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  Testosterone powder

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Author Topic:   Testosterone powder
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 156)
posted July 08, 2000 07:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for aahepp   Click Here to Email aahepp     Edit/Delete Message
Does anyone know the application time with pure testosterone. This is pure test with no esters. With diffrent esters the application time is diffrent. Prop is every three days, Cypionate is every 5 days. I am going to have Testosterone Suspension but the one we have is in oil and not water. Water is supposed to be every day, but theroy oil should have a diffrent dispersal time. Any thoughts. I know pure test will elvate test levels for 2-3 days then come back down that in water. Will it have the same reaction if suspended in oil base?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 159)
posted July 08, 2000 10:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Monster   Click Here to Email Monster     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 35077339
In theory, oil and water shouldnt affect the timeing too much. True oil dispersion is slower, but not to any great degree. The ester is really the main culprit in dispersion time. Deesterification accounts for it becoming "active" in the blood, what it is suspended in really just accounts for how easily it hits the blood. I would have to say the oil shouldnt make much of a difference.
For example...
Sustanon is oil based, and I gain quite a bit in the first week (the first ester is active pretty much right away), so the oil isnt really slowing it down to any great degree.
So my point is, it should only matter for the first shot. If it takes an extra day to disperse before being picked up by the blood stream it still shouldnt bear at all on your schedule. Since every shot will be slowed down by a day anyway. Id personally treat it the same as water.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 156)
posted July 08, 2000 04:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for aahepp   Click Here to Email aahepp     Edit/Delete Message

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