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Author Topic:   Need advice...
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1)
posted July 17, 2000 02:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for eboda_sp   Click Here to Email eboda_sp     Edit/Delete Message
I�m 30 y/o male who�s spent the past year getting into better shape. I went from about 3 years of pretty bad diet (drinking way too much and eating poorly) and I�m �getting there� but as every day goes by I get there slower and slower�.

I started out at 242 and 29% bf back last September. Now, I am at 205 and something like 13% bf. So, I�ve put on some mass and gotten rid of a lot of fat. I�m not tiny but I�m sure not huge. Anyhow, I am wondering what the realistic consequences, and benefits, of AS are.

According to my Doc, I �stressed� my liver for a while back there, but everything, enzymes, check out in the high end of �normal� now. But, that is definitely a huge concern of mine!

All I really want to do is get more cut and bigger but not huge. Is that all AS can do, make a guy huge? Frankly, I worry about the price (to my body) if I push my self to truly get huge�I want to get that very built look and then maintain that. Part of me says that the only way to do this is more hard work. It has worked so far. The discouraging part is that each additional 1% bf is hell to take off at this point and the gains in size and definition take much more work�

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 12)
posted July 17, 2000 02:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bloatboy   Click Here to Email bloatboy     Edit/Delete Message
Just a couple notes for ya:

Do not start AS unless you are sure you want to do it. Do ALOT of research. You obviously need to do more if you are asking questions like this one. Yes AS can throw your liver out of wack. And yes you will put on some unwanted fat if you want to get truly massive. You gotta eat like a madman in order to get the most of a cycle, so prepare to put on some extra fat. Oh yeah, make sure you get blood tests done often when you are on a cycle, just to be sure how you liver is doing. Good luck!



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