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  Calf Blasting - need good routine for bulking

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Author Topic:   Calf Blasting - need good routine for bulking
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 52)
posted July 09, 2000 01:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Amp     Edit/Delete Message
I'm about to undergo a bulking cycle and I really want to bring up my weak spots. I am going to do Deca/Sust/Dbol for 10 weeks. I want to make this 10 weeks count and I need to bring up my calves. I have never really trained them and they are 17". My arms are 19" (proportionally I have read calves and arms should be the same) though and my quads are huge so I need put some mass on my damn calves.

Someone give me a crazy routine (that has actually worked for them) that will add some size during those 10 weeks. Don't just make shit up because I could write a calf routine, I want some ideas on how people have brought up calves during a nice bulking cycle. Thanks

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 113)
posted July 09, 2000 02:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PYTHON_22INCH   Click Here to Email PYTHON_22INCH     Edit/Delete Message
can't be of alot of help. when i bulk i gain lbs in my calf just by getting out of bed...
wish my lats were that way!!!


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 52)
posted July 09, 2000 04:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Amp     Edit/Delete Message

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 7)
posted July 09, 2000 11:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MARITIME STEEL   Click Here to Email MARITIME STEEL     Edit/Delete Message

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 166)
posted July 09, 2000 11:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for roadruler   Click Here to Email roadruler     Edit/Delete Message
I have the same problem as you. I just read to do desending sets on a standing calf raise. Start with a weight you can do for about 15 reps, drop the weight and do 12 reps, drop the weight again and do 10 reps, with almost no rest between. I heard its good and burns. I'm going to try it on my next calf day. Also try to do calves at least twice a week. I feel your pain bro with the calves problem.

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Doc Ponch
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 85)
posted July 09, 2000 12:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Doc Ponch   Click Here to Email Doc Ponch     Edit/Delete Message
I've always had the opinion that either your calves grow or they don't. Perfect example was a buddy of mine who from the knees up looked great. He was big and had great proportions, but from his knees to his ankles, he looked like a 12 year old girl, juice or no juice. And I know he worked them hard.

Since I don't have that problem, I'll share what works for me. I do mostly standing calf raises or I do extensions on an inclined leg press machine. I'll do 3-5 "work" sets for between 6-12 reps, max, plus I'll bounce on my toes a few times at the end of a set to really get them burning (OUCH!). Range of motion is from fully stretched to as high on my toes as I can get, plus I hold for at least a second, then resist the whole way down. I don't worry about weight, it's all feel. Explode up and go really slow down. And really stretch them between sets. I think this makes a big difference for all your muscles. Just a few sets and my calves are toast. I don't bother with seated raises because I don't want my calves to look like a "teardrop" from the front from the the soleus getting too wide. If you work seated, go higher reps because the soleus responds better to higher (10-20) reps. Also, when I do cardio, I use a treadmill, but I put it on the steepest incline. I don't do it for my calves, but they've gotten sore from this, also. If you're calves are gonna grow, just about anything will work. Hope this helps at least a little.

The Doctor

[This message has been edited by Doc Ponch (edited July 09, 2000).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 52)
posted July 09, 2000 01:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Amp     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks - I'll give everyone my post cycle results when I'm done. I can't wait to make my calves cry.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 150)
posted July 09, 2000 01:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEGEND     Edit/Delete Message
i feel you anger bro, i work my calves hard and strict, and they hardly move, i have a buddy whose calves are fuckin perfect, big hard and shaped, his calves are bigger then his fuckin chest, but so are his two brothers and his fathers. genetically perfect calves.....it runs in the family, and not one of them does any weight training. sometimes life can be so cruel!!!!


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 12)
posted July 09, 2000 02:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JoYoOh   Click Here to Email JoYoOh     Edit/Delete Message

CUT UP - ?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 30)
posted July 09, 2000 02:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for special_bill   Click Here to Email special_bill     Edit/Delete Message
i know a chick who actually got calf implants...they look fantastic...worthless trivia: i saw some wooden calf inserts that a gentlemen would put into his socks during the 18th century...it represented how much you danced, cause if you danced alot, you took lots of lessons, thus had lots of money, a genuine sign of nobility and priveledge...

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 18)
posted July 09, 2000 02:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for natedawg   Click Here to Email natedawg     Edit/Delete Message
Try this one from: http://www.t-mag.com/html/1cp.html
I haven't done it because I like being able to walk.

The Luke Sauder Calf Routine

Day 1: High-Volume

Exercise A: Calf Superset*

A1) Seated Calf Raises
3 x 10-5-5 (one set of 10 reps, followed by two of 5 reps) at a 101 tempo (1 second to lower the weight, no pause, and 1 second to raise the weight)

A2) Donkey Calf Raises
3 x 30-50 at a 101 tempo

*After finishing a set of the A1 exercise, proceed immediately to exercise A2. Then rest two minutes before repeating the super set.

Exercise B: Standing Calf Raises

B1) Standing Calf Raises
10 x 10-30 at a 111 tempo, ten seconds**

**In other words, you'll be doing one, long, extended set, resting ten seconds between each mini-set and lowering the weight in between.

After day one, you'll probably have to call the fire department to extinguish the fire in your calves. You may also find that you have the same walk as Homer Simpson's 80-year-old father.

Day 2: Low-Volume (to be done 48 hours after Day 1)

Exercise A: Triple Drop Standing Calf Raises

A1) Triple Drop Standing Calf Raises
3 x 10-10-10 (in other words, three drop sets) at a 121 tempo,*** resting 90 seconds between sets.

***The pause is taken in the bottom stretch position, and be sure to take the full two seconds.

This routine provides freaky size increases. As you can see, it uses a great number of total reps. I've found that in order to build calves, you need some frequency of training and some volume, but you can't have both high volume and high frequency. Therefore, I advise training them twice over a five-day cycle, one workout being very high sets (16) and high total reps (250-510 reps); and the other being low sets (3) for a low amount of total reps (90). I've known people to gain in between 5/8ths of an inch to a full inch with this routine in as little as 30 days.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 474)
posted July 09, 2000 02:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MS   Click Here to Email MS     Edit/Delete Message
I've done the Luke Sauder routine and if you can bear the pain, it works. Keep in mind I'm also gentically challenged in the calf department, but I put a permanent 1/2 inch on my calves with this routine. OUCH.

The Mad Scientist

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