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  Getting Steroids from the Doctor Part Bloody Three!

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Author Topic:   Getting Steroids from the Doctor Part Bloody Three!
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 183)
posted July 07, 2000 03:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MC   Click Here to Email MC     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 68012015
Been away from the board a while but some of you may remember my two posts about going to the Doctors and getting a script for Test.

A brief recap:

Followed bro's advice on lowering Test levels

Went to docs for blood test complaining about low sex drive etc and told him I had been self administering Test but wanted to do it legit.

Bloods came back with a low test count (5)

Doctor Happy to pursue test replacement.

Referred to Endicrinolgy unit at local hospital.

So far so good. But at my appointment at the clinic the clever bastard threw in another blood test - wasn't prepared for it and my test levels came back high end of normal (25+)

He asked if I knew why there might be such a difference as he could only treat me on the basis of the first test.

Straight faced I fessed up. Well actually I lied. I told him I had been taking androtestenodine (sp?) said I got it in a legal over OTC supplement. Fortunately he bought this story and said it had done a good job of bumping up my test levels and that he was happy to follow a course of test replacement.

He offered me a choice of Patches, Some 6 month time release pellet they stick in your stomach (fuck that), or . . .

Sustanon 250!! Here in the UK that is the preferred injectable Test replacement.

They give you one injection every three weeks.

Just as I was getting excited it all went wrong.

1. They give you the injection, so you can't hoard it up for a course

2. They monitor your test level each time to check it's not above normal

3. His boss said I couldn't have any until I'd done another blood test in three months time because of the supposed androtestenodine.

Can't be bothered any more, I've got 16 amps of Sust at home, to hell with the free stuff, it's not going to work out for me. But hey I had a go...

And now I am just going to say to my Doctor that I can't wait any longer and I'm going back to self administering. That way I can go and have regular bloods while on the course and he'll know what I'm up to.

that's if he recognises me when I'm 30lb heavier!

Well it's nice to be back and now there is a conclusion this story - I nearly got a script for Sust250, but what is the point when you have a bag full of the stuff at home anyhow???!!!



[This message has been edited by MC (edited July 07, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 316)
posted July 07, 2000 04:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bstrong   Click Here to Email bstrong     Edit/Delete Message
well, i've read your posts and did preaty much the same, my doc said she can't help me with law test thing, so she sent me to an Endicrinolgy unit and so far nada, the endo-doc gave me about zilion blood tests, first one was after a week of 7500 iu of hcg (since my test was normal, i've kept the hcg insted of going with it to my doc )
and last week he gave me an inj. of Rh/Lh and monitor changes of test in my body for a couple of hours, he allsow sent me to to an head CT,
i just dont see him givin me the free gear

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 262)
posted July 07, 2000 04:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for biggmack     Edit/Delete Message
MC, love the animation!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 545)
posted July 07, 2000 04:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for D007   Click Here to Email D007     Edit/Delete Message
Even though the media is slacking off steriods and beginning to recognize test as a usefull tool for those with low levels, there have been many doctors getting in trouble lately for over-precribing. so unless your at least over 40 and look like a pathetic crackhead you arent going to get much precribed.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 61)
posted July 07, 2000 05:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jetpilot   Click Here to Email Jetpilot     Edit/Delete Message
I used to have a Doctor who shot me with Test and Deca once a week. This was for my knees as I had been cut on both of them. He felt I could use the test and deca to reverse some of the muscle damage since I had lost alot of it not being able to walk or workout. I had to move though and he cant treat me unless I am there at his office. He did give me a nice letter stating why he felt I need the Test and Deca. Any thoughts how I can use this?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 40)
posted July 07, 2000 05:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bb4424     Edit/Delete Message
Hey jetpilot,

was the test and deca covered by healthcare??

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 61)
posted July 07, 2000 05:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jetpilot   Click Here to Email Jetpilot     Edit/Delete Message
yes it was all covered by my insurance

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 51)
posted July 07, 2000 06:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ulter   Click Here to Email ulter     Edit/Delete Message
Pathetic Crackhead huh? Prescibed no, dispensed yes. You gotta knock on the right door.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 183)
posted July 07, 2000 06:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MC   Click Here to Email MC     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 68012015
The thing is in the UK, posession of A/S isn't illegal. I could still push it and go for the Sust script, but there is no point because you can't stash it, they give you the injections and monitor your test levels.

It's just too much hassle for 1 free bottle of sust every three weeks.

Sure was fun trying tho...



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