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  Finaplix cycle

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Author Topic:   Finaplix cycle
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 4)
posted July 12, 2000 08:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rommel   Click Here to Email Rommel     Edit/Delete Message
I'm starting a cycle of trenbolone acetate at 75mg EOD for six weeks along with clomid. This is my first cycle, I weigh 175 @ 10%bf, and eat 3000-3500 cals. How much gain should I expect while on this cycle?

You Win or Lose by the way you Choose

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 189)
posted July 12, 2000 01:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for aahepp   Click Here to Email aahepp     Edit/Delete Message
If htis is your first cycle I once again don't suggest using Fina as a first cycle. One you are not going to get the results that you are looking for. You won't grow any in size, 1/4" at the most with hard training. Of course your strength will go up, but you will look funny there with some 14" arms throwing up 100lb dumds. Example only. My suggestion is to try to find some other juices and go from there. But thats up to you.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 8)
posted July 12, 2000 01:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for buff221   Click Here to Email buff221     Edit/Delete Message
Finaplix is very rough on a first time user. Can be bad on the kidneys and can cause aggression. If this is your first cycle why dont you stack deca and sustanon or another test. For example:
week 1-8(deca)-200,300,300,400,400,400,300,200
week 1-8(sustanon)-500,500,500,500,500,500,250,250

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(Total posts: 3603)
posted July 12, 2000 02:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for E2   Click Here to Email E2     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 54337564
Why not use fina as a first cycle??? There is not reason as to why you shouldn't. It may be a little hard on the liver and kidneys but i find it easier on my body than dbol.

75mg eod will get you some good solid gains, go for 6-8 weeks. You'll most likely see at least 15 lbs.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 4)
posted July 12, 2000 04:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rommel   Click Here to Email Rommel     Edit/Delete Message
Fina is the only gear I can get 1.Fina is cheap and 2.I've been scamed out of alot of money. I had bad luck with "suppliers". I've used 19nor-4diol for 2 years and had good gains.

You Win or Lose by the way you Choose

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 20)
posted July 12, 2000 05:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for juice_boy   Click Here to Email juice_boy     Edit/Delete Message
I'm currently on a Fina only cycle and it is my first. I have just finished my first week and gained 6 pounds and I'm hard as a rock. I'm getting veiny where I wasn't veiny before (chest, shoulders, quads). Stength increases in almost all exercises. The only sides I have experienced is some mild acne and I'm kind of irritable all the time. I am just eating the Fina pellets. I crush them with my front teeth and melt them under my tongue. I'm sure its not quite as effective and injection, but oral administration IS very effective. This is usually the time when those people that have never tried oral will say it doesn't work. Everyone that I know that has done it oral has made great gains and kidney have been fine.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 234)
posted July 12, 2000 05:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ironmaster   Click Here to Email ironmaster     Edit/Delete Message
E2 is right of course. Tren alone is sure as hell better than nothing at all. You will gain in strength, and size comes with strength. You will keep most of what you get, also.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 842)
posted July 12, 2000 06:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for THESAINT   Click Here to Email THESAINT     Edit/Delete Message
E2 is right. Nothing wrong with tren alone.
I would go 2ccs(150mgs) eod.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 242)
posted July 12, 2000 06:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pup'nIrn   Click Here to Email Pup'nIrn     Edit/Delete Message
Hey Bro, Since this is you first don't make the common mistake of thinking that your joints are prepared for the dramatic strength gains you'll get off fina. I have a dumbass friend I prepared some fina injectable and I told him to back off the extreme increases in strength but he refused. His bench went from 315 for 4-6 reps to 405 for 2-3 in a damn week! He is now forced to listen as he is getting his shoulder prepared for surgery. Tore his rotator cuff muscles the 2 week in the cycle.....some people just don't listen!

"Milk is for Babies...Beer is for men" Pumping Iron

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 60)
posted July 12, 2000 06:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Buzzsaw   Click Here to Email Buzzsaw     Edit/Delete Message
Holy Shit,

You are kidding me man, finaplix must be the absoulute shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have yet to hear anyone talk bad about finaplix. I will be converting some soon.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 593)
posted July 12, 2000 08:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for glenbenton   Click Here to Email glenbenton     Edit/Delete Message
fuck finaplix for your first cycle, i did it for 5 weeks and hardly gained shit off it. also it will make you feel like shit and you will break out in acne, its shitty. dude the rest of these guys should be telling you to wait till youve trained for about 5 years, and cant gain anymore naturally. i dont know why some guys on here try to convince a 19 or 20 year old to do roids its fucking stupid

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 189)
posted July 12, 2000 09:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for aahepp   Click Here to Email aahepp     Edit/Delete Message
I was not saying Fina is bad for a first cycle. But not the best choice. With strength does not come size. My legs are still the same (more cut now) but when I started I could only leg press 750. Now I am doing a good 1750, and still the same size. When people are first starting out with gear what do they want? The strength and the size. With Fina alone you will get the strength, but you will not get the size. E2 15lbs of what? Fina puts very little mass on you at all if any. True if you can't get any other then aight. I was just stating that its not going to give you the affect I'm sure you are looking for. You can put 15lbs on with just good training without the Fina.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 23)
posted July 12, 2000 09:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MarkM     Edit/Delete Message
Humm, I used Tren. injections for my very first cycle with no problems. Used it even with Dbol and test. Loved it. I think as long as your careful not to overdose your fine. That and drink lots of water.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 4)
posted July 12, 2000 10:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rommel   Click Here to Email Rommel     Edit/Delete Message
Your Genetics have a lot to do with how much you gain. Andro is the only thing close to AS that I have tried, gave me 10lbs. in 2 months (plus 2 inch streach marks on each side of my pecs). My friend took as much andro as I did but w/ no gains. I hope my body will adjust great to this, then again maybe not.

You Win or Lose by the way you Choose

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 65)
posted July 13, 2000 12:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ahthong     Edit/Delete Message
aahepp, you leg press 1750???

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