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  Opinions on bridging please...

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Author Topic:   Opinions on bridging please...
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 420)
posted August 02, 2000 07:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Krusher   Click Here to Email Krusher     Edit/Delete Message
Would it be a bad idea to use a very light dose of a mild anabolic between cycles? I like to burn off fat between cycles but then it's difficult to maintain your gains. Would 1cc of winny every third day saturate your receptors enough that when you hit a heavy cycle (ie 1000mgs sust/400mgs deca/8dbol) you don't get crazy gains? I remember reading a post here
(but I can't remember who) saying that 100mgs/wk of EQ between cycles maintains and even builds some muscle and the guy would then hit a heavy cycle and do great. Any opinions/experiences are much appreciated.

[This message has been edited by Krusher (edited August 02, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 289)
posted August 02, 2000 10:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pup'nIrn   Click Here to Email Pup'nIrn     Edit/Delete Message
I used eq in that method last winter and did very well. I would do 4 week cycles of test or d-bol ontop of the eq and stay on the eq through till the next. I used the eq for about 20-25 weeks at 2-3cc/ week and was very pleased with the results. I think I took about 4 weeks between the stronger gear and will use this method again this mass season.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 289)
posted August 02, 2000 10:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pup'nIrn   Click Here to Email Pup'nIrn     Edit/Delete Message
I used eq in that method last winter and did very well. I would do 4 week cycles of test or d-bol ontop of the eq and stay on the eq through till the next. I used the eq for about 20-25 weeks at 2-3cc/ week and was very pleased with the results. I think I took about 4 weeks between the stronger gear and will use this method again this mass season.

"Milk is for Babies...Beer is for men" Arnold

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 44)
posted August 03, 2000 12:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GAAV KOSH   Click Here to Email GAAV KOSH     Edit/Delete Message
I've read that bridging is a bad idea, because even at small amounts it will never let your receptors completely clear up.

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Luca Brasi
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 305)
posted August 03, 2000 02:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Luca Brasi   Click Here to Email Luca Brasi     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 68955173
Better off just making a clean break and then going back on.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 262)
posted August 03, 2000 09:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DocJ   Click Here to Email DocJ     Edit/Delete Message
I've been thinking about this subject a lot lately. It would be interesting to conduct an "experiment" were two training partners did the opposite between cycles: one bridge with anavar, primo, etc, the other partner go wild on the creatine, glutamine, vanadyl, etc. There would have to be blood tests done at certain intervals. Problem is, you wouldn't know how other juicers would react to using low doses for bridging. It could work well for one, terrible for another.
Sorry I'm babbling but this subject interests me...

"It's a good day to be alive, sir, It's a good day to be alive he said..."

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 575)
posted August 03, 2000 09:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jeff_rys   Click Here to Email Jeff_rys     Edit/Delete Message
Yes Doc, good idea. As you say one of the two can react differently. But if you do the same again after the next cycle and then change places between the two, then you would know.


Don't look back, life is too short

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 262)
posted August 03, 2000 09:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DocJ   Click Here to Email DocJ     Edit/Delete Message
I'm writing a small "article" on this subject and will post it when I'm done for some critiques.

"It's a good day to be alive, sir, It's a good day to be alive he said..."

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1178)
posted August 03, 2000 10:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Slopain   Click Here to Email Slopain     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 71360584
bump, I have heard of a cycle George's team had put somebody on that was like a 2 year cycle. The guy, if I remember correctly didn't have any problems (gyno,extreme sides etc..) I would assume there had to be bridging in that cycle...


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