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Author | Topic: DNP Experience |
GymRatSD Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 178) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This was posted before, and I thought it was the most comprehensive write-up on DNP. The details about the individual's use of DNP is very explicit. It's a great read for those interested. DNP ******must read**** DNP is an uncoupling agent that inhibits the flow of electrons and the pumping of H+ ions for ATP synthesis. Fifty years ago it was used for weight loss, however, in 1938 it was removed from the counter by the FDA, as it caused cataracts and even sometimes death. If electron transport does not produce ATP, then much more sugar must be metabolized for energy needs. Very low production of ATP would be lethal. In oxidative phosphorylation, the flow of electrons from NADH (the reduced form of NAD+, oxidized from NAD. This enzyme is important in accepting electrons in the course of metabolic reactions. When NAD+ gives up it�s electron, it is converted to it�s reduced form NADH.) and FADH2 ( the reduced form of FAD) to oxygen results in the pumping of H+ from the matrix to the inner membrane space of the mitochondria. This gradient of H+ can produce ATP by flowing through ATP synthetase in the mitochondrial inner membrane. Dinitrophenol disrupts the H+ gradient reducing ATP synthesis. Under these conditions, much of the food that we eat could not be used for ATP synthesis and we lose weight. However, too much inhibitor and we could make too little ATP for life. The difference between weight loss and death is only a small concentration change in dinitrophenol, making the drug dangerous. Simply put, this means that while eating your normal diet, you will have somewhere between 20% and 40% reduction of calories. You may now be wondering just what kind of dose would be effective, but not harmful. A dose of 2mg/kg/day (or two mgs per kg of body weight per day) would be an effective dose, causing the loss of about 5 to 10 pounds in a 10 to 14 day period, maybe less. So, a person weighing 200 lbs would weigh about 91kgs, so 2mgs per kg of body weight would be the equivalent of 182 mgs of DNP per day, but since it typically comes in 200mg capsules, you would take one cap per day. Since DNP has this inhibiting effect, glycolosis is inhibited as well, causing a diabetic effect due to the conversion of glucose without insulin, so you may have heard that people take insulin with DNP. This will counter act Finding DNP, this may be a little difficult as there are only two manufacturers of it. Sigma and Springfield scientific, though they do not generally sell to the public, it is still available. If you cannot find someone with capsules, you may try to get some bulk ( somewhere around $20.00-$30.00 per lb I think), but since this is considered a hazardous material, it cannot be conveniently or inconspicuously shipped ( which for consumption is a felony), however, it is possible. However, to get use of the bulk/raw form, you will need to make your own capsules, which is a meticulous process (I will try and put this method in an upcoming issue). Here is a member profile of a two week cycle using DNP. He tells of his daily experiences while taking this substance for the purpose of weight loss. Members profile: Male 14 day Journal During this DNP cycle I limited my carbohydrates and ate as clean as possible. No steroids, no andro products, I did however, use meal replacements, flaxseed oil and amino acids. Day one, Woke up and weighed myself I was 240. This is normal, I weigh a few pounds less in the morning. Took 200mg of DNP at 9pm. Felt a hot flash once in the middle of the night, although I could have been dreaming. Day two, Woke up again weighed 239. Felt warmer threw out the day. Light clammy feeling, slight sweating, nothing overwhelming. Took 200mg of DNP at 9pm. My skin felt moist in bed. Day three, Woke up and weighed 236 at 8am, before breakfast. Felt the same as yesterday. I knew 200mg was a little low for my weight but I wanted to play it safe, I continued with 200mg at 10pm. I felt moist again. Actually, I enjoyed being warm and sleeping with no covers. Day four, I woke up and weighed 234.5, I knew this was mostly water weight as the bed was moist from sweating. My urine was very yellow. I was disappointed when I weighed myself at night I was up to 240. So actually I have only lost 2 lbs so far. I was very tempted to up my dose but didn't. Again I took 200mg before bed. Day five, woke up and weighed 234, last night was like any other. Day six, woke up and weighed 230. The bed was moist from where I laid. I was definitely warmer today, slight sweating on my back, feet and palms. This feels like the ideal dose. I had 200mg caps, so whenever I wanted to take 300mg I had to open one capsule and take out half the DNP. This was inconvenient, but I wanted to stay with 300mg it felt perfect. I took 300mg at bedtime. I felt nice and warm at bedtime. It's like a clammy sweat that you get after recovering from a flu or after a hard day at the gym. I will note that I have been able to train during this cycle. I have become a little lethargic, but not too bad, I'm still able to do 30min of cardio in the morning and do weight training in the afternoon.
Day eight, I awoke and weighed 230. I am back to where I was a day ago. I was sweating a lot last night. Also I am becoming more lethargic it was very difficult to do my cardio this morning, I had no motivation. I have decided to take a cup of coffee before I train in the afternoons, it seems to help. I could use an ECA (Ephedrine, Caffeine, Aspirin) stack to get through the workout more intensely, but have not done so. I took 400mg before bedtime. Day Nine, woke up and weighed 229. My goal is to get down to 225lbs. I feel like my small, frequent meals are being metabolized very fast. I weighed myself in the evening and weighed 236. 6lbs of total loss so far. I feel like I can up my dose another 200mg. I know I am getting into dangerous waters here. I grabbed three caps and downed them,600mg before bedtime. I was sweating a lot during the night. My nose and throat were drying out a little. I believe this was from the dehydration. Day ten, woke up and weighed 226. Last night I was sweating like nobodies business, the bed was no longer moist, it was wet. My abs are coming threw in the mornings. I was loosing a lot of water weight. The aminos and flaxseed were helping me maintain muscle. I was very lethargic and needed coffee in the mornings and evenings before training. I was wet all day, my clothes stuck to me. I again did 600mg before bed. I was sweating and this time I was not enjoying it. I had to get a bucket of ice so I could suck on the cubes throughout the night. I also had a throat spray to keep my throat moist, water by my side, and a humidifier. Day eleven, I woke up in a small pond of sweat. I could literally splash the bed with my hand. My pillow was sopping wet, I could ring it out if I wanted. I am not exaggerating, this was intense. I stepped on the scale at 223. I felt dehydrated and my throat was very dry. I could not stop sweating. What ever I drank came right out and eating was exhausting. I could not finish my food with out being tired. I missed my morning cardio work, but made it to the gym to do some weight training. It was back day and two minutes into my workout and was drenched in sweat. It looked like I had been there for an hour. I was able to train pretty intensely. That evening I had had enough with the sweating, I also developed a severe head ache from being dehydrated for so long. Did I mention that I was taking Advil to stop the headaches. I believe my previous doses caught up with me. No way could I go through another day of this. I did not take any DNP today. I was still sweating intensely all through the night. Day twelve, woke up and weighed in at 220.5. It was obvious the DNP was still in my system. I again woke up in a wet bed. I looked at myself in the mirror and it looked like I had lost some serious weight. My abs were coming through more, but I was tired as hell and dehydrated again. I was able to do both cardio and weight training today. I was still sweating a lot, but less dehydrated. I again did not take any DNP today. I did not want to be another statistic and end up in the hospital. I feel as if I never should have of gone up 600mg. I did sleep warm, but no major sweating just slight moisture. Day thirteen, woke up and weighed 221. I was ok with only gaining .5 lbs and all my symptoms of being dehydrated and headaches were gone. A few hot flashes and light perspiration, but nothing close to yesterday. I was able to do cardio and train intensely. I went back to 200mg before bed. Slight sweating experienced again. Day fourteen, woke up and weighed 220. Sweated slightly through the day, much more tolerable, hands and feet are clammy. I weighed my self again at 9pm and weighed 225. All in all I lost 17 lbs. I'm done. Results: Lost 17 lbs. Notes: Do not make the mistake for using more than necessary. Be prepared to be tired after only a few days. If you cannot stand being hot and sweaty, you will hate DNP. Try to eat as clean as possible to obtain your goals. Toxins may come out of your body from your poor eating habits and you may experience acne. Use supplementation to maintain muscle mass. Use ice cubes to stay hydrated throughout the day and night. Use a humidifier by your bed at night to keep nose, throat, and eyes moist. If you experience severe hot flashes and dry throat, discontinue use.
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hazmat Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 46) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() looking into this dnp stuff.have not seen any caps yet any onfo on this? IP: Logged |
Formula Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 205) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Very good journal. Make me think twice about using the stuff. IP: Logged |
bigrand Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 168) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() why wound you think twice. It works good and is realitivly safe if you know what you are doing. Bad sides, are everexemplified. IP: Logged |
GymRatSD Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 178) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I don't think the bad sides are over-exemplified at all. I find the account just to be very detailed and explicit. Your results could vary with use. DNP is something that must be researched thoroughly before use. It's not something to jump into blindly. IP: Logged |
Fish Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 472) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thanks. I think I will try this. ------------------ IP: Logged |
bigrand Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 168) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() all im saying is that they talk about the sides way too much. yes its good to know about them, but people need to realize that they are mostley sides that you get(bad ones) when you take too much or take it improperly. With proper cycling. the only sides should be sweating, feeling hotter, lethargy, and sometimes smelling of chemicals. Those are the only "bad sides" associated with DNP if taken properly. IP: Logged |
Pup'nIrn Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 166) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I am on my 3rd cycle of dnp and decided to add in insulin as a training aid. 2-3 times a day I will take 5ius of insulin and consume 60g of carbs, 50g whey protein, and 20g of pure l-glutamine in the form of a meal replacement. This is the absolute best I have ever felt on dnp. The heat is still here and the sweating but the lethargic state of mind is totally gone. My workouts are more intense( i keep them short anyway) and I feel like doing cardio after I lift. I am amazed at how easy it was to reverse the shitty feelings with insulin. Be very careful though!!! I used 10iu's the first time with 100g of carbs and I was so depleted, my muscles really took to much in. Blood sugar fell to the floor but my muscles filled out less than an 2-3hrs. I had to eat more carbs to fill in the blood sugar gap so I decided to lower the amount some and have been doing well. ------------------ IP: Logged |
supreme Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 28) |
![]() ![]() ![]() The sides are not that bad, just ended 600mg/day cycle. only sides were heat, some sweating and insomnia last 2 nights. If you prepare well the sides can de avoided or lessened. you need lots anti-ox, calcium, magnesium, pyruvate, glutamine ,glycerol & melatonin ( I believe I could have avoided insomnia with the melatonin but it gives me intense nightmares!) information is your MOST important roids.com qfac.com (Danarchy archives)
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RaginAsian Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 61) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() What happened to Luca Brazi? He was playing with some DNP. ------------------ IP: Logged |
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