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  The Zen of Iron, Lesson #3

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Author Topic:   The Zen of Iron, Lesson #3
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 153)
posted July 31, 2000 10:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bjaarki   Click Here to Email Bjaarki     Edit/Delete Message
More on the Zen wisdom of lifting that I've collected and that I find transfer well to other areas of life. Working out in the gym has impressed several of these lessons on me. The first and second lessons, #1: Good results take time - and they're worth working for! and #2: Consistency is everything, were posted to this board earlier. Here is the third moral lesson in the Zen of Iron that has come my way. As before, I'm not trying here to articulate things I've learned that apply only to lifting, but rather things I've learned from lifting that help me understand other areas of my life.

Iron Zen Lesson #3: Men Can Nurture One Another.

I don't know how the women ironheads feel about this, but in my experience the weight room is one of the very few places where we men generously help one another out. In the weight room, maybe alone of all the other places we men find ourselves during the course of the day, in the weight room we actually � yes, we nurture one another. We do that when we take time out of our own routines to spot another lifter. We do that when we greet our fellow "regulars" everyday with a handshake and a "What're you training today?" We do that when we help a questioning newcomer learn the form of a difficult lift, or give a newbie props when we see him doing incline presses with #40 dumbells after starting with 30 pound bells a couple a months ago.

That's why, on this board, some of us take time - a few of us take a great deal of time - to answer newbies' posts. It's why we call each other "bro," and why Ranger writes poetry about his "Iron Brother." That's also why it's such a pity when we see a bro who doesn't know what he can do for and with other men, a brother whose narcissism and one-upmanship, whose I'm-bigger-than-you-are attitude keeps him alone, and lonely, and, ultimately, smaller than he would otherwise be, in a moral if not a physical sense.

Unfortunately, I see too much of that crappy attitude in my career and my private life. As I say, the gym is one of the very few places where we men nurture one another. But I see it can be done, and that's a good thing to realize.

More later, bros. Keep the Fire!


"'Til the weard of the world, stands, unforgotten,
high under Heaven, the hero's name." - Hrolf Krakki's Saga (Iceland)


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Ice Man
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 628)
posted July 31, 2000 10:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ice Man   Click Here to Email Ice Man     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 82717741
You took the words right out of my mouth! Big Bump, Brother!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 90)
posted July 31, 2000 10:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for loomisH   Click Here to Email loomisH     Edit/Delete Message
You be a wise man. As always, you inspire me to train and truly enjoy my time at the gym! Thanx for the insights.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 410)
posted July 31, 2000 01:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for YellowD98     Edit/Delete Message
bump another lesson in the iron zen

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 76)
posted July 31, 2000 03:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ex-infantry   Click Here to Email ex-infantry     Edit/Delete Message
i'll bump it. very true.

the only easy day was yesterday!!

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