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  8 meal replecmants a day

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Author Topic:   8 meal replecmants a day
ripped to shreads2
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 110)
posted August 01, 2000 10:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ripped to shreads2   Click Here to Email ripped to shreads2     Edit/Delete Message
i got a budy who eats 8-10 mrps a day hes in unbelivable condition and has no medical peroblems once a week hell have real food on his cheat day
and he says its ewen cheaper than real food no cooking,
you guys know any one that does this i myght try it plus you can get mrps wery cheap these days for under a buck??
hes been doing this for like 2 years hes got unbelivable waist and abs

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 119)
posted August 01, 2000 10:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for bb4424     Edit/Delete Message
I have done it for 2 weeks at a time....but it is not that cheap..what can you get for less than $1?

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Luca Brasi
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 269)
posted August 01, 2000 10:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Luca Brasi   Click Here to Email Luca Brasi     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 68955173
Living off just meal replacment products even just for 2 weeks has to be terrible for your digestive system . The body needs solid food even if it is just 1 meal a day.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 393)
posted August 01, 2000 10:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jdismukes   Click Here to Email jdismukes     Edit/Delete Message
I don't think that is a good idea, but if it works for him. I personally would get so sick of shakes that just the smell of them would make me sick. I also like real food and belive that eating clean food is the key to getting in shape.

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ripped to shreads2
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 110)
posted August 01, 2000 11:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ripped to shreads2   Click Here to Email ripped to shreads2     Edit/Delete Message
i kinda agree with all of ya, ia going to tri this my self and ill let you know but ill have 2 real meals and 6 mrps
natures best perfect rx comes out to be .79 a packet from dps nutrition theyr web is www.dpsnutrition.com

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 388)
posted August 01, 2000 11:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for CB38AC   Click Here to Email CB38AC     Edit/Delete Message
I plan to try it when I go to college...not 8 but 3-4

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 231)
posted August 01, 2000 11:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for decibel     Edit/Delete Message
you need real food or your digestive system will be out of whack. drinking a lot of shakes gives you constant diarrhea and makes bowel movements irregular.
when training for a show, my trainer cuts all mrps out of my diet. he says solid food hardens you up more and is lower in sodium - don't know if this is necessarily true, you might look into it, but what is true is that it's nice not to shit water every two hours.

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1 Mistake
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 256)
posted August 01, 2000 11:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 1 Mistake     Edit/Delete Message
Your body is NOT designed to assimilate 8-10 mrps a day!! You need at least 1 or 2 food meals per day for healthy digestive function.I think that guy will get really sick someday because of those packs!!


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 62)
posted August 01, 2000 11:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for hayesjones   Click Here to Email hayesjones     Edit/Delete Message
whatever works for you! But I would freaking lose it not being able to eat one normal meal a day!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 6)
posted August 01, 2000 12:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lpw     Edit/Delete Message
ripped to shreads2,

Does your friend mix them with water, juice, milk,or something else? I would imagine that mixing w/ different juices would add some variety of flavor.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 129)
posted August 01, 2000 12:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MIKAI   Click Here to Email MIKAI     Edit/Delete Message
Ok this one is intresting for me I work dureing the day 9 to 5 and find its hard to get a decent meal without paying about �6 to �10 at lunch so i get a couple of fresh bread rolls and fill them with chicken and other foodstuffs and eat every 3 hours and have a shake with that then I have a good meal when i get home I also have a good breakfast Its working for me but i would not be happy on chemical replacements like megamass and powerbars etc it cant be good for your body...!

I also eat loads of fruit about 6 bananas a day I love em...!

I do think that meal replacements should be used with solid food rather than alone..!


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 187)
posted August 01, 2000 01:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Swollen   Click Here to Email Swollen     Edit/Delete Message
Having the majority of calorie consumption come from MRPs is a marvel idea. Assuming the MRP is fortified with top quality ingredients, you are actually consuming better calories then Solid Food. You don�t get a heavy, bloated feeling caused by solid waste. So you always feel lighter and tighter. A carb is a carb and a gram of protein and fate is a gram of protein and fat. Your body digests solid food into a liquid anyway. You�re just saving yourself the trouble by drinking your nutrients. That isn�t to say a mourning meal moderate in fiber wouldn�t help. The numbers are better anyway;

Solid Foods(Weekly Bill)
[Bare and basic Food groceries]

2 2lb. London Broil = $20.00
3 Bags of Chicken = $24.00
3 Dozen Eggs = $6.00
Whey Protein 5lbs. = $30.00
5 Gallons of Skim Milk = $15.00
Total = $95.00

Good Quality MRP (Weekly Bill via. Netrition.com {Internet})
[Assuming 8 MRPs day]

3 20 Pack Box MRP = $90.00
Total = $90.00

"I make one fuckin mistake..."
(The guy who injected Anabolic Steroids in the right side of his sphincter)

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ripped to shreads2
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 110)
posted August 01, 2000 01:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ripped to shreads2   Click Here to Email ripped to shreads2     Edit/Delete Message
same explanation my friend gave me man his abs are tight.
exept he pays about 35 bucks a week for his mrps and on saturday he eats what ewer he likes, he dosent need cooking ingridients pans just one mixin botle and water

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 763)
posted August 01, 2000 02:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ajc1977     Edit/Delete Message
That's way too much processed food, which will digest very quickly, therefore not all nutrients will be absorbed. Your GI tract will not like this and you will most likely end up with irregularity. Most MRPs have a lot of sodium as well. I try to eat at least 3-4 solid meals and 2-3 MRPs with added protein powder. This way I get about 200 grams of protein from MRPs plus all the protein from my three or four normal meals which easily adds up to over 300 grams of protein. This allows me to get all the protein I need and only have to prepare 3-4 meals per day.

~~~ ajc1977 ~~~
Visit my member website at http://profiles.elitefitness.com

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 440)
posted August 01, 2000 02:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for YellowD98     Edit/Delete Message
What he isn't fessing up about is his constant stomach aches and juicy terds. Even with 1/3 of my diet consisting of MRPs and protein powders, Im shooting streams out my end.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 15)
posted August 01, 2000 03:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ProSpeak   Click Here to Email ProSpeak     Edit/Delete Message
All you have to do is add 1 to 2 tablespoons of Psyllium Powder in your blender or shaker with your MRP. No more runs!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 340)
posted August 01, 2000 03:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message
OK, there is at least one, if not more, resons why this is not a good idea and I can sum it up in one word: fiber. Fiber is something that you get from real food and it is absolutely necessary to maintain proper digestive fuction. I have doen this myself and know it is true. The problem is that when you start eating normal again, you will get intense stomach pain and probably diarea. This happened to me. MRP's are not meant to substitute food totally. They are meant to be taken several times a day when you don't have the time to eat right. I have made this mistake before and will never do it again. Eat your MRPs between regular meals and you will maintain proper digetive system health. BTW, tell this guy that this is not a healthy thing to do. I guess you could take a fiber supplement several times a day and you probably won't have any problems. But I would recommend against it. Peace...Mav

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ripped to shreads2
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 110)
posted August 01, 2000 03:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ripped to shreads2   Click Here to Email ripped to shreads2     Edit/Delete Message
i hear you there, i myself iam goin to take just 4 a day with 3 solid meals only in emergencies would i take them with out real food and that would be if i had to travel and there was no food but how often u see that happenin

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 267)
posted August 01, 2000 03:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Primo_man   Click Here to Email Primo_man     Edit/Delete Message
Don't forget about all of the phytochemicals and natural anit-cancer agents that are found in fresh fruits and veggies. Your friend may look good now but how is he going to look when he ages and has some type of cancer. I read a study reciently that said that cancer is more a fact of life style than genetics. Your friend needs some produce!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 650)
posted August 01, 2000 03:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Decaman   Click Here to Email Decaman     Edit/Delete Message
Hey primo man is back too, nice to see you and luca, what's up? Anyway I gotta agree with you bros, all mrp's is defintely a bad idea. You gotta have your green veggies everyday, fruit too. Besides wouldn't mrp's be considered a processed food? We all know about processed foods, avoid as much as possible. I have found that on occasssion, fi cheat day was a little heavy, 1 day of liquid meals helps to flush me out, but I would not stick to only mrp's, i will usually have some chicken broth or something like that for 2 meals.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 238)
posted August 01, 2000 08:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NEWMAXX   Click Here to Email NEWMAXX     Edit/Delete Message
I have tried this before. Doo't pass gas to hard..heh heh...

Seriously, YOU NEED REAL FOOD. I was so damn hungry in week two I couldn't see straight....

Adding a piece of fruit or a small snack with the MRP helps your body absorb it better.

"Fear is the mind killer, it is the little death that causes total obliteration..."

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