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  week 2: hit the brakes, throw it in park.

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Author Topic:   week 2: hit the brakes, throw it in park.
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1140)
posted July 10, 2000 04:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bignate73   Click Here to Email bignate73     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 65081685
damn. well i was well on my way to a decent ref/t200 cycle. BUT....i decided to inject on the left cheek and managed to royally mess that up. now its swollen a bit and tender. hurts to walk. been hurting since friday. i missed the gym for the weekend and my diet went to shit. been just laid up trying not to move too much. this sucks.....but...i have decided to take a step back and get my diet really dialed in.

2 inj. of t200 (600mg) i should be able to stop without too much in the way of test problems i think. ill take some clomid for about another week to be sure.

well just wanted to rant a bit, my diet was "iffy" at best from the beginning. so rather than waste gear and my time, may as well try to maximize my potential a bit more by tweaking my food intake.

how do you bros do it? the first week alone i got sick of food. i was always bloated feeling and full. no problem there but food just got monotonous. maybe i need to enroll in some chef class hehe.

Peace!Nate out.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 140)
posted July 10, 2000 04:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigWh1tey   Click Here to Email BigWh1tey     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 75900860
hey bro , dont give it up yet , work through that swollen ass thing and do your best to eat . I know firsy hand that eating to gain weight can be as much of a chore as dieting to lose BF .
For me the food thing is always easier when up the fat intake , it reduces the volume of food and ups the Kcals . ( ive eaten as much as 10,000 kcal a day for months at a time ).
You can do it .

"Ive got pieces of guys like you in my stool" -- Frank Sinatra

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 269)
posted July 10, 2000 04:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 1AbBIG   Click Here to Email 1AbBIG     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 71165650
your doing the same cycle as i am sounds like anyways. 600mg t200 week and 2cc ref-b ED. i am loving it. i start my second week tomorrow . gains are awsome. did not want to rub it in . i would agree with you about getting your diet staright before you start going at it again. might want to do atleast 1 more injection of atlest 200mg befor the drop off. def take the clomid. i wish you luck bro. get back at ASAP!!


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 572)
posted July 10, 2000 05:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for D007   Click Here to Email D007     Edit/Delete Message
I had the same problem with T200 making my ass swell and hurt very bad for 2 weeks!. It hurt to sit in my car and even roll over in bed. I decided to push through it and the swelling and pain became less with each injection. Im on my 8th and there is no swelling or pain anymore.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 804)
posted July 10, 2000 05:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SSMAN   Click Here to Email SSMAN     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 74456922
You know what I'm going to say.......sick...sick...just sick...hehehe!! Push through the pain bro.....I know you have it in you. When I started my sust injections it looked like I was growing a 3rd ass cheek. I started alternating sides and that helped....looked like I had 4 ass cheeks, but at least I had symmetry.

As for your diet, it gets easier with time. Everything in moderation.....gradually taper up on your calories. Give your body time to adapt to the extra calories. Add some Ultragan into your stack.....that will take care of your problem. You'll eat anything that looks even somewhat edible.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1140)
posted July 10, 2000 05:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bignate73   Click Here to Email bignate73     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 65081685
thanks for the replys bros. i think im gonna stop though for now. my ass is not feeling so good. the first injection went well, hurt for about 2 days. but this one i moved around a bit and it was awkward. now it is still swollen and the skin is getting a bit pink(splotchy). sorry for the details. i probably just moved around too much with the pin inside, since it was my left side.

guess ill stick to the right side or hit up the quads next time. damn that sucks.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1140)
posted July 10, 2000 06:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bignate73   Click Here to Email bignate73     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 65081685
so what im hearing from you bros is that this is normal??? i know t200 is possibly dirty. i think thats the main thing in my head. and i know i fucked up the injection, the pin kept backing up about a 1/4 in. so i would have to push back in. plus aspirating was no treat as well. as i was telling my buddy from the board last night. i probably stirred up the muscle pretty good.

if this is normal then ill trudge on, just dont want an infection. anyone who has had one let me know what to look for. thanks bros, this board rocks!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 804)
posted July 10, 2000 06:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SSMAN   Click Here to Email SSMAN     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 74456922
When doing my sust injections I sometimes got lumps up to 5" in diameter that were sore to the touch for several days. The more movement I had during the injection, the worse it would be. I found more success with injecting more toward the outside of the glute.....I had more control there. I had my doctor check out one lump that seemed to be unusually painful.....and lingered for nearly 2 weeks. He assured me it was normal for what I was doing, and it did eventually go away. If the swelling gets worse, doesn't go away in a few more days, or is red or hot......then I would think it's an infection. Otherwise push on....eat..eat..eat..eat..and grow

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 314)
posted July 10, 2000 06:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DREXX   Click Here to Email DREXX     Edit/Delete Message
No turning back now.

Keep going and do your shot in the quads whil e your glute heals.

You should have written your diet before starting but no biggy..Write your diet now and start following it tonight.

You will do great!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 387)
posted July 10, 2000 08:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahmer   Click Here to Email dahmer     Edit/Delete Message
Drexx is right!!! No turning back now!! I was in the same boat On my 4th week of a d-bol Eq cycle I fell through a roof and fucked my pec up! It hurt like hell. I couldn't do any upper body at all for 2 weeks. 2 prime weeks!!! I just kept shooting and eating tons. I am working through it right now. I added winny and have been shooting that daily. The sites are sore for a few days each. It sucks but, that the price you pay. Work through it!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 326)
posted July 10, 2000 10:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for delts   Click Here to Email delts     Edit/Delete Message
Bignate......sorry to hear about your sore ass bro! I know you were really looking forward to this cycle. But like the guys are saying here, stick it out if you can. I agree with the overeating thing, I got sick of that two weeks into my first cycle, but I trudged on and it paid off. Still up 21 pounds and eating clomid like a mofo. Damn, SSMAN......five inch diameter swelling.....whew......guess I'm a lucky one, never had any swelling whatsoever on the omna/deca.


Combine desire with safety and intelligence and you WILL REACH YOUR GOALS!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 89)
posted July 10, 2000 10:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jawoak   Click Here to Email jawoak     Edit/Delete Message
Guys, Maybe I'm just lucky, but I've just finished a bottle of Tornel T200 and none of my injections in the glutes everr hurt. I mostly injected 1.5cc but over the last 2 weeks have done 3cc at a time. My girlfriend sticks me, so i don't have the moving around and shit, but please tell me that not everyone hurts from this stuff! (In other words, that i don't have fake test!)


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 314)
posted July 10, 2000 11:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DREXX   Click Here to Email DREXX     Edit/Delete Message
Did you gain any weight or strenght jawoak?

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jersey boy
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 235)
posted July 11, 2000 12:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jersey boy   Click Here to Email jersey boy     Edit/Delete Message
Man I can't believe what I am hearing. I have lit my world up by nailing my sciatic more times than I can remember. I have had cellulitis that that gave me more redness than blood itself that required prescription meds to get over. I remember not being able sleep on one side of my body for days and consequently sleeping for shit, and NOT once did I ever want to call it quits. Dude, get a hot compress on that thing to help flush out the toxins, take some anti-inflammatories and get your sore ass back in the gym where god intended you to be.

get big or get out

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1140)
posted July 11, 2000 12:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for bignate73   Click Here to Email bignate73     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 65081685
actually bros, i just got out of the bathtub, used some epsom salt. supposed to be good for sprains and bruises. thought i would try it. then put some heat on it. feels alright right now. we'll see how it goes tomorrow morning and through the day. pain or no pain im back in the gym tomorrow night.
i guess ill stick it through. just have to wear out my right side and quads. ill start fresh on monday with the ref, by then the test should be really kickin, double trouble. i know the test is good because my skin is getting oily as hell. how pleasant.
i just get freaked out by the word infection and hate time out from the gym. aaargh!!! hehe.
thanks for all your help bros. i just needed to hear that im not the only one who has had setbacks or fucked themselves up with a tiny needle. geez who would have thought a 23g needle kicks like a .45 slug. hehe.
so for now its off to the kitchen i go to get some carb loading going.

Peace!Nate out.

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jersey boy
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 235)
posted July 11, 2000 12:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jersey boy   Click Here to Email jersey boy     Edit/Delete Message
That's more like it damn it!!!

get big or get out

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 89)
posted July 11, 2000 01:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jawoak   Click Here to Email jawoak     Edit/Delete Message
DREXX< I'm in my 4th week and I haven't really gained all that much weight, but my strength has gone up and i've actually started noticing a little GYNO (OH SHIT!) and i'm fresh out of proviron!!!!!! I guess I know that my stuff is real, but I thought maybe it was severely underdosed. I've always heard that enanthate takes 4-5 weeks to see results anyway. Does anyone know where i can find a picture of the Tornel shit???


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 200)
posted July 11, 2000 01:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 2legit2quit   Click Here to Email 2legit2quit     Edit/Delete Message
SSMAN, you are an animal...and my hero!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 804)
posted July 11, 2000 01:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SSMAN   Click Here to Email SSMAN     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 74456922
2legit.......no lump, regardless of size, is going to hold a growing bro back

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 321)
posted July 11, 2000 03:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for gearface   Click Here to Email gearface     Edit/Delete Message
Damn right!

Lift until u can't...... and then some.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 200)
posted July 11, 2000 10:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 2legit2quit   Click Here to Email 2legit2quit     Edit/Delete Message
Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!! Gotta bump this for tha man...SSMAN!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 314)
posted July 11, 2000 11:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DREXX   Click Here to Email DREXX     Edit/Delete Message
Jawoak I used the enanthate amps from shering and my weight went up the first week.

Enanthate is active oonly 10 days so it starts to work like in day 2-3.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 89)
posted July 11, 2000 12:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jawoak   Click Here to Email jawoak     Edit/Delete Message
DREXX> I've noticed decent size gains, but this is also probably the first time in many years of lifting that I've paid close attention to my diet and took in enough calories. I have another bottle of the T200 and i'm going to continue it for another 5 weeks, I'll let you know how it goes! Thanks for the help bros!


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