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  Mexico (TJ) Experiences

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Author Topic:   Mexico (TJ) Experiences
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 5)
posted July 29, 2000 09:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Traps     Edit/Delete Message
My brothers - new to this board but have read where some are or have crossed over - I have gone 6 different times in Tijuana and have had good success using the businessman method. I always were a suit(shirt w/long sleeves) and carry some literature from my plastics company so it looks like I'm there for a sales call. I made sure that I knew enough about the local geography in case "the man" asked where I was headed or where I was coming from. I then proceed to the supplement stores and do my business - if I suspect someone is watching me I just look like the lost soul - just seeking direction. To get back across, I stuff all my gear in my suit jacket(most ever was $2500 worth of test and the like - stay away from the pink a50s!!) I have never even so much as been looked at strangely - I weigh almost 265lbs and am 6' tall so it isn't easy to hide. Just make sure you have enough business-looking shit lying within view of the guards and I'm certain you'll have no troubles -

Peace out - stayin large

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 115)
posted July 29, 2000 09:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for glazed_donutz   Click Here to Email glazed_donutz     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 52939896
hey traps that is pretty good idea i like how you even did a little research incase they ask a few questions did you get that from a movie :^)

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 5)
posted July 29, 2000 09:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Traps     Edit/Delete Message
Does sound like a movie doesn't it?? I just figured that the less you look like somebody who is crossing the boarder for the holy grail, the less likely you are to be scrutinized. Also, I live like that in my real life because I am a young professional and have to hide the shit from my girlfriend as well as deal with senior level executives that are usually more interested in my personal life than what business we are trying to accomplish. As far as anyone outside my training partner knows, I eat a ton of oatmeal!!!!!

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