some hard evidence it dont impair neurological functions in the brain, and I may look at it a bit different.

And say what you want, but 2 doctors Ive discussed this with that I have been monitored by said that in gyno prone people, pot can cause an eventual gyno problem.

Hell Macrophage posted something awhile back about alcohol and pot containing phytoestrogens I believe...something along those lines. I dont do the shit so I cant go into specifics.

And as far as your response on the chat board, well I wont fucking rant on that, but its been a total joke lately. Everything is dick this pussy that or bong hit blah..blah..blah..flame me if you will, I could give two shits less...

My .02

"If your in my path you have two choices............move!, or become part of it!!"

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 202)
posted August 03, 2000 12:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for susthead   Click Here to Email susthead     Edit/Delete Message
mp5 i gotta agree with ya all pot heads belive its good for emm if it was good for you it would be legal wouldnt it let me just say one thing

you are bodybuilders and true bodybuliders dont smoke pot
and if ya taking gear you have no place in you life for drinks smoking pot or any other recreational drugs for that matter.

and anyway if a bodybuilder is training hard he's or her body will demand 8 - 10meals a day without smoking but to induce appitite

i dont care who flames me but deep down you know im right.

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ripped to shreads2
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 140)
posted August 03, 2000 12:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ripped to shreads2   Click Here to Email ripped to shreads2     Edit/Delete Message
hve you ewer heard the turm majority rules
in peoples eyes iam a juice head , ewen though i dont admit the use openly, no matter how many facts or studies reaserch i showe them it is still wrong and it wount change theyr prespective, can you just imagine how huch better you probably would do if you didnt smoke pot?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 512)
posted August 03, 2000 12:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Green   Click Here to Email Green     Edit/Delete Message
MP5 you're way wrong. Don't' stereotype about something you obviously know dick about. I have asthma and it's no big deal. Allergies bother it more than anything. As for the tie-dye and necklace statement, plain ignorant. I'm a Network administrator that wears dress slacks and button up every day. Grant I have a goter but that's because I'm a badass, not a stoner. When you look at me you think big, bad not weed. I have a college education so there goes the dumb theory. LAter, Green

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ripped to shreads2
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 140)
posted August 03, 2000 12:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ripped to shreads2   Click Here to Email ripped to shreads2     Edit/Delete Message
if you wana chat about pot go somewhere else. and just because you see arnold smoke a joint at the end of pumping iron dosent make it all right, thats probably the only time he did,
hey snort some coke before you work out too right?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 512)
posted August 03, 2000 12:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Green   Click Here to Email Green     Edit/Delete Message
Same shit with juice and weed. In high school I thought if you did either one you were a huge loser or cheater. The truth of the matter is what makes you happy. If you like being huge your going to take juice. Fact juice puts stress on your body. Fact so does weed. But I don't have to take supplements to counter act the negative effects of smoking weed. Anyone live in LA, NYC or Chicago? Take a deep breath. Pollution is worse than smoking dope. Fact. What I'm getting at is if you use anything you can justify it's use. No matter what it is. Shit I just read a thread about using coke to lean out. Huh?! As for weed, it's no worse than going to a club to show off your hard work to the ladies sipping on a gin and tonic. LAter, Green

shit. Maybe weed is the cause of my ambition to push a car around the block a few times a night....

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 12:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Green   Click Here to Email Green     Edit/Delete Message
Ripped what's up with the attitude man? Why move this else where? We can't talk about drugs in an anabolic forum? Drugs are drugs. I believe the question was how it relates to lifting therefore it belongs. You need a Mod. title to make that judgment. Maybe there's a reason your not. Later, Green

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Dark Stalker
Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 03:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dark Stalker   Click Here to Email Dark Stalker     Edit/Delete Message
Do you guys smoke weed AND use AS at the same time ?

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 03:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Green   Click Here to Email Green     Edit/Delete Message
I did. No biggie. I made the mistake of smoking before a shot though. Bad idea. It was the only time it hurt. LAter, Green

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 04:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Decaman   Click Here to Email Decaman     Edit/Delete Message
Coke for cutting , weed for bulking, this is turning into the narcotics discussion board. Who ever opened this can of worms should have known better. I argued against coke , that other thread was ridiculous, weed does eem somewhat harmless, I smoke maybe once a week or every two weeks with my girl, def. relaxing, gives me huge munchies though, and I am very lethargic the next day, this is all on 1/2 a joint. I have read that it lowers test levels, true or not I do not know. I will agree with the statement that rec drugs and A.S., should not be combined, especially the harder stuff(x, coke, K, etc.) because your liver is under enough strain as it is. You know what though , if iti makes you happy to smoke some weed after the gym, fuck it, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Coke for cutting is an asshole move. My.02


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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 04:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message
I agree with Green on this one. When I am stoned I want to go lift. It helps me get into a kind of zone, where I can focus more intensely. I can actually lift slightly more weight when I am stoned. I love the shit and don't plan on stopping. Peace...Mav

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 188)
posted August 03, 2000 04:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Swollen   Click Here to Email Swollen     Edit/Delete Message
Bottom line, dank is the shit and is more benefical(sp?) to your training success then bad. Need to gain weight? Smoke. Need to train today with a different perspective? Smoke. Want a pump you haven't had since you've first started working out? Smoke. Weed gives you the ULTIMATE mind-body connection. Depending on how lit you get, you will feel particular muscle fibers work, and like what was said before, you are in "weed time" so what seems like a 5 min. rest is more like 45 sec. to 1 min. I could sit here all day and try to prove myself right. But instead I am going to offer a challenge to the skeptics; Get a dime sack and next Arm session (or any favorite muscle) smoke. Before you get the gym you HAVE to get motivated. Whatch a BB movie or go through some old pics of Arnold and Sergio while your lit. Go to the gym, train and you'll end up coming back two hours later! Not a lazy two hour session, but a intense two hours! Of course you could always cut the time, if your one of those "new scientific studies suggest anything more then an hour is bad" types, but you may not want to. Just follow these simple guidlines;

1]Don't get so lit you can't focus on something.
2]Don't eat on an empty stomache, unless your wieght goals could bennefit.
3]Drive safely
4]Prepare to be extra sore the next day!

"I make one fuckin mistake..."
(The guy who injected Anabolic Steroids in the right side of his sphincter)

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 202)
posted August 03, 2000 04:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for roadruler   Click Here to Email roadruler     Edit/Delete Message
I love to smoke too, I agree what most of you are saying except I can't do it before the gym. I'll do it if I'm not lifting or after lifting. I tried lifting stoned and had a bad workout.
MP5 what's your major? Im a PE/Health major and I think you couldn't pass 1/2 the classes us PE majors have to take, such as biomechanics, kinesiolgy, anatomy, motor learning....just to name a few.
I wish there was some real proof of what pot does to you. And those who made that stereotype comment about pot smokers wearing hemp necklaces, tie dye etc. are being just plane stupid, thats like saying all BB(juice heads)are stupid.
Not all of us are trying to be a prof. BB. I lift and juice to feel better about my self, to be stronger, and look better, I'm going to school for what I want to be, and if I feel like smoking pot I'll do it.
I'm not saying pot is good or bad for you, I see its ups and downs , but I see it in roids too.
Anyway my opinion is I like to do both, you only live once so enjoy it while you can.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 163)
posted August 03, 2000 05:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MIKAI   Click Here to Email MIKAI     Edit/Delete Message
Mmm more drugs Ok With me its all or nothing. If you are really dedicated you wont drink or do drugs maybe pot is ok but Im not going to mess with the roids so no drink and drugs at all Its been a couple of months now i would kill for a half pint but Its weakness in my mind.

Its just my way of thinking but im dedicated now so no other substance gets in my body..!

Maybe at xmas i will get pissed up


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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 05:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for glenbenton     Edit/Delete Message
im sure nobody gives a shit what i got to say, but i have to agree with mp5 and wcp on this one. when you got to rely on pot to get you through the day, you got problems.

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 03, 2000 06:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message
You're right, I don't give a shit. Just joking, bro! Peace...Mav

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 04, 2000 10:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Green   Click Here to Email Green     Edit/Delete Message
I can agree that if you use it as a crutch to get through the day you might consider it a problem. But like me I'm an evening smoker. I don't touch the stuff until my day is coming to an end. After work I like to go home shower, relax, smoke up a bit and go to the gym. I come home chow down some grub and get on this damn board again. On the weekends I tend to smoke more but that's because I like to sit arround the pool all day soaking up the rays. LAter, Green

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 04, 2000 10:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for decibel     Edit/Delete Message
i never smoke before lifting, it makes me tired (but i love 1/2 a hit of l.s.d.!).
doing cardio while lit is fun, though, especially if you're wearing a walkman.
i only smoke a little after a late workout to relax enough to go to sleep. it can only be a couple of hits, though, or the next day i feel tired as shit.
oh yeah, and green's right, i usually love sticking myself with needles, but if i do it stoned, it's VERY weird and painful!

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ripped to shreads2
Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 04, 2000 10:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ripped to shreads2   Click Here to Email ripped to shreads2     Edit/Delete Message
one mesured pump of ventipulmin before liftting, now talk about wanting to lift especialy if your on winie eq t-3 and of course the clen i mentioned, pumps unbelivable, stamina outragious, this edge feeling it gives you, and ofcourse not to forget the facial expresions of all the people in the gym that watch me flex after my work out.
so why should you smoke pot to work out, then take all these other drugs to be in shape, it is countradictory, if i wana be focused i just think of the out come in the long run, be fucking huge not some guy who needs to take clen to breathe insted to cut

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 29)
posted August 04, 2000 10:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bringin_Ruckus   Click Here to Email Bringin_Ruckus     Edit/Delete Message
you cant get bitch tit's from pot dude

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 267)
posted August 04, 2000 01:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MP5   Click Here to Email MP5     Edit/Delete Message
Roadruler, PE, Health!? HaHaHaHa!!!!!!!! Give me a break, my two roomates were PE majors, they would even admit it was lame. A&T of softball, CPR, motor learning is a joke! I could sit in the back of class and pull dick and still get an A in all those "tough" classes. Give me a clipboard and a whistle and I can teach gym all day. My degree? Finance, laugh it up brainiac. Have fun getting a job, god knows there is a huge demand for PE majors.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 267)
posted August 04, 2000 01:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MP5   Click Here to Email MP5     Edit/Delete Message
Roadruler, PE, Health!? HaHaHaHa!!!!!!!! Give me a break, my two roomates were PE majors, they would even admit it was lame. A&T of softball, CPR, motor learning is a joke! I could sit in the back of class and pull dick and still get an A in all those "tough" classes. Give me a clipboard and a whistle and I can teach gym all day. My degree? Finance, laugh it up brainiac. Have fun getting a job, god knows there is a huge demand for PE majors. I am not here to rip on majors, just when people claim it makes them an authority and not rightfully so.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 130)
posted August 04, 2000 01:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Vanguard   Click Here to Email Vanguard     Edit/Delete Message
Finance majors have nothing to do with science, which means its easy as shit. What if he got a bS in PE, I dont think you know whats required. Any monkey can get be a business major.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 202)
posted August 04, 2000 01:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for roadruler   Click Here to Email roadruler     Edit/Delete Message
Vanguard thanx bro, MP5 you just proved to me your a moron. Finance....you got to be kidding me, Now that's real hard........NO!!
Whats 2 + 2? And pulling your dick, I bet you do that alot because thats the only thing you can do. I'll get a job and hold it for the rest of my life(tenure), while you'll be still home "pulling your dick" trying to figure out what 2 + 2 is.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 267)
posted August 04, 2000 01:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MP5   Click Here to Email MP5     Edit/Delete Message
Shittttttt, you couldn't even get through the first accounting. I did not know PE was a science that taught you shit. Kickball is a science? Talk to me in ten years when you want to know how to invest your 22k salary you are making. I am sure that health teaches you all about roids and pot. Don't worry when we get Bush in office maybe you teachers will be held accountable and have to pass some criteria to hold your jobs.

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 04, 2000 01:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Vanguard   Click Here to Email Vanguard     Edit/Delete Message
MP5, theres other avenues in the PE umbrella than teacing PE. Im not going to further dignify this statement. Now go talk about supply and demand for the 100th time.

[This message has been edited by Vanguard (edited August 04, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 202)
posted August 04, 2000 02:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for roadruler   Click Here to Email roadruler     Edit/Delete Message
OHHH, you know how to invest money......my cat could do that, give me a break. First of all, while I have the summers off fucking your girl, oh I'm sorry you won't have a girl, you'll still be pulling your dick. you'll be in your little cubicle trying to figure out where your going to put some poor assholes money that your going to lose because you still can't figure what 2 + 2 is.

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Big Brother Val
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posted August 04, 2000 02:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Big Brother Val   Click Here to Email Big Brother Val     Edit/Delete Message
Right on, WCP. I agree. The chat board has turned to complete and total shit. Worse than an AOL chat room.
Pot sucks.
If you wanna discuss it's effects on bodybuilding... post the topic here. You wanna bang ego's on if it's good or bad for you... take it to chat.
Here's some great info courtesy of Macro:

cannabis does not actually raise estrogen levels- it itself has phytochemicals that are estrogenic- it has phytoestrogens- these are a defense mechanism of plants to reduce the fertility of their predators. thus smoking can reduce your production of testosterone, give you bitch tits- if done heavily enough, and make you store fat like a women- a gynoid fat storage pattern- but other than that and the laziness factor I dont see why it would affect you to much.
BTW- GHB and its precursors are a better choice for sleep at night. however there is nothing really wrong with smoking though it may hinder your gains for the reasons above. Alcohol will hinder your gains by increasing aromatase production resulting in increased estrogen production through increased test conversion- it also puts a lot of strain on the liver.



You wanna read the whole post, including the stupid fued between me and a former board member Villan: https://www.elitefitness.com/ubb/Archives/Forum1/03-2000/005490.html

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sour jerk
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posted August 04, 2000 03:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sour jerk   Click Here to Email sour jerk     Edit/Delete Message
wcp said the only intellegent thing on this stupid post,i too would like to have full mental capablities at all times.i see the pot heads in my school theyre a bunch of burned out losers. i think ill pass on the pot.

i also want to comment on pots effects on "bitch tits" i cant give you a text book answer to that,neither do i care to research pots effects on gyno.but i will give you real world results that ive seen many pot heads in college on the campus beach
(yes my school has a private beach)and some of these guys can give pamela lee a run for her money.i dont even think these guys relize they have any thing wrong.sad shit..

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted August 04, 2000 03:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jeffjordan   Click Here to Email jeffjordan     Edit/Delete Message
Well I don't do the stuff either, so I don't know from personal experience but I am a medical student and have had to study pharmaceuticals in depth including marajuana, they have even found new uses for marajuana in the medical community recently, it is used rarly but for catoracts, (slowing down blood pressure through eye to reduce) Severe pain associated with some life debilitating condition (rare) also for increasing appetite in cancer, aids patience (I have read but rare also) I read a few months ago they use for people with scoliosis. I am no doctor just passing info. [ But as far as for Body builders I also know that marajuana does in fact over time lower testoserone levels to the point of eventualy impotence in excessive/chronic users, It effects the short term memory so some users forget quickly. Marajuana has been classified in medical journals as a hullucnigan. Motivation is low in most users reported ability to compr. situations is slowed (Driving, motor skills, etc.) Ability to perform sexually is absent eventually even desire. Long term destroying stored memory/ long term memory.] I do not look down on people who use marajuana I have friends who still use but most of them are still in the same ole town working for 6-7 dollars an hour, and have a mind like a post! There are exceptions not all marajuana users have no life. There are Senior V.P.'s that smoke, all back grounds. To sum this ESSAY up (Weed does not build muscle, it will not effect you physically extremly if you do not abuse it, but gives you no advantage physically or mentaly unless for medical purposes used for and this goes with any pharmaceutical if abused it will hurt you.) Sorry for the 500 words essay!

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted August 04, 2000 03:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Vanguard   Click Here to Email Vanguard     Edit/Delete Message
I could say the same for beer.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted August 04, 2000 03:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jeffjordan   Click Here to Email jeffjordan     Edit/Delete Message
Alcohol is not a good suplement to partake in either yes you are correct. Alcohol is nothing but emty calories no nutritional value. You can't go to the gym work hard and then get drunk it does no good because potien is used to repair holes you put in your liver and yes it can speed aroma. Taking steriods and drinking is extremly straining your liver. Occasonal drinking/social drinking on off days can be even healthy in very small amounts (2 beers/glass of wine/shot of hard alcohol-not recomended as previous.) Small amouts 3 times a week can lower bad cholesterol levels.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 12)
posted August 04, 2000 03:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jeffjordan   Click Here to Email jeffjordan     Edit/Delete Message
Alcohol is not a good suplement to partake in either yes you are correct. Alcohol is nothing but emty calories no nutritional value. You can't go to the gym work hard and then get drunk it does no good because potien is used to repair holes you put in your liver and yes it can speed aroma. Taking steriods and drinking is extremly straining your liver. Occasonal drinking/social drinking on off days can be even healthy in very small amounts (2 beers/glass of wine/shot of hard alcohol-not recomended as previous.) Small amouts 3 times a week can lower bad cholesterol levels. I have read before that some body builders before a show would take a shot of sherry right before they went on stage because of the initial stimulant properties (that pump you initialy get from alcohol)that alcohol has at first even though it is a deppresant. (Of course out dated this practice) I even have read of a contestant taking too much, performing like the village drunk in some early english novel and won second place because of his proformance achieving to win the crowd because they were laughing so hard. The trick to this practice was that they drank twice as much water too before doing so so as not to pass out of dehydration due to working out before contest.(Which has also happened before/ Contestants passing out because of dehydration.)

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