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  my creatine experiment

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 185)
posted July 25, 2000 05:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Spunky   Click Here to Email Spunky     Edit/Delete Message
I know this belongs on the supplement board, but its not nearly as active as this one so I posted it here, I figured someone would find this of interest. I have always had problems repping.. I can do heavy weight for 1 rep, but when it comes to doing alot of reps my muscles fatique quickly. I am very pleased after 1 week on creatine, my 1rm on BP went up 10lbs to 285. But I can usually only lift 225 3-4 reps and my muscles fatique. Been taking 15g of creatine per day for a week and I lifted 225 for 6 reps last night. I just feel stronger. others may have diff experiences or opinions, but I believe creatine is the most effective legal supp on the market. If you aren't on gear and want strength (if u don't mind water retention), I would definately get on creatine. It helps.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 477)
posted July 25, 2000 05:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DREXX   Click Here to Email DREXX     Edit/Delete Message
I always use creatine since it helps with atp recovery. I take 15g after training only so about 60g a week.

I agree with Whey and Glutamine it is one of the best legal supplements.

It is intramuscular water retention so why would you mind it. Bigger, rounder muscles???

Creatine doesn't cause edema like test it doesn't cause water retention between the skin and the muscle...

I hear lots of people say save your money for the gear but creatine with gear is even better. It helps recuperate between sets...

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 593)
posted July 25, 2000 05:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Decaman   Click Here to Email Decaman     Edit/Delete Message
This is interesting, it always gives me stomach problems, but after this cycle i gotta get off for a few months, and I gotta take something , so i am gonna try it again. Anyone have any ideas on how to minimize the stomach problems?


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 185)
posted July 25, 2000 05:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Spunky   Click Here to Email Spunky     Edit/Delete Message
thanks for correcting me on the water retention. i've been told it can be bad and make u look soft. i haven't experienced much yet.

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted July 25, 2000 05:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DREXX   Click Here to Email DREXX     Edit/Delete Message
Decaman for the stomach ache try taking in smaller doses...most can't take 10-15g like I can try taking like 5g at a time it should be easier to digest...

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 125)
posted July 25, 2000 05:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bjaarki   Click Here to Email Bjaarki     Edit/Delete Message

DREXX is 100 percent on target. I've used creatine for years, with good effect.


"'Til the weard of the world, stands, unforgotten,
high under Heaven, the hero's name." - Hrolf Krakki's Saga (Iceland)


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 185)
posted July 25, 2000 05:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Spunky   Click Here to Email Spunky     Edit/Delete Message
I've heard creatine in pill form is easier on your tummy, but I really don't know. Looks like it would just dissolve once it got down there and mess your stomach up too. If u take pill form i'd recommend TwinLabs Creatine Fuel Stack. It has glutamine and taurine.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 593)
posted July 25, 2000 05:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Decaman   Click Here to Email Decaman     Edit/Delete Message
I am not sure drexx but I think I tried the smaller doses and still had the problems, bloating cramps etc. I was wondering if there was anything to take with it, or mix it in .


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 304)
posted July 25, 2000 05:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Brutis   Click Here to Email Brutis     Edit/Delete Message
Just curious, what type of creatine are you using?

If you have to tell people you're a bodybuilder...you're not.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 28)
posted July 25, 2000 05:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TEZT   Click Here to Email TEZT     Edit/Delete Message
Hey DM, have you tryed mirconized creatine? I had stomach problems too on regular creatine untill i swicthed to the micronized by Metrex and it cured it. Hopes this helps.

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted July 25, 2000 05:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Decaman   Click Here to Email Decaman     Edit/Delete Message
If you were asking me it was optimum's.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 185)
posted July 25, 2000 05:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Spunky   Click Here to Email Spunky     Edit/Delete Message
the GNC brand, i think its pro performance creatine monohydrate. cheap stuff

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 394)
posted July 25, 2000 05:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Green   Click Here to Email Green     Edit/Delete Message
The only problem I have with Creatine is I cramp in the gym. I started taking potassium and Magnesium pills and it helped out a lot! I love taking creating and glutamine. I mix them into my tub of protein so I don't have to dick with it every day. LAter, Green

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 28)
posted July 25, 2000 05:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TEZT   Click Here to Email TEZT     Edit/Delete Message
Hey Green, do you use creatine when your on a cycle? I was just curious because i,ve heard some good things and bad things while taking creatine on a cycle.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 477)
posted July 25, 2000 06:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DREXX   Click Here to Email DREXX     Edit/Delete Message
What bad things have your heard from creatine supplementation during or off cycle?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 192)
posted July 25, 2000 06:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jocko     Edit/Delete Message
If you're having stomach problems with creatine try Effevesent Creatine (Muscle-Link) has a good brand. If you're having cramps, you have to drink lots of water when on creatine.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 593)
posted July 25, 2000 06:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Decaman   Click Here to Email Decaman     Edit/Delete Message
I will try the micronized and the effervescent, thanx bros. I can't believe I am going to only be on creatine for a few months, it has been a long time, but nothing like some nice clean receptors for a massive bulking cycle.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 211)
posted July 25, 2000 08:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for eastarr   Click Here to Email eastarr     Edit/Delete Message
I start creatine 2 weeks before I finished my cycle with some advice from some bros' here.

It helped out. Didn't hurt, and ythe water retention wasn't bad. And since I got into this for strength and mass, the big round ol' muscles are fine to me. Especially if i can keep more strength then if i didn't use nothing at all.


"Pain is weakness leaving the body>>>"

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 477)
posted July 25, 2000 08:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DREXX   Click Here to Email DREXX     Edit/Delete Message
With creatine there is no bad water retention you don't get puffy it is water in your muscles...they are more hyrdrated/pumped...you don't get water under the skin that is due to sodium retention whil e using as...

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 5)
posted July 26, 2000 02:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for dart   Click Here to Email dart     Edit/Delete Message
DM,reason may be using of creatine and protein together or short period between consumtion of creatine and protein.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 46)
posted July 26, 2000 02:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for therealj   Click Here to Email therealj     Edit/Delete Message

I know of a guy who took it in his Alka-Seltzer to minimize digestion pains and it seemed to work for him..really no different then effervescent shit on the market

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 182)
posted July 26, 2000 02:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Swollen   Click Here to Email Swollen     Edit/Delete Message
DecaMan, I'm going to hook you up bro. Take plain old Micronized creatine, fuck all the fancy shit, and mix it with grape juice. The grape juice will transport it and sooth the stomache. If this doesn't give you what you want, try drinking a glass of milk, a thicker milk preferably, before the creatine/grape juice. Hope this helped.

"I make one fuckin mistake..."
(The guy who injected Anabolic Steroids in the right side of his sphincter)

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 13)
posted July 26, 2000 10:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ronad   Click Here to Email Ronad     Edit/Delete Message
hey bros, I get really serious diareah(sp) from creatine? Any suggestions. Thanks

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 106)
posted July 26, 2000 10:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kingpin     Edit/Delete Message
Ronad... You gotta stick with it in smaller doses. I had the same problem, but it will ease up and go away. Drink a lot of water (1 gal+ per day). Then again, sometimes it's good to clean yourself out!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 23)
posted July 26, 2000 10:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for natural-mike   Click Here to Email natural-mike     Edit/Delete Message

You guys are all going to rip into me for my advice but what the hell , this is what worked for me. I have tried several different creatines and brands. 9 out of 10 give me horrible diarhhea and stomache cramps. For some reason EAS PHosphagen HP sits well with me ( no thats not a sales pitch ) I'm sure there are cheaper and or better. Anyway a good solution for me was to boil hot water a little bit. Add creatine and stir like a madman, it will dissolve very quickly (the key is it dissolves...very rare when you mix with cold or room temp drinks even Grape juice. Then add cold water once it dissolves in the hot water and drink immediately. Some say boiling water destroys structure of creatine if you let it sit, and no it won't turn to creatinine right away. So drink it right away. If its completely dissolved it should eliminate stomach problems.Well it did for me
Natural - Mike

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 23)
posted July 26, 2000 10:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for natural-mike   Click Here to Email natural-mike     Edit/Delete Message

Creatine may throw off your thyroid. Me and several colleagues of mine have shown irregular thyroid levels resulting when we take a standard blood test while on creatine. So look into it if you have a thyroid problem before hand and you plan on taking creatine. Also, as a side note, I get terrrible acne while on creatine and I'm 20 I shouldnt have acne.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 182)
posted July 26, 2000 11:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Swollen   Click Here to Email Swollen     Edit/Delete Message
I tried warm grape juice a couple times. I would let the fosset water run until it got as hot as it could then I just poured the can of grape juice mix and stir it in the hot water. I dont do it all the time because it get hotter than a bitch were I live and the last thing I want to drink is something warm.

"I make one fuckin mistake..."
(The guy who injected Anabolic Steroids in the right side of his sphincter)

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 593)
posted July 26, 2000 12:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Decaman   Click Here to Email Decaman     Edit/Delete Message
In response to the thyroid thing, I am on t3 bro, I planned on going to creatine as soon as I was done with my t3/cutting cycle, maybe a week later, any problems there?


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 151)
posted July 26, 2000 12:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CLEMDOG   Click Here to Email CLEMDOG     Edit/Delete Message
Creatine can actually convert pretty easily into Creatitine. Time, moisture,and heat. Try creatine and insulin Thats what i'm doing right now, put on 5lbs in one week. Creatine has never done anything for me in the past, but combining insulin may be the key for me.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 11)
posted July 26, 2000 02:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JayisCrazy   Click Here to Email JayisCrazy     Edit/Delete Message
I too got bad leg cramps on Creatine. So should I just try upping the water and maybe a potassium/magnesium supp?


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 91)
posted July 26, 2000 03:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mistah_d     Edit/Delete Message
Some of these comments are the craziest shite I've ever heard. Here are some creatine FACTS:
1. Micronized creatine was developed in an attempt to get the creatine to dissolve better in liquid before consumption, not to minimize the effects on one's digestive system.
2. Effervescent creatine was developed in an attempt to get the creatine into a better transport system. It is way too expensive and overrated. There is no study that shows it is any more effective than regular creatine.
3. Phosphagen HP is basically creatine mixed with sugar. Bill P., marketing wizard that he is, named the product after the medical term for creatine in the body (phosphagen) This is more effective than straight creatine because creatine uptake in muscle cells is maximized when the appropriate level of carbs is present. Save your money and mix it with juice.
4. Mixing creatine in a hot liquid does make it dissolve better (as does sugar, salt, etc) because the increase temp moves the liquid molecules further apart allowing more room for the creatine molecules to fit in between. I heard a reputable source mixes creatine with hot decaf tea and honey. I tried this with decent results.

The comments about taking creatine in smaller amounts alleviating stomach cramps may work, but I've never had that problem so I can't say.

As far as creatine and muscle cramps, a recent study disproved the longstanding myth that creatine causes muscle cramps. If you notice yourself cramping, I would reconsider the reason, but who knows...

The comment about creatine causing acne has to be completely false. All creatine is is a phosphate group that is to be reattached to ADP (adenosine diphosphate) to create ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which is the source of muscle energetics. To my knowledge, phosphates do not cause acne in any shape or form.

To sum it up, creatine is a great OTC supplement with no known side effects except increased intramuscular water retention (which is a good thing, right?) 15 grams per day would be the most I would take, you would likely just piss out the rest.

I hope this helps.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 192)
posted July 26, 2000 10:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jocko     Edit/Delete Message
And so mistah_d which brand do use?
I use an eff. creatine in warm water an hour before my work-outs and never have any problems. You here so much about when to take it, before or after you're work-outs or both. To each his own.
Just like everything else, you have to experiment you're self to find the brand you like the best.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 91)
posted July 27, 2000 08:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mistah_d     Edit/Delete Message
I use generic, plain, white, creatine, I think the latest tub I have was twinlab or something. I don't use the effervescent stuff but...I drink 5 grams of it in luke warm seltzer water w/ some lemon juice 2 hours before sleeping ( I work out in the mornings quite a bit) and 5 grams within an hour after working out. I cycle it every 5 weeks or so, I stop for a week or two. I am in week 3 of my 10th cycle of creatine (whoa huh?) and have noticed some increased effect on the same dosage. All this amounts to what some say is up to 50% better absorption, and therefore better effect. I think it adds up to maybe a 10 to 20% gain, based on my actual performance results.
I try these things to keep this whole workout/dieting thing dynamic, so I don't get bored with it. Besides, straight creatine is so cheap, you could really take in 25 to 30 grams a day, and whatever else your body couldn't hold would be pissed out. That way, you would always have the highest amount of creatine in your system hehehe.
Besides, the cheaper OTC supplements are, the more gear I can buy...

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 62)
posted July 27, 2000 01:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Seitz   Click Here to Email Seitz     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 32745054
I read all of your posts and if you did your home work you would know that you dont really pee the creatine out. It goes into the intestines and gets absorbed there, thats why you get the runs if you take to much. During the loading phase try 5grams at a time 2-3 hours between doses with grape juice never with pop or other carbonated drinks! For stomache problems try a tums after you take the creatine, it helps with the gut, the runs, and gas. my 2 cents

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 395)
posted July 27, 2000 02:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Curious     Edit/Delete Message
Great Quote Swollen...hahaha

That which does not kill you makes you stronger.

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Lee wanna B
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 188)
posted July 27, 2000 04:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lee wanna B     Edit/Delete Message
Seitz, after 3 days of loading on creatine 2/3 of it is wasted. I don't think that you are totally wrong, but not completely right. You don't urinate creatine, you urinate creatinine, the waste product of creatine. This happens after the maximum level of creatine can be absorbed by the muscles, it then converts to creatinine and excreted in the urine.

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Hunter Thompson
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 2)
posted July 27, 2000 04:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hunter Thompson     Edit/Delete Message
Creatine works well but it works much better when taken with insulin. I got strong as a bull on the stuff when I did it with insulin.
I think insulin is the most underated supplement out there. It scares some people away, but when used correctly and timed right, it has no equal. I was 165 at 5 7 and was repping out at 225 for 25. No shit. Try it with insulin, especially post cycle and you will not regret it. Just be carefyul and aware of what you are doing. A monkey could do it.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 23)
posted July 28, 2000 08:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for natural-mike   Click Here to Email natural-mike     Edit/Delete Message
Mistah d great posts, I agree on several points.

First off, on my earlier post I meant I was 30 not 20 years old, and thats why I shouldnt have acne. There is a possibility I either got an allergic reaction to it, or the hormone levels in my body shifted rapidly, I'm not blaming the creatine, I'm blaming my body. All my poundages went up in 2 weeks

Thyroid levels for ME were off during blood test while on creatine, but I don't think it effects thyroid at all. Just throws the test off, kind of like eating poppy seeds before a drug test used to cause a false positive result.

Phosphagen HP..yes Bill P is marketing genius a.ka. scumbag, it only has sugar in it. However, it is a the only creatine that doesnt give me stomach problems, I've tried them all. I get it at the supplement warehouse and pay the same price as the standard stuff you take. so I don't mind the price

I believe in mixing it with hot or warm liquid , it works for me.

I'm a little sketchy about the hype of efferves. creatine, but I'm not in a position to say it works or not.

I also never experienced cramping from creatine, boys drink more water, if your not drinking enough water and you never heard of creatine you would still cramp sometimes, a cramp is a short circuit in the muscle, it happens people regardless.

Forget the loading phase, your body can only saturate over time, I'm not saying you pee it all out, but I'm saying its probably a waste

Mistah D.. one question Why cycle creatine? Why do you choose to cycle it every 5 weeks , in other words why 5 and not 4 or 7, just curious?

Again, mistah d...great post, good job. I think creatine is probably the BEST OTC supplement.


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