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  Serious question. please give opinion!!

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Author Topic:   Serious question. please give opinion!!
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 147)
posted July 11, 2000 07:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Green   Click Here to Email Green     Edit/Delete Message
My first cycle ended about 8 weeks ago and I'm a bit worried about my BP. I was on a quick 5 week cycle of test/eq. Test at 400mg/week up to 600mg for 1 week and the EQ was at 300 all the way through. My question is this. Why is my blood pressure still higher than normal? I always had perfect BP but it's still shitty. It's gotten better but it's not down to where it needs to be. Today I was at the doctor and grant I was there for a bad food reaction but it was at 130/90. What can I do to lower it. Should I up the cardio? Any info would be helpful. If it's not better in a couple of weeks I'm going to have to level with my Dr. and see what's up. LAter and thanks!!! Green

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Crunch it!
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 29)
posted July 11, 2000 07:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Crunch it!     Edit/Delete Message
my bp was 156 over 98 after I popped my d bol sunday, I'll wait for answers too

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 87)
posted July 11, 2000 07:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Amp     Edit/Delete Message
130/90 is not bad. That is only slighly elevated which was probably due to being at the doctor or nervousness. Don't worry about it.

By the way Crunch, when I was on Dbol 2 years ago my BP was sky high. I held so much damn water. When you are on that stay away from anything high in salt or you will bloat up like a balloon. On the other hand if you want to blow up like a water balloon eat a shaker of salt. You'll look huge but your BP will be through the roof. Make sure to monitor it every week. If it keeps creeping up a lot higher start being cautious. My buddy gave me a mild diuretic that I would take about once a week. I would piss out about 4 pounds of water and it helped keep things in check a bit.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 17)
posted July 11, 2000 07:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dballistic   Click Here to Email dballistic     Edit/Delete Message
Yep, its the water retention causing the high blood pressure. Here's a trick ... drink a lot of diet coke/diet pepsi each day. It actually works pretty well as a diuretic. Many competitors use this method for a week before contest.

And stay away from SALT!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 287)
posted July 11, 2000 07:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Twisted_Steel   Click Here to Email Twisted_Steel     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 754174
Green, this guys are on the right path, the water retention doesnt help. Nor does it need to take place. Keep the diet as low in sodium as possible. Granted, when the androgens being injected are "VOLUMENOUS" water retention can't be avoided. Your bloodpressure 130/90 probably resulted in anxiety. Keep the water flowing youll be fine.

215LBS of Twisted Steel and Pure Sex Appeal!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 87)
posted July 11, 2000 07:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Amp     Edit/Delete Message
There is only one potential problem with drinking the coke. It is a diuretic because of the caffeine. Caffeine in high quantities can raise your blood pressure on it's own - it doesn't to everyone but it does me. Drinking tons of water and staying away from salty foods is the best natural way to keep the retention down.

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Ace Frehley
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 3)
posted July 11, 2000 08:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ace Frehley   Click Here to Email Ace Frehley     Edit/Delete Message
Bro, another thing that might help is an otc diuretic. Diurex brand works pretty well and you can get it at most any drugstore or grocery store. It's not lasix but it works. Makes you piss blue though.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 147)
posted July 12, 2000 12:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Green   Click Here to Email Green     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks bros! I can always count on good advice here. I'll watch it the next week or so and see how thing go. I bet it had a lot to do with the fact that my throat was swelling. The Doc gave me Prednisone and it stoped almost right away. Thanks guys! Green

I need to cut out so much caffine. I drink diet soda like it's free. Well at my work it is so I'll have to switch to all water for a while and drop the sodium alltogether. THANKS!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 108)
posted July 12, 2000 12:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for musclegear   Click Here to Email musclegear     Edit/Delete Message
If you're worried and your doctor suggests that you take a BP medication ask for Catapres (Clonidine). It has been proven to raise natural growth hormone production. Take it before you go to bed because it can cause drowsiness/dizziness. It makes me pretty tired, but it also puts me right to sleep, almost as well as GHB.

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jersey boy
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 250)
posted July 12, 2000 12:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jersey boy   Click Here to Email jersey boy     Edit/Delete Message
Sounds like water retention and a sympathetic response from your body falling ill.

get big or get out

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 147)
posted July 12, 2000 01:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Green   Click Here to Email Green     Edit/Delete Message
I don't think it's bloat since I've been of for about 2 months. I could be wrong though. I bet it was just because I was freaking out a bit. I watched my BP everyday when I was on my cycle and I know in general it's still higher that I'd like. I think it might have to do with me eating a lot of meat. I eat at least 3/4 lb. of meat a day. I stay away from ham. Mostly chicken and beef. Thanks guys! Green

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 140)
posted July 12, 2000 09:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mokhtarsayed   Click Here to Email mokhtarsayed     Edit/Delete Message
Drink "Hibiscus" tea too.



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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 430)
posted July 12, 2000 09:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jeff_rys   Click Here to Email Jeff_rys     Edit/Delete Message
Cardio will NOT help you to lower your blood pressure. Eating lots of protein also not.
Buy a BP meter and check it yourself as I do.



Don't look back, life is too short

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 64)
posted July 12, 2000 09:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for joe812   Click Here to Email joe812     Edit/Delete Message
130/90 is not all that impressive, the diastolic(bottom number) should be lower than 90. However everybody is different and blood pressure change from day to day and hour to hour. The only way to really know if your pressures are out of whack is to check them everday for 5days and see what they are running.Allmost all drugstores have BP machines. Hope this helps, just relax and you will be fine.

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wade bravo
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 189)
posted July 12, 2000 10:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for wade bravo   Click Here to Email wade bravo     Edit/Delete Message
Stress can make your bp raise faster than anything,i know firsthand.If you were watching your bp everyday while on your cycle you were obliviously worried about it.Relax more than anything.It may not be easy but get your mind off it and anything else that may be bothering you.Low sodium intake will help,cardio won't hurt,take a garlic supplement.Check your bp in a couple weeks and i gaurantee it will be lower.Let me know how it turns out.

.....why cure the fever,what ever happened to sweat?!? - Metallica

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 87)
posted July 12, 2000 11:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Amp     Edit/Delete Message
Take 2-3 Anadrol a day with 10 Dbols, eat a cheese pizza, french fries, popcorn with lots of salt, eat beef jerky throughout the day, add a tablespoon of salt to all of your protein drinks. Do this everyday and you should be fine.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 87)
posted July 12, 2000 11:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Amp     Edit/Delete Message
I probably shouldn't write stuff like that since some people will probably do it.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 84)
posted July 12, 2000 11:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lil'tex   Click Here to Email lil'tex     Edit/Delete Message
130/90 is not really high. i went to the doctor a month ago and mine was at 150/100 and i had not started my cycle yet.

watch your sodium intake and try to relax as often as possible. stress is usually the #1 driver of bp for me.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 147)
posted July 12, 2000 11:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Green   Click Here to Email Green     Edit/Delete Message
Right on wade bravo! You nailed it. I saw it jump up fast on my cycle and I didn't loke it. It got me nervous as all hell. I do worry about it too much I'm sure but it would be better if I'd just take a reading and get my usual 115/75. That was average before my cycle. I stopped taking it everyday because it was pissing me off. I think it has to do with stress since my boy is going to be born in 4 weeks. Yes it's my first and I'm starting to get nervous about all that as well. Could be the 60+ hours a week I work. Shit I need to just chill everything out a bit. Thanks guys for all the info. I'll post if it gets better or worse in a couple of weeks. Later, Green

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 32)
posted July 12, 2000 12:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for cachapa   Click Here to Email cachapa     Edit/Delete Message
Categories of Hypertension by Blood Pressure

Systolic (mm/Hg) / Diastolic (mm/Hg)

140/85 Normal Blood pressure

140 �160/85-90 High Blood Pressure (borderline Isolated Systolic Hypertension)

160 � 170/90-105 Mild Hypertension

160 � 170/105 - 115 Moderate Hypertension

>170/>115 Severe Hypertension

When doing a heavy cycle my blood pressure will always elevate to Mild Hypertension or Moderate Hypertension. I develop headaches, nose bleeds, and feel like death. I have found that 100mg of Lopressor (metoprobol) a day will work wonders for me. I have tried Catapres (clonidine) but prefer Lopressor because it has less side effects.

Remember that you can go to your Family Practitioner if you are a victim Hypertension. Just tell your doctor that you are under a lot of stress from work or school and you are experiencing elevated levels in your blood pressure. He will ask you if you have a family history of Hypertension and tell him yes. NEVER ADMIT TO USING JUICE! The doctor will probably not have any lab work done and will put you on a low dose of Hypertension medication such as Lopressor (metoprobol). You will feel much better and be able to enjoy life again.

I hope that this information will help some of you out there.


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