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  Eq and hair loss

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Author Topic:   Eq and hair loss
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 336)
posted July 25, 2000 09:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoviceJuicer     Edit/Delete Message
I know I could find this in the search bgut it is not working now. Many compare Eq with Deca because of its positive nitrogen balance and protein sparing abilities.

I know you are not supposed to take A5Reductase inhibitors (proscar, saw palmetto etc) with Decca as it may accelerate hair loss. Is this also true for Eq? Should you avoid alpha 5 reductase inhibitors with Eq?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 355)
posted July 25, 2000 09:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Green   Click Here to Email Green     Edit/Delete Message
Don't know but I didn't lose any hair when on eq. Do you have to be prone to hair loss for this to happen? LAter, Green

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 355)
posted July 25, 2000 09:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Green   Click Here to Email Green     Edit/Delete Message
Don't know but I didn't lose any hair when on eq. Do you have to be prone to hair loss for this to happen? LAter, Green

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 622)
posted July 25, 2000 10:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Puc   Click Here to Email Puc     Edit/Delete Message

I have been curious about this as well


existing somewhere between euphoria and suicidal rage

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 336)
posted July 25, 2000 05:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoviceJuicer     Edit/Delete Message
Anyone? Anyone? Buehler? Buehler?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 622)
posted July 25, 2000 06:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Puc   Click Here to Email Puc     Edit/Delete Message
My receeding hairline demands I BUMP this again.


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Anabolicum Mister
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 419)
posted July 25, 2000 08:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Anabolicum Mister   Click Here to Email Anabolicum Mister     Edit/Delete Message
I have never heard of a counter indication with eq and finasteride. Although eq's results are similar to deca, the molecule is actually much more similar to d-bol. Also, it has be shown (although in dogs) that one of the metabolites of equipoise is testosterone. Therefore, if I were to use eq and were worried about hairloss I would use finasteride.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 254)
posted July 25, 2000 09:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for gamer   Click Here to Email gamer     Edit/Delete Message
Here is the scoop. It's not that taking finasteride will automatically cause you to lose hair while on deca. It's a little more complex than this. It is the androgenicity of the drugs that cause the bad side effects such as hairloss and the acne. The order of the commonly seen hormones in terms of their androgenicity goes something like this.


We know that our AS are turned into a different hormones via 5-alpha reductase and aromitase. Now in the case of nandrolone this chemical is more androgenic than it's reductase by product which is nor-nandrolone. This means that we want this to happen in order to reduce the androgenicity of the drug. If we are using deca and take finasteride then our reductase is eliminated and there is no conversion of the drug and it stays nandrolone. This is more androgenic than the nor-nandrolone which would have occured if we hadn't eliminated the reductase enzyme. Net result: more hairloss than if we had not eliminated 5-alpha reductase. The flip side is if we are using test with the deca. Test is turned to DHT by the reductase enzyme which is the worst of the hormones in terms of hairloss. So if we have a high level of test and deca in the cycle then finasteride still might be an option as it's better to have nandrolone in our system than DHT. You would have to carefully weigh these options and understand the theory at work here to know if the finasteride is good for you. Sorry if this is confusing but it's a confusing topic and a lot of people don't understand it completely. Hope this helps though.

[This message has been edited by gamer (edited July 25, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 336)
posted July 25, 2000 10:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoviceJuicer     Edit/Delete Message
Gamer, actually that was a very understandable post. It put together several pieces for me from previous posts I have read. Deca only = no finesteride because the by product is less androgenic (less sides). But if it is stacked with something in which the by product is more androgenic (test to DHT) it is better to prevent the test - even if it means more nor nandrolone.

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