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  I need serious help

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Author Topic:   I need serious help
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 15)
posted July 25, 2000 05:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TheDon   Click Here to Email TheDon     Edit/Delete Message
I am trying to come up with a good cycle that will put 20-25 lbs on me, and increase my bench 25 lbs for repping. My stats are: 18 years old, 5"9, 180 Lbs, 12% bodyfat, training for 1 and a half years. Just completed first cycle(Deca)

Here was what i was thinking for my cyce: Sustenon 750-500-500-500-500-500, with 100mg of clomid every day for two weeks at the end. I was told that i should do any 8 week cycle. Should i do the 6 or 8 week. Also, i have 850mg of deca left from my last cycle. Should i insert it into my new cycle? I was thinking of taking 400 mg for the first 2 weeks to make my gains come faster, since sustanon doesnt really start working until week3. Would i need an anti estrogen at the beginning if i take 750 sustenon and 400 deca? Any advice would be great thanks

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 110)
posted July 25, 2000 05:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ColumboWeiser   Click Here to Email ColumboWeiser     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 22135825
hey man I would go eight weeks, even though I don't think you are old enough, but I'm not your father...
the deca, you don't have much, if thats all you can get...you may wanna wait and do 200mg for four weeks, starting at the beginging of week six, this will help solidify your gains...just my opinion...
Good Luck...

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 464)
posted July 25, 2000 05:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DREXX   Click Here to Email DREXX     Edit/Delete Message
You are a little young but what can I say you already juicing so...

I would do 6 weeks that is fine if you want to include the deca go for it atleast 200mg a week maybe go for 300,300,250 for the first 3 weeks. Keep in mind that the deca won't kick much faster than sust.

If you want a fast kick get some dbol.

Dosages look fine for the sust.

Have the clomid and nolvadex on hand. Keep in mind that the nolvadex and the clomid wont block the gyno induced by deca...

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 568)
posted July 25, 2000 05:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Decaman   Click Here to Email Decaman     Edit/Delete Message
Don't waste that deca , 850 mg is a snack, you need to get about 2500 more mg, so hold onto it until you can use it properly. Get a little more sus and go 8 weeks, get some nolva just in case.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 39)
posted July 25, 2000 05:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AAA     Edit/Delete Message
Hey TD i think your to young bro why fuck take a chance of hurting yourself now and the long run then just waiting for a few years man the shit is always going to be around bro just wait! thats not enough deca anyway

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 15)
posted July 25, 2000 05:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TheDon   Click Here to Email TheDon     Edit/Delete Message
I think i will get some d-bol. How much should i take for the first 3 weeks? Is there a heavy chance for aromatization if i take the d-bol and sustanon at the same time?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 308)
posted July 25, 2000 06:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for HeavyLifterX   Click Here to Email HeavyLifterX     Edit/Delete Message
Get some d-bol, take 35mg/day for 3 weeks then 30mg/day for 1 week then 25mg/day for 1 week then drop it. The sust looks fine, yes this cycle will aromitize. D-bol is known for just that, take 50mg of clomid eod through the whole cycle and then take 100mg eod for 1 week post cycle and you will do fine. Your bench will most likely go up more than 25lbs. The deca is not enough to mess with, the clomid will help with keeping your gains also.

If it doesn't hurt getting it, then it's not worth having...

Work With Your Back And With Your Brain

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