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  Roidwarp stream of conciousness from a schizoid...

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Author Topic:   Roidwarp stream of conciousness from a schizoid...
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 88)
posted July 24, 2000 12:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Fukkenshredded   Click Here to Email Fukkenshredded     Edit/Delete Message
Ahhh...what do we have here? Vials. Vials of oil, and...what's this? One, two, three bottles. Cyp. Eq. Gonna get real fucking strong this time around, yessiree. And where are...here we go. Clomid. Good, good, good. Mood swings? Nah. Matter of fact, HELL no. Just that sometimes, people irritate me. No big thing. pins...thirty. THIRTY? Guess that means 3cc's, each time, starting right now. Starting RIGHT NOW, brother. Load up...and...drop 'em...YEOW! What the fuck...twenties? TWENTIES? I told that fucker twenty twos...fuck it. Three lucious cc's. That's better. Much better. Shit, I'm grinning like a fool. Cyp does that. Makes me grin. Roid rage? Fuck, test makes me HAPPY. You hear me? HAPPY. Only thing about gear that makes me mad is when I'm OUT. Now that's a pisser. Maybe I should hit that eq just tonight, too. Or, just right now, in fact. Couldn't hurt. Could only help. Why wait? No good reason. No good reason at all. Got two ass cheeks, don't I? Logic dictates...two shots. Lord wanted us to only shoot once, he'd of given us one ass cheek, way I see it. Ahh...DAMN, every time, brings a smile. Bringin' a SMILE to my soon to be bloated face. Not real bloated. Why? Got more drugs. Gonna kill that water retention before it even starts. Maybe this time, I'll go for some actual size. I am a skinny fuck. Ripped, sure. We'll just see how I feel. Yep, I talk alot to my friends about goal specificity. Wish I had it. My goal? Hell, wish I knew. Badass muscular. THAT'S my goal. Things will get clearer as I shoot through this shit. They always do...
(And the weeks pass)
...DAMN! Fuckin' strong as fuck today. Mad? ME? Nope. Right as rain. Except for that stupid asshole that cut in front of me...would've pissed ANYBODY off. Nothing to do with gear. God, I feel like crying...WHAT? I said that? Clomid. Yep. that's all. I feel fine. Damn, dude, get a hold of yourself. Y' know what I need? I need to double up today. Yeppers. All cyp. Two syringes, full. FULL. Gonna do it when I get home. IMMEDIATELY when I get home. Fuckin chicks, man. God...
(..and on, and on...)
What's with that bitch's attitude? Come off on me like that. Might have to dump her, and soon. Better off single anyway. That's right. Just better off entirely. In fact, I'm gonna let her know here in a sec, when I get to the crib. Get out, babe. Sorry. Messin' up my head. But I won't let her see that. Never, ever, ever, will I let her SEE that. Just tell her. Could this be the gear? NAHHH! It's her. What's this...no one here...her stuff...gone. Wha-? She left. Well....good. GOOD. Bitch. She LEFT. AAAAAHHHHRRGGGHH! COME BACK! COME BAAAAACK!

....just a fleeting memory of life as a shizoid with body dysmorphic disorder, among others...Fukkenshredded lives in his own world, thought I'd share a bit...

Peace to the brothers in their time of rage, strength to the brothers in their time of weariness.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 122)
posted July 24, 2000 12:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message
And what a strange world it is, my brother.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 173)
posted July 24, 2000 12:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ChefRski   Click Here to Email ChefRski     Edit/Delete Message
Wow.....I guess


**Can you smell what the Chef is Cooking?**

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 315)
posted July 24, 2000 12:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for T-BONE     Edit/Delete Message
I think you might be my long lost twin brother. Sounds kinda familiar.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 286)
posted July 24, 2000 12:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Green   Click Here to Email Green     Edit/Delete Message
Wow is all I can say. Bro sounds like you sould go see your doc. No flame but you don't sound too stable. Later, Green

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 133)
posted July 24, 2000 01:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ghans   Click Here to Email ghans     Edit/Delete Message
If the voices in your head start telling you to "KILL THAT BITCH!" you may want to cut back a little.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 233)
posted July 24, 2000 01:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for YellowD98     Edit/Delete Message
I think you need a little more test cyp

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 194)
posted July 24, 2000 01:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ulter   Click Here to Email ulter     Edit/Delete Message
Did you take the blue pill or the red pill?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 78)
posted July 24, 2000 03:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Zeacky   Click Here to Email Zeacky     Edit/Delete Message
Fukkenshredded, I don't belive you have ever posted a post with such emotion. Which leads me to believe that you are just joking around with us. Unless of course you didn't take your lithium today? No flame intended.You don't sound like yourself in this post. Can you please explain what your post really means?

Ok, I got ityour going through a littlemania?

Nope that's not it!

This is!!!

Main Entry: schiz�oid
Pronunciation: 'skit-"soid
Function: adjective
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary
Date: 1924
: characterized by, resulting from, tending toward, or suggestive of schizophrenia
- schizoid noun

When you spelled shizoid you ment schizoid! Right!

Well, what can I say?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 48)
posted July 24, 2000 04:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MIKAI   Click Here to Email MIKAI     Edit/Delete Message
Hmm go see a head doc...!

And for the rest of you I had my first case of roid rage on saturday..!

I was working at the CLUB dureing the weekend (I do it part time helps pay for the gear..!)and was getting a bit of jipe from some customers but nothing i could not handle then i walked over to the bar where things where nice and busy and a customer says he has been waiting a while i said that the bar man knows that so just relax and the bar man will be with him in a mo so i just reminded the bar mant then he just turns round nd hit me in the chest NOT HARD but he just did it i WENT APE SHIT I grabbed the fucker by the neck pinned him against the wall and watched him go red as i told him that i was gonna kill him if he ever touched me again the customers at the bar all stopped drinking and had there mouths open in amazement his feet where off the floor by this time and he was a nice purple colour..! I let him go and thought WHAT THE FUCK HEPPEND THERE....! He lent agaist the wall for a little while to get his breath back but when i turned round the whole of the customers at the bar just looked at me..!

MAN Am i in shit i thought well it not gonna effect me that much i only really do this for fun..!
I gave the boss the excuse of me being uder pressure from work and haveing relationship problems with the bird, Plus the other bloke said that he was to blame cos he lashed out at me He He...! So i got away with that one..!

Just goes to show that we may be able to control ourselfs to a certain extent but if we are pushed over that line we will all flip out, its a basic function for us male's to be aggressive. I thought i was in total control but i found out that i did not have as much as i thought i did..!


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