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Author | Topic: I'm back, 3 months postcycle |
Androgen-Man Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 14) |
![]() ![]() ![]() Hey everybody. Some of you might remember me, I started a cycle about 4 months ago at the age of 17, even though I told everybody on here that I was 18. Now I'm back with a failure story so that maybe I can encourage a few of the younger guys on the board to wait another year or two. I'm not against using the juice (if you haven't tried it, it DOES work), but everybody told me not to do it 4 months ago and I thought I knew better than them... so I feel like some people here that are where I was 4 months ago could use this story to underline those warnings. Here are some rules about juicing that I've learned. If you still live at home with your parents, and they don't know about your juicing, and you know they'll disapprove if they found out -- then don't even try it. Forget about it now. I know the idea is very enticing and it's really hard to hold back on AS when you know you could be putting up 40 more pounds in just 4 weeks. But, it's hard to take 5 doses of reforvit a day and 5 or 6 protein shakes without your parents noticing. When they do find out, which they probably will (your parents probably know way more about your life than you think they do), they won't know anything about juice and they'll think you're a fucking heroine addict, then once you finally calm them down they'll take it away from you. That's what happened to me. 4 weeks into my cycle they confiscated it. No more deca, no more test, no more clomid. Don't think you can hide it from them unless they're the worst fucking alcoholic parents in our fine country. Next, if you're 18 years old and you're spending more than an hour every day reading this board like I was 4 months ago, you've got a problem with your lifestyle. Unless you're fucking stupid (in which case you shouldn't use juice at all) and weightlifting and football is your life, then there are better things you can be doing with your time. You're at a BBing board. You probably already have a really nice body for an 18 year old guy and that's what you're doing it for right? That's why I wanted to use the juice. My logic was if I could get this much bigger and stronger, then I'll get more respect, I'll look better, get more girls. But I've learned so much about girls in the few months I've been off. Most of them don't like a guy that's too ripped like the fucking Hulk. They do want a guy with a nice body -- but if you're a fun time they don't care if you're 5'8 and 150 with some nice cuts in your abs or if you're 5'8 and 200 with a body that could rip her limbs off. Besides, I got so into weightlifting that it became a lifestyle -- all I thought about and all I did was to get bigger, and it started turning people off of me. Friends stopped hanging out with me and I couldn't hold up a conversation with anybody because I'd start talking about lifting or BBing. It's just not worth it if you're doing it for the wrong reasons which you probably are at 18. Next, at 18, you're probably going to be able to make gains by changing your diet and workout that are comparable to the gains you'd make with juice. At 18, you're probably lying about you're age like I was. You're probably lying about your stats like I was. On these boards my bench was 20 pounds higher than it actually was and I weighed 10 pounds more than I actually did. If you're lying to yourself like that it's an immediate sign.... it just isn't psychologically healthy to decieve yourself... to walk around feeling inadequate 24 hours a day because you can't even physically live up to your image of yourself. When I got on the juice I had been making steady gains on my bench and squats of about 5 pounds per month. My max bench was up to 220. Yes, the juice worked. When my parents took me off the juice I was benching 245, a gain of 25 pounds in a month. But now, after the months it took me to recover psychologically from coming off the juice and physically readjusting to my natural test levels... my max bench is, guess what, 220. Right back to where it started. I'm guessing that in those 4 months if I had just kept a healthy diet and continuous lifting routine I could have had 230 or 235 by now. My weight soared in those 4 weeks, I had gained 21 pounds. A lot of it must have been fat because my cuts in my abs started to disappear slowly. So you'll actually look worse on the juice while you're making sure you're getting enough protein and calories. 2 weeks after I was off, I had lost 8 of those pounds (water weight). And today, I am only 4 pounds above where are started my cycle. Anyway, the story of my cycle finishes like this... my lifts went off the deep end after my cycle ended... I was weaker than when I started. AND I didn't have the will to get back into the weightroom. I had bad tendinitis in my left bicep tendon and in both of my wrists, and I felt weak and stupid for trying juice. So my workouts dropped off... I'd go twice a week instead of 5 times. I'd do 4 sets per muscle instead of 10 and I wasn't giving 100% either. It wasn't until a couple months that I got my self-esteem and confidence back completely. I still get into the weightroom a few times per week. Once for tris/chest/shoulders. Once for bis/back. Once for legs/abs. It's simple and it keeps me in shape. You have to realize that unless you're willing to make steroids and bodybuilding your entire life -- you're never going to be a giant like the pros. Life is way too fun to waste the whole thing on steroids. Of course, it's also fun to be a little bit bigger, a little bit stronger, and a little bit faster than everybody else, too. But there are too many risks at 18 -- you'll fuck up your family, your own natural hormones, and you'll be fucking with your mind at a time in your life when you're changing a lot and you might realize afterward it wasn't worth because you've changed priorities in the short time your cycle took. You CAN wait. I hope that gives you something to think about while you're deciding whether or not to take the plunge. ------------------ IP: Logged |
foreverblast Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 103) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() it's all about being ready for something... It's all about maturity. i don't understand how you can summarize the entire teen population with one experience of your own. Maybe there are some of us out here who actually have the maturity needed to handle being on and off a roid cycle... Besides, it's the same for all people, adult or teen. What makes you think teens are in anyway more prone for failure than adults? last time I checked adults are still the ones committing the most crime, having the most car accidents, doing more women than their wives, and other bullshit things. Is there a click in our brain that automatically turn us into responsible adults at the age of 21? john IP: Logged |
AUSTIN Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 51) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'll bump that...Great post bro. IP: Logged |
Androgen-Man Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 14) |
![]() ![]() ![]() You're right. That's exactly what I said. I wasn't ready for it -- and I'm saying that if you're living at home with your parents and you're 18 years old, you're probably not ready. You're probably confused about what you want. I said there are exceptions. But who has the time and money to live that lifestyle at 18? I certainly didn't. And I also said several times that the juice did work. The reason the cycle didn't work out for me wasn't because of my age. It was the situation I was in for my age, which is a pretty common situation for 18 years olds. IP: Logged |
Mickey Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 111) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Great post. Listen up boys!!! IP: Logged |
big dog Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 150) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I remember you well from when I first started on the board. I thought you were kinda nuts, if I remember right, going to 800mg of Test a week at you age,weight, and lack of steroid experience. I started young also,18, with a couple of uneducated cycles.(400mg/wk of Cyp. for 6 weeks.)I also had my shit taken and given back by my parents. You have had taste of steroids,and in a couple years you will want another go at it. Good luck... ------------------ IP: Logged |
Spunky Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 159) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm 19 and getting rady to start my first cycle. My dad knows i've been thinking about it because we've talked about it before. In my house it's one of those don't ask don't tell policies. I know i'm ready for it, others my age might not be. IP: Logged |
ColumboWeiser Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 83) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() bump... good post...I think things would have worked out for you if you could have taken the clomid for two weeks after you stoped, I think you would have kept more of your gains... oh well...to each is there own.... IP: Logged |
Bjaarki Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 64) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() AMan: You got heart, and you got balls. In my book, you got all the respect you'll ever need. Bjaarki ------------------ BECOME SOMEONE'S HERO! IP: Logged |
bgriff Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 685) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Bump this sh$# bro!!! Good post!! ------------------ IP: Logged |
ThePitbull Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 528) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() If your age still ends in teen.....then you are NOT ready! It doesn't matter how mature you are, if your family approves or not, or where you live, or how long you lifted. If you are still in your teens and think you are ready you are fooling yourself. At that age your body is not ready. You are still growing and producing enough test on your own to accomplish amazing results. Wait just a couple of more years, you will be very glad you did.
Pitbull IP: Logged |
BillyBadAss Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 121) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Damn bro that sucks. Sounds like you had a bad experience there. My first cycle was when i was 18. It was deca and primo followed by winstrol. I loved it. I got bigger, stronger, and after the cycle i kept 95% of my gains. I lost just a little while dieting down. I did notice some things, i lost my temper a little easier, my tendinitis went away, sleeplessness on occasion, and a slight case of deca dick. By the way, my parents never found out. But they would respect my decision even if they did. The worst thing about it was wanting to do it again. I want to be huge and strong, is that so bad? Arnold started early, and look what happened to him. The main thing is that you don't want to abuse AS and you need to weigh your priorities before using them. Is it worth it to you? Is this what you really want? With me, I want to be this way. I can think of many other drugs that i could be using that would have a much more pronounced effect on my life than AS. Then again, everybody is different. Just my two cents. later-- IP: Logged |
cantgetlayed Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 127) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm sorry about your experience, but i'm with billybadass on this one. I'm 18, and I'll probably start my first cycle sometime next winter. Your parents don't have to know, how'd they find them? I decided I was ready because I've been training between three to five days a week(i switch up the schedule every three months or so, so i do a four months of three days a week per year)for three years. My diet isn't perfect, but it's damn near close and I make sure I get ten hours of sleep every night. I party about once a month so I don't overdo that at all. And I can't think of one thing that should stop me at this point. I'm ready. ------------------ IP: Logged |
flaco Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 52) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm sorry your first cycle did'nt work out for you. I am glad things worked out for you in the end. Hopefully other teens will take this into consideration before they jump into it. My opinion is that AS an BB are not something you can do half ass, your right it is a lifestyle. Bodybuilding is something I plan to do till I physically can't anymore. I'm just trying to get educated and stay dedicated!!!! Good luck in the future bro!!!!!! ------------------ IP: Logged |
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