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  Advice on 1st cycle

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Author Topic:   Advice on 1st cycle
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 7)
posted July 27, 2000 02:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hacker   Click Here to Email Hacker     Edit/Delete Message
Can you guys check this out. What kind of gains can I expect from this?

Week 1 Primo 100 mg/Oxandrolone 10mg day
Week 2 Primo 100 mg/Oxandrolone 10mg day
Week 3 Primo 100 mg/Oxandrolone 12.5 mg day
Week 4 Primo 100 mg/Oxandrolone 15 mg day
Week 5 Primo 200 mg/Oxandrolone 12.5 mg day
Week 6 Primo 200 mg/Oxandrolone 10 mg day
Week 7 Primo 200 mg/Oxandrolone 10 mg day
Week 8 Primo 200 mg/Winstrol 4 mg day
Week 9 Primo 100 mg/Wintrol 6 mg day
Week 10 Primo 100 mg/Wintrol 8 mg day
Week 11 Primo 100 mg/Wintrol 6 mg day
Week 12 Primo 100 mg/Wintrol 4 mg day

I wont need clomid for this cycle will I?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 912)
posted July 27, 2000 03:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for quenepo   Click Here to Email quenepo     Edit/Delete Message
First of all,you are a girl?

Para cualquier duda o pregunta en espa�ol.en confianza e-mail.
[email protected]

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 7)
posted July 27, 2000 03:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hacker   Click Here to Email Hacker     Edit/Delete Message
Way to mild? Thanks for the flame thats why I'm asking your fucking advice genius!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1241)
posted July 27, 2000 03:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for big_guy1   Click Here to Email big_guy1     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 5126477
yeah same question..are you a girl?? if not, way way too mild...


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 192)
posted July 27, 2000 03:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message
First of all, cussing people out is not the best way to get advice, genius. The comments made above were the same things I was thinking. These are all drugs that girls should use and these doses are more adequate for girls than a male BB. You would be lucky if this cycle gave you anything more than a pimple. Primo is not a bad drug for a first cycle but your doses are too low. I suggest you do some more research on the internet about the proper way to cycle roids. A good place to start is ajc1997's website which is located at http://profiles.elitefitness.com. Read this and do some research, genius! I was going to offer some advice but you have got a little too much attitude for me.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 2)
posted July 27, 2000 03:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hungry1   Click Here to Email Hungry1     Edit/Delete Message
LOL! And I thought my cycle was weak.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 7)
posted July 27, 2000 03:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hacker   Click Here to Email Hacker     Edit/Delete Message
I thought this board was here to help people out. I've researched this for a couple of months now. I wasn't giving attitude. I have nothing but respect for this board thats why I asked the question here. I've been lurking around this board for a while now and was always afraid to ask anything now this. thanks.....

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 7)
posted July 27, 2000 03:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hacker   Click Here to Email Hacker     Edit/Delete Message
Hungry 1 whats your cycle consist of?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 45)
posted July 27, 2000 03:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kain   Click Here to Email Kain     Edit/Delete Message
Well maybe you need to do more research. If you think that what you put down for a 1st cycle is adequate then you've obviously been reading the wrong sources. Keep looking and reading.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 192)
posted July 27, 2000 03:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message
Dude, go to the post I told you too. Look on the board for posts about first cyles. Gather info and put one together for yourself. Keep in mind a good cycle isn't going to be exremely cheap. Sorry but when you said "Thanks for the flame thats why I'm asking your fucking advice genius!" that sure sounds like attitude man. This is a very good board but you must understand that everyday someone wants someone else to tell them how to do a cycle so it gets kinda old and people get tired of writing out cycles for other people. However, I guaranfuckintee you that you will get good advice if you post a cycle that looks like you have done some research, and this one just doesn't have that quality. Peace...

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 13)
posted July 27, 2000 04:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wigler   Click Here to Email Wigler     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 19500747
Hacker, I know what you mean about being afraid to ask questions with that being the case thats all the more reason to ensure that you have done all the research possible on the question athand, which it is more that obvious that you had not. The guys on this board are here to help but they are also busy and need not be bothered by questions that have not been researched thoroughly. READ READ READ RESEARCH... You'll get the hang of it.

Bigger "IS" Better

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 81)
posted July 27, 2000 04:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pds132   Click Here to Email pds132     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 6
if i were you i would add some test into that cycle real fast

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 7)
posted July 27, 2000 04:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hacker   Click Here to Email Hacker     Edit/Delete Message
everything I've read says that 100-200mg/week of primo depot is good for a beginner. Believe me I've researched.
I am learning sorry for the attitude!!!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 26)
posted July 27, 2000 04:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bull     Edit/Delete Message
I would go with 300mg/week

Big Bad Bull!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 192)
posted July 27, 2000 04:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message
Yep, you need at least 300 mgs per week of primo and 400 is better.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 278)
posted July 27, 2000 04:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for gamer   Click Here to Email gamer     Edit/Delete Message
Relax man! Everyone is not against you. There is two very conflicting schools of thought on this topic. One says get the most out of your first cycle gains by hitting it moderately hard with test included in your cycle as your gains will be far greater. The other school feels that this isn't needed to make good growth in the beginning, so you should leave room for the future and start mild and progress from there. I don't agree with people getting on your case as your question was legitimate and valid but you shouldn't have snapped at quenepo like that either. (I respect quenepo and I honestly think his question was a serious one as your drugs are the three most commonly used anabolics by woman and in low dosages too) Now two of our most knowlegable mods are even on different sides of the fence here. 2thick and E2 are both extremely knowlegable and both feel differently on this issue as those that pay attention would know. There is no wrong or right answer here as no one can dispute either of these two's knowledge on AS. It's a matter of what you feel is right for you and how much risk you want to incorporate into this cycle. Now from my experience (I didn't use test or any androgens in my first cycle-deca-primo-winny- as I too listened to the War and didn't have this board to help out at the time) I would recommend including test in your first cycle at a moderate dose like SUS at 500mg (750 week 1 to get your levels up)for 9 weeks and 400mg of deca for ten. I believe this is going to give gains far better than your cycle and won't leave you with so much potential unfulfilled as you can never make up that first cycle. If you want more in depth advice then drop me an e-mail and I'll try to help you out. Either way don't forget your clomid at least after cycle and preferably EOD as well. This cycle would be alot cheaper, pretty well tolerated by most, and result in ALOT more gains. (15 pound in my estimation at least) Good luck and don't take everything so seriousely!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 653)
posted July 27, 2000 05:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ajc1977     Edit/Delete Message
Hacker- You need to slow your role real quick. You don't just come on here and ask advice and expect all of us to kiss your ass. Quenepo is a real good bro and probably wasn't trying to be sarcastic. (If he was it was kind of funny though). That actually sounds like a first cycle for a girl, so I can't blame them.

Do some more research before you start.

~~~ ajc1977 ~~~
Visit my member website at http://profiles.elitefitness.com

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