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  How this for a first cycle?

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Author Topic:   How this for a first cycle?
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 4)
posted July 01, 2000 12:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Transcend   Click Here to Email Transcend     Edit/Delete Message
Here it is:

Week 1: 6 D-bol/day, 400mg Deca, 250mg Sus
Week 2: 6 D-bol/day, 400mg Deca, 250mg Sus
Week 3: 5 D-bol/day, 300mg Deca, 250mg Sus
Week 4: 4 D-bol/day, 300mg Deca, 250mg Sus
Week 5: 300mg Deca, 250mg Sus, 200mg primo
Week 6: 300mg Deca, 250mg Sus, 200mg Primo
Week 7: 200mg Deca, 200mg Primo
Week 8: 200mg Deca, 200mg Primo
Week 9: 200mg Primo
Week 10: 200mg Primo

25mg Chlomid/day through week 8
50mg Chlomid/day week 9
100mg Chlomid/day week 10
50mg Chlomid/day week 11

Should I change anything? Is the Chlomid right? Estimated side effects? Estimated gains. Should I cut the D-bol and shorten the cycle? Should I use Nolvadex, or just wait and see if I start getting gyno? I'm 25. Been lifting 2 years. Weigh 210. Put about 20 pounds on in those two years. I appreciate your time and help.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 430)
posted July 01, 2000 01:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for scott825     Edit/Delete Message
For a first cycle that seems a little heavy.
Im on a sust only cycle now & this is my first one also,& im making great gains.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 4)
posted July 01, 2000 01:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Transcend   Click Here to Email Transcend     Edit/Delete Message
I started out thinking of a smaller cycle, but some people say take it easy the first time. Others say do more, "you only get a first cycle once". Thanks for the input.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 48)
posted July 01, 2000 01:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message
I think it is a pretty good first cyle and very similar to the one I am currently on. You should pack on some serious lean mass with that cyle,

When I posted my fist cycle on the board a couple of weeks ago I got those same mixed reactions from people. Some say hit it hard for your first and some say take it easy and work your way up. I decided to go with the heavy hitter aproach and take my first cycle very seriously.

The only real difference between your cycle and mine is that I have more sust in mine. The only change that I would recommend is to save all the primo and start it the week after your last shots of sust and deca and take at least 300 mgs per week for four weeks. From my own research, if you do this then you will harden up a lot and you will keep more of your muscle from your cycle. This is what I am doing anyway. Keep the board updated and so will I. Peace...

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 210)
posted July 01, 2000 02:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for giantset   Click Here to Email giantset     Edit/Delete Message
That seems a little complicated for a first cycle but it is all up to you. I think a good first cycle is to keep things simple and use mainly test. Do 25-30mg of dbol for the first 6 weeks, no ramping or tapering. Do 500mg of sustenon 250 for weeks 1-8, no ramping or tapering. You can add in more test in the first week or two if you want. Remember that your results will depend more on your diet and training than trying to create the "perfect" cycle. You can do clomid 50mg eod and/or at the end of your cycle 100mg ed for one week and then 50mg for the next week. Primo, winny, or deca could be added in at the end of the sus to harden up but really shouldn't be necessary for your first cycle.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 4)
posted July 01, 2000 06:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Transcend   Click Here to Email Transcend     Edit/Delete Message
Why should I not be as concerned about taking primo at the end of my first cycle to harden up and retain gains? Is it because on your first cycle you are not as likely to loose the muscle?

Also, is it better to take 1 shot Sus250 and 300mg Deca or 2 shots of Sus250 and no Deca for 8 weeks?

I appreciate your input. This is defineatly helping me out.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 48)
posted July 01, 2000 08:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message
Personally bro, I would rather go ahead and take something at the end to harden up and keep your gains. You might not need it for your first cycle but everybody is different. I would rather take it just to make damn sure that I keep most of my gains rather than lose a bunch of muscle post-cycle and say "Damn I should have taken that Primo"

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 237)
posted July 01, 2000 11:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for gearface   Click Here to Email gearface     Edit/Delete Message

Lift until u can't...... and then some.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 49)
posted July 02, 2000 12:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jetpilot   Click Here to Email Jetpilot     Edit/Delete Message
I like your cycle it has the makings of a some good gains. Keep the primo at the end so if helps you stay hard and gives you an easy let down. goodluck

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 263)
posted July 02, 2000 07:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for charlie   Click Here to Email charlie     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 70980501
Aint it great to post your questions on here and get all the positive feedback.
Even if they are mixed replies.
My opinion (and it dont count for much) is your cycle looks good!
You will definately see some great gains with it!
Please let us know how you got on!

***** K A R M A *****
For every ACTION there is a REACTION !

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 173)
posted July 02, 2000 09:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pup'nIrn   Click Here to Email Pup'nIrn     Edit/Delete Message
If your gear is legit, get new clothes bud! On a first cycle of that level you'll blow up.

"Milk is for Babies...Beer is for men" Pumping Iron

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