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Author Topic:   cycle help
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 57)
posted July 03, 2000 02:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for scarybig   Click Here to Email scarybig     Edit/Delete Message
I'm using 750mgs weekly of omnadrins.Just added 600mgs eq.
Could I increase a small amount of lean mass,and loose bf if I add primo.d,and short low doses of sytomel. High protien diet and low carbs.I also have about 6000mgs of fina.But hadn't planned on using it just yet.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 109)
posted July 03, 2000 02:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for HeavyLifterX   Click Here to Email HeavyLifterX     Edit/Delete Message
If you start the cytomel, your appetite is going to increase dramtically. Taking the omna you are going to retain a lot of water so I would not concentrate on trying to cut fat on this cycle. If you do decide to go with the T3 be very careful, it can be very dangerous.

If it doesn't hurt getting it, then it's not worth having...

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 725)
posted July 04, 2000 12:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for quenepo   Click Here to Email quenepo     Edit/Delete Message
You want to get big or cut,but you can't do both the same time.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 499)
posted July 04, 2000 12:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for D007   Click Here to Email D007     Edit/Delete Message
If you want to add a little mass and get cut, I would advise that you bulk for at least the first 4 weeks and then diet. dont worry about the water retention when it subsides you will have burned more fat than with mild anabolics alone. ps, It is very very hard to gain ANY mass without carbs even on A.S.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 57)
posted July 04, 2000 09:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for scarybig   Click Here to Email scarybig     Edit/Delete Message
thanks.I guess the key word as far as mass was SMALL. i am not looking to realy put on so much size as to keep what I have without a lose of muscle.I have read that low doses of cytomel,because its a protien synthiser,will help to build lean muscle while burning fat.I also read that primo depot requires low carbs to put on some size.so with both of these findings,I thought it would be possible to loose bf and increase my lean weight by maybe 2-3lbs.if this is true,should i drop my dosage of omnadrins once i add the primo,or stop the omna. all together.thanks

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 319)
posted July 04, 2000 10:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Decaman   Click Here to Email Decaman     Edit/Delete Message
Hey Bro, I am currently doing t3/eca/clen cycle along with winny/ eq/ and a little sus- 1 cc every 7 days and I may spread that out to 1 cc every 10, this along with high protein, lo-carb diet(90-100 carbs) I gotta tell you, it is working well, I am maintaining my weight and getting more ripped by the day. I would lower the dosage of omna and throw in the primo if I were you. Just my opinion.


[This message has been edited by Decaman (edited July 04, 2000).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 57)
posted July 04, 2000 10:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for scarybig   Click Here to Email scarybig     Edit/Delete Message
eca hurts my stomach.how much do you weigh?i am 6'5 at 285lbs. i am trying to loose my stomach and some fat around my breast area.i am at like 18% bf. i would like to get down to 10% at least.how much protien are you adding to that 100mgs of carbs daily?i am eating 500 to 600 right now.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 319)
posted July 04, 2000 10:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Decaman   Click Here to Email Decaman     Edit/Delete Message
We are in 2 different worlds Bro, I am only 5'8 and 180 or even a little less now, down from around 200. I gotta tell you though most people think I am 190 or more, just goes to show you that you can weigh 10 or 20 pounds less and still look heavier if it is solid lean mass and not fat. Based on what you said here you have room to work with, you can probably keep your carbs at 200 and still lose weight, with the protein arond 40-500 grams. I am no expert, but based on a lot I have read here and elsewhere I think that makes sense, hit the cardio too.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 57)
posted July 04, 2000 11:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for scarybig   Click Here to Email scarybig     Edit/Delete Message
how about my training.i guess i should swithch over from H.I.T to high reps lower weight? without carbs,i won't have any energy.what about fats,how much fat are you eating?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 319)
posted July 04, 2000 02:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Decaman   Click Here to Email Decaman     Edit/Delete Message
Believe it or not, I have a ton of energy, maybe from the t3 or the eq, whatever it is nrg is no problem. As far as fat goes, I get whatever is in the chicken or steak or tuna I eat plus whatever is in the protein powders(not much) and I eat a little peanut butter a serving a day. I was actually thinking of adding a little more fat, maybe some flax seed oil. As far as training I have been going a litle higher on the reps not too much higher, like some guys are doing 15, 20 reps , I usually go 15,12,10, 8. something like that.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 200)
posted July 04, 2000 03:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pup'nIrn   Click Here to Email Pup'nIrn     Edit/Delete Message
Hey Scary, you need to check out how many calories your really consuming. 500-600g protein is alot of protein but only 2000-2400 kcal and a 100g carbs=500kcal. At 285 you could be a little low for fat loss. You don't want to drop it below about 500kcal less than your active meta rate. Do your figures and see what you come up with. I am losing weight fine at that calorie level but I am 5'11" 205 now 4 weeks out of a competition. Your a big guy...probably need to add in some dietary fat.

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