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  Odd question: just curious

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Author Topic:   Odd question: just curious
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 20)
posted July 06, 2000 03:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for t     Edit/Delete Message
Pro take roids right? Roids are illegal, average joe takes them-he gets busted right? The cops/fbi aren't stupid so
why don't they bust every single pro? especialy Ronnie coleman since he is a "drur free" cop? lots or regular joes
on this board are just trying to get stuff ffor their own use and they get stuff confiscated and sometimes
hasseled by the police, why should they have to go through this when most(not all) pros don't? I'm sure with the
amount they take they their sources must be big and they must be supplying to others? ( It must be impossible
to get all that stuff from mexico themselves right?)
Anyway I was wondering if anyone could enlighten me, because this always bugs me-am I missing something

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 187)
posted July 06, 2000 03:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for HeavyLifterX   Click Here to Email HeavyLifterX     Edit/Delete Message
I think you have been given some misinformation. The average "joe" does not get busted. If you are careful and pick your sources carefully you will not get cought. The only difference between you and a pro, is that he has someone pick his sources for him and you have to do it yourself. It is the same process.

If it doesn't hurt getting it, then it's not worth having...

Work With Your Back And With Your Brain

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 20)
posted July 06, 2000 03:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for t     Edit/Delete Message
What i meant is that it is isible in most pros-it is obvious they are on roids-so why don't they get followed/questioned on those grounds especially if they fail someting like a diuretic test?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 164)
posted July 06, 2000 03:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jdismukes   Click Here to Email jdismukes     Edit/Delete Message
The thing is personal use of soft drugs like Weed is ignored if you do it in your house. Same deal with gear, get it for you, don't sell and keep a low profile, no problem. I do think it is totally hypicritial for Ronnie Coleman to be a cop and use steriods. Cops are probably some of the biggest users of steriods, go figure.

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jersey boy
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 192)
posted July 06, 2000 05:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jersey boy   Click Here to Email jersey boy     Edit/Delete Message
It would be interesting to see the collar list for Coleman just to see how many confiscations/arrests involved gear. Hippocrit!

get big or get out

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Anabolicum Mister
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 327)
posted July 06, 2000 08:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Anabolicum Mister   Click Here to Email Anabolicum Mister     Edit/Delete Message
You can't arrest someone for being big. Just because you "know" someone is on doesn't mean you can bust them. They have to be charged with an offence - like possession or intent to traffic or whatever. To arrest someone who a law enforcement officer "beleives" is on steroids and make them submit to a drug test to prove this would obviously be a violation of civil rights.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 454)
posted July 06, 2000 08:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Checkmatebloated   Click Here to Email Checkmatebloated     Edit/Delete Message
Ron has anemia(sp) and he has a script for his supply. I is doing nothing illegal. Get my drift?

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