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  Susp, Winny, HGH, Clen STACK

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Author Topic:   Susp, Winny, HGH, Clen STACK
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 4)
posted July 13, 2000 06:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for A-BoMB   Click Here to Email A-BoMB     Edit/Delete Message
Hello everybody. I am just getting back on this message board after several years. This whole site has changed... looks much better.
I have some questions for intelligent users.
Background: 22 yr old male 6'3 255lbs @ 16% B.F. very active both aerobicly and lifting. (Cant spell very well though.) Have taken 3 major cycles(one/yr). These cycles consisted of mainly Sostenon, Primotestin, T200, Cyipionate... in doses from 200mg-1250mg weekly(lasting 6 -14weeks). I always make great gains in size and strenght but seem to lose a great portion of it in my off periods. I have never taken Nolvadex or Clomid or any of that stuff... just balls to the wall until I was out of juice and then quit. I know that this isnt the best way now.
I have aquired 2 bottles of Jurox Test Supension(20cc/50mg), One bottle Stanozolic(Winny-V 20cc/50mg), Ten vials of Humatrope (13iu HGH), 100 pills of Clenbuterol (Spiropent).

MY Goals: To increase size(5-10lbs net gain), strength and athletism while losing fat and avioding any "serious" side effects.

How should I utilize my holdings in a cycle?

How long will this be detectable in Gas Chronography screen?

What should I get if I dont have it?

Please be sure to include info on how to take Clen and Clomid or Priovorn or Nolvadex.

One last question: On the aussivet site my batch number of Stanozolic is not listed, nor is its Exp Date... Also they claim that all Jurox is fake shit...is this true... please inform me of any first hand expierences with this companies products



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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 4)
posted July 13, 2000 07:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for A-BoMB   Click Here to Email A-BoMB     Edit/Delete Message
I was Thinking Someting Like:
Week 1 - 2*
1cc/day Susp and 1cc/day Winny
Week 3 *0*
2cc/day Susp and 2cc/day Winny
Week 4
1.5cc/day Susp and 2.5cc Winny
Week 5
1cc/day Susp and 2.5cc Winny and 15mg Halotestin/day and 50mg Primobolan/week

Week 6 *1*
2cc Winny/day and 20mg Halotestin/day and 100mg Primobolan/week
Week 7
1 cc Winny/day and 25mg Halotestin/day and 150mg Primobolan/week
Week 8 *2*
100mg Primobolan/week 15mg Halotestin/day
Week 9
50mg Primobolan/week 5mg Halotestin/day

*Start GH @ 4iu/day continue through week 12
*0* Start Nolvadex ??? Need Dosage Help!!
*1* Start Clenbuterol ??? Need Dosage Help
*2* Start Clomid ??? Need Dosage Help

Please help me with this Cycle... took a lot of time to aquire all of this gear and it was very expensive....

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 258)
posted July 13, 2000 07:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GymRatSD   Click Here to Email GymRatSD     Edit/Delete Message
I can help you with a couple questions...

I have yet to hear of any bunk Stanizolic from Denkall Labs. I have some at home. I'll check the bottles out for myself when I get there.

Second, nothing will show on a gas chromatograph unless you know what you're looking for in the first place. It is not a good screening method due to all the variables that the instrument can provide (I won't go into all the boring details.) Therefore, unless whichever agency suspects that you might be on clen or a steroid, the chances of them finding it in a routine screening test are slim to none.

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