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  Does anyone have an idea on what the old timer (sergio,arnold,zane) dbol cycle was?!

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Author Topic:   Does anyone have an idea on what the old timer (sergio,arnold,zane) dbol cycle was?!
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 118)
posted June 29, 2000 11:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Swollen   Click Here to Email Swollen     Edit/Delete Message
I always wanted to know how they took it. I think Arnold took his in the mourn when test is lowest. He always worked out in the mourn too. I have always suspected that the old timers took a couple everyday year-round. This could account for their gains being big, but leaving the possability that they could be natural. If you think about it,10-15mg a day might not sound like much, but combine that with intense training year-round and that could put on some weight, and at such a low dosage, I think the side effects would be minimum.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 40)
posted June 29, 2000 12:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for glazed_donutz     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 52939896
from what i have read arnold would down a hand full with a glass of milk in the morning. now this doesnt mean a hundred in a hand full but i am sure they took high dosages more like 20 at one time!!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted June 29, 2000 12:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Primo_man   Click Here to Email Primo_man     Edit/Delete Message
Actually, if you take dbol 2-3 tabs upon waking, and then 2-3 more about 4 hours later your natural test levels won't be effected, because the dbol will no longer be active at night when natural test production starts. So that could be a possibility if they were only taking like 6 dbol a day.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted June 29, 2000 12:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Starski   Click Here to Email Starski     Edit/Delete Message
I think you will find he did more than 2-3 a day, I have heard it said one of his favorite stacks was Primo and D-bol, also he recomended test for mass. Ultimatly I don't think he is ever going to let on now though..

Oh, you natural test is at it's highest in the morning, could explain why it usual for the little fella to be standing to attention when you wake, if you get my drift...

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted June 29, 2000 12:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bossman   Click Here to Email Bossman     Edit/Delete Message
Arnold use to do up to 50 mg a day. That was before clomid. I bet you can shoot his balls out of a bb gun.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted June 29, 2000 01:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Testoman   Click Here to Email Testoman     Edit/Delete Message

The reason why your little fella is awake in the morning when you get up has nothin' to do with test levels. While your are sleeping your muscles are very relaxed, which means the blood flow into your muscles is pretty low. Some of that blood is ending up in your little fella, who by any means is not a muscle. Ever wonder why your little friend is alert when you wake up in the middle of the night to peepee?


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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted June 29, 2000 03:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for krzysiu013   Click Here to Email krzysiu013     Edit/Delete Message
also a full bladder will habing something to do with "it" standing at attension.


6 gauge in my tongue,
22 gauge in my ass...

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted June 29, 2000 03:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jeff_rys   Click Here to Email Jeff_rys     Edit/Delete Message
I don't know what Sergio took, but he was once on stage, ripped with a 24,8 inch arm
(63 cm) unless the article was incorrect. But the picture sure was impressive.


Don't look back, life is too short

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted June 29, 2000 08:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for foreverblast   Click Here to Email foreverblast     Edit/Delete Message
lol arnold's arms were bigger and they weren't 24, 8 inches.. I doubt serg's were anywhere close to that.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted June 29, 2000 08:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Loco71   Click Here to Email Loco71     Edit/Delete Message
I have met sergio and let me tell you his arms were almost the size of my legs!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 261)
posted June 29, 2000 11:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuiceBoy   Click Here to Email JuiceBoy     Edit/Delete Message
It's been said that arnold took 4dbols a day, and 200mg of primo a week, but who knows for how long? And you know what? that sounds believable, cuz his muscles were just pure quality, not the engorged bloated look of todays pros who mega dose on everything, Arnold grew like a weed even when he we just starting out in his early teens so like i said it is believable. However I have heard rumours of 20dbols a day during contest time but who knows.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted June 29, 2000 11:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for c-dizzo   Click Here to Email c-dizzo     Edit/Delete Message
man my friend lived with arnold for a month, and he said arnold had a big jar full of dbol in the the kitchen, when he worked out he would reach in the jar and pull out a handfull and wash em down.

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1 Mistake
Pro Bodybuilder
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posted June 29, 2000 11:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 1 Mistake     Edit/Delete Message
Arnold used LARGE amounts of d-bol- An old timer I met , said they used to pick up 100 d-bols for about $5.00 US. He said Arnold would take more than 30 a day for quite long periods of time.I don't think they knew of the risks back then


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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted June 29, 2000 11:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for The_Blond_Myth   Click Here to Email The_Blond_Myth     Edit/Delete Message
anyone that thinks that arnold and the old timers didn't abuse is full of shit!! They abused just as much as the pros do today, its just they only had a few select roids, and none of the other goodies that is out there now. If arnold had started and was competing around this time he would have looked just like the rest. Some fucking idoits think that those guys took real low dosages, get real!!


"This is George the owner, and Tony the Guru... Tony knows everything." -Lee Priest

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted June 30, 2000 01:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Swollen   Click Here to Email Swollen     Edit/Delete Message
Have you ever seen a good picture of Frank Zane in his Arms - Over Head shot? The quality of their physiques looked like that hard pure natural look. That is why I have always thought they took just enought to give them an edge and let the rest take place naturaly.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted June 30, 2000 02:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for perfecttrainer   Click Here to Email perfecttrainer     Edit/Delete Message
Im with the blonde myth on this one

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted June 30, 2000 02:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for THE STEEL BEAST   Click Here to Email THE STEEL BEAST     Edit/Delete Message


One more road to cross
One more risk to take
Gotta live my life
like there's one more move to make.

The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad.


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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted June 30, 2000 03:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuiceBoy   Click Here to Email JuiceBoy     Edit/Delete Message
First of all think about it, why do we all like arnold's physique? cuz of the clean lines, unbloated. Now if he was takin 30 dbols a day wouldn't he look a hell of a lot more bloated? All this talk about 30dbols a day is bullshit, compare those guys to todays guys, and just look at the difference, its' not whey protein, it's more drugs. Arnold said that he took 200mg's of primo rather than deca a week HIMSELF, not rumour, not someone sayin they seen him. And I can't say how much dbol he took himself but he said that a big guy should take 4 and a small guy should take 3. Obviously he's a big guy so 4 makes sense that he'd follow his own advice. ANd he said this in an interview with Filliciano in a magazine in his competitive days, not now. Back then it was no big deal, steroid use wasn't somethin that was denied, it was all good, so that's not speculation steel beast. However what he took on top of that as far as other drugs, but as far as dbol and primo goes 4 ed and 200mg a week respectivaly, and there is no real reason to believe otherwise

[This message has been edited by JuiceBoy (edited June 30, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by JuiceBoy (edited June 30, 2000).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted June 30, 2000 09:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for TRIHARD     Edit/Delete Message
Just amused by the arm sizes given in the earlier post.Athur Jones who is generally regarded as being the person who invented the HIT method of training, gives some interesting statistics in his articles.He states that the biggest arm he ever saw and personally measured was Sergio Olivia and it measured 20.5 inches.Jones states that he never measured Arnold's arms but based on comparison pictures with sergio, they would probably tape around 19.5", f**k that 24.5 inch crap.He also measured Mentzer at 18", and i'm guessing Franco and Zane were around 17-17.5".He also states that the largest appearing arms he ever saw belonged to Casey Viator and they were just over 19".So there's hope for us yet!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted June 30, 2000 09:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for foreverblast   Click Here to Email foreverblast     Edit/Delete Message
lol he shouldn't be making no god damn comments about arnold's arms if he never measured them... Those who have measured has his at 22.5 inches at contest shape... that's pretty damn impressive if you ask me.. And no, it wasn't measured by eyes..


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1 Mistake
Pro Bodybuilder
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posted June 30, 2000 10:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 1 Mistake     Edit/Delete Message
First of all- If anyone wants proof of amounts pros took back then,thats easy-but I would never post specific names etc.Yes I DO know that Arnold took upto 30 d's a day because the BB world is VERY small and I happen to know people at the top.Everyone at the top knew what was up- Nobody had to hide their drug use-people used to take shit in the open,right at the gym.My old gym had d-bols behind the counter for $30.00 per 100.It was ok a few yrs. ago.So before you flame me ,please think twice-cause I'm most likely more" into" the scene than anyone else on this board.As a matter of fact,I've even got supplements for two pros a couple yrs. back

ps-I know for a fact that Big A smoked weed like a chimney

[This message has been edited by 1 Mistake (edited June 30, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted June 30, 2000 10:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Swollen   Click Here to Email Swollen     Edit/Delete Message
I don't know about you guys, but just because it was ok to take 30 bol a day doesn't mean they did. So far, JuiceBoy's answer makes tons of sense. JuiceBoy, I would realy be interested in reading that article, is there a place I could get it?

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted June 30, 2000 03:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Swollen   Click Here to Email Swollen     Edit/Delete Message

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted June 30, 2000 04:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Slopain   Click Here to Email Slopain     Edit/Delete Message
this thread kicks ass

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted June 30, 2000 04:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuiceBoy   Click Here to Email JuiceBoy     Edit/Delete Message
well the magazine was an old issue of muscle builder, so I guess if u're interested u'll have to go through the archives and try to find it. However, I have an article from an old issue of musclemag, if u guys tell me how to post it on here I'll gladly scan it for u guys

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 348)
posted June 30, 2000 04:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jeff_rys   Click Here to Email Jeff_rys     Edit/Delete Message
I only read the article saying Sergio arms where 24.8 incehes (63 cm). I saw sergio in Belgium on stage in '75 or '76 and he was impressive.
As for Arnold not taking that much Dbols or anything else, see it like this: Who can win the Olympia with only 4 dbols a day. Come on get real. Even in the '70's there where articles claiming he took "hands full" in one swallow and this wheren't vitamines.
So he won the Olympia 6 times only with 4 dbols a day.
Who here on the board can say he as a great body with only 4 dbols ?
So if this is true then he would never have won any title if he competed today. Do you know what it takes (no, not training harder than Arnold did, but take in your body not even to win but to be there on stage in the line up. So I will include once again the S-files where you can read what the PRO's are taking now:

The one question that I get most often is, "What's the biggest dosage you've ever heard of anyone taking?" The answer is, "A lot." However, most of the reports on this topic are grossly exaggerated, with the Andreas Muntzer case being typical. Poor Andreas will go down in the medical journals for his unprecedented levels of abuse simply because of a cycle found written on a piece of paper in his possession. However, those that knew him know that this was only a commonly utilized ploy to partially protect someone from prosecution if they were caught in possession of quantities indicative of dealing.

Another fallacy is that today's pros have laid down a blueprint for death by virtue of their mega dose-induced mass. The trail of thought here is that today's pros are only big because they take far more drugs than the pros of yesteryear. The competitive bodybuilder of the '90s is assumed to be an all-knowing alchemist with far more pills and potions available to him than his predecessors. Even those who don't have "the knowledge" have their own secret guru, available for a modest fee, who holds the keys to eternal mass.

The fact that football players, basketball players, boxers, track and field athletes, and Joe Public are bigger and leaner than his or her counterparts from the '70s and '80s seems to be irrelevant. And the fact that there's far more technology available regarding nutrition, quality coaching, training facilities, and self-education media doesn't seem to count for much, either. If you consider that there are simply more people on the planet than ever before, and that a higher percentage of these people now go to the gym, it seems not only possible, but likely, that some genetic freaks are going to surface.

So who perpetuates these myths? Usually bitter ex-pros from the bygone age�so-called gurus that nobody actually seems to acknowledge, let alone confide in with their most intimate secrets. Or sad, twisted individuals who blame everything�from Elvis' constipation to Arnold's acting�on anabolics, yet whose own potential for cell growth shadows that of an amoeba.

In truth, some of the most extreme examples of abuse that I am aware of took place in the late '70s and early '80s. I personally know two powerlifters and five top-level bodybuilders (two Olympia competitors) who have admitted to taking between 50 and 100 dianabol a day during the '70s. They also claim that they knew many other top-level athletes who have done the same, along with taking various injectables, also in huge dosages. Some of them knew athletes that became very ill from their practice without realizing the cause. The funny thing is that, in many instances, the doctors did not recognize the cause, either�typically cross-questioning the patient about alcoholism even after hearing what they had been taking. This demonstrates how easy it is for the facts to become buried.

I also know one top strength athlete who admitted to regularly taking 100 dianabol a day and two 5,000-mg doses of testosterone per week during the weeks prior to a competition. He would also train on amphetamine and use sleeping pills to allow him to sleep twice a day, all during the innocent '70s and early '80s. By this man's own admission, if he had not injured himself seriously in preparation for the world championships, he probably would have died.

One world powerlifting champion told me that, in the early '80s, he would usually inject 10 ml of stanazolol (yes, that's 500 mg) a day for the last month before a contest. Another told me of his friend who took eight Anadrol a day until he was hospitalized.

The most extreme example that I've ever heard was confessed to me by a former British Olympia competitor. During the preparation for his last show, in the '80s, he took two Anadrol, ten dianabol, six Halotestin, and 100 Anavar a day. On top of this, he also injected 4,000 mg of Deca, 2,000 mg of testosterone cypionate, 400 mg of Winstrol, and 400 mg of Primobolan per week. Add to this Thiomucase injections, thyroxine, Nolvadex, and Esiclene, but make sure that you don't cremate this SOB when he goes because he'll probably burn for a week! These are just a few examples, but I have heard of many such claims throughout the years.

The argument that there are more advanced drugs and variety available to today's competitor is flawed. I accept that there's more knowledge of drug use today and that growth hormone is probably the single-greatest advancement in the ergogen profile, but GH was also available to those who endured the '80s. Besides, the lack of knowledge often led to more abuse, not less.

However, athletes today will never know the benefits of some of the now discontinued drugs used by "those who point the finger." Just ask Dan Duchaine or Jeff Feliciano about the effectiveness of drugs like Roxilon, bolasterone, Anatrofin, thiomesterone, Finaject...I'm sorry, I can't go on without getting emotional. God, I miss them!

Sure, there's still plenty of abuse today. I know several Olympia competitors that are taking 30-40 dianabol a day and around 2,000 mg of both Deca and cypionate per week during the off-season. Some national competitors are taking much more.

Typically, today's pro will use a minimum of six products in his build-up for a show, but that doesn't include thyroid, clenbuterol, Cytadren, Nolvadex, insulin, insulin agonists, and diuretics. Some use more exotic specials like IGF, prostaglandins, EPO, Synthol, heparin, glucagon, osmotic diuretics, topical fat-burning products, and opiate-based anti-catabolics, like Nubain and Buprenex. GH use is obviously quite common, too, and the standard dosage is usually around 8-20 IU a day.

For obvious reasons, I cannot go into the personal dosages of any of the athletes that I advise. But I hope that this will help you, perhaps, see things in a different light the next time you hear weary dribblings of the "out of touch" antagonists and the "wannabe" experts.

Q: In last week's posting, Paul Borresen claimed that the pros were taking unbelievable dosages of anabolics and that this is what it takes to succeed. He also claimed that he works out the cycles for them, including Dorian Yates. What's your view on his comments?

A: Here we go again! I believe that my opening statement covers the pro situation. But personally, I do not know any pro that takes the dosages that he implies. I sincerely hope that none of you try the "30 IU of insulin with each meal" thing. As for the comments about Dorian Yates, I can only say that if you really dealt with any of the pros, would you honestly drop their name in a drug-related article? As someone who's in that exact situation, I know that client confidentiality is of the utmost importance, especially when you consider the legal implications.

In the past, when linked with Olympic athletes, I have been offered huge sums by the media to drop some athlete's name, but it would never cross my mind. This should give you some indication of the validity of Paul Borresen's credentials, as I know that he has a personal reason behind his claims.

On his website, he also states that he has coached up-and-coming pro Dennis James. Yet Dennis told me that not only has he never met Paul Borresen, but he's only had a brief phone discussion with him in which Borresen tried a sales pitch. I know for a fact, too, that Borresen's never had anything to do with Dorian's preparation for anything in any shape or form, and that Dorian never even speaks with the man, let alone phones him regularly. This should help you assess the value of any other pearls of wisdom that he may have imparted.

Dorian recently told me that he has instructed his solicitors to deal with this matter, and for that reason he is unable to make any comment. Other spurious comments about him in Borresen's newsletter are also being reviewed. Dorian also stated that, although Borresen's statements are intended to get back at Dorian's business partner, Kerry Kayes, he must realize the consequences of such slander. Dorian personally feels that, by making an official statement, he runs the risk of elevating Borresen to a pedestal on which he doesn't belong by virtue of mentioning him in the same sentence as himself.

It seems as if you thought that you had found yourselves another Monica Lewinsky here. But in the end, the only horn being blown was Paul's�and he was doing it himself!

This is the site where you can read more.

In my opinion the only "smart BB" was Frank Zane, sure he took, but just ENOUGH and he did win the Olympia more than once.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 348)
posted June 30, 2000 05:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jeff_rys   Click Here to Email Jeff_rys     Edit/Delete Message
for the control-C and the control-V


Don't look back, life is too short

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 118)
posted June 30, 2000 06:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Swollen   Click Here to Email Swollen     Edit/Delete Message
It just isn't plausible. You don't look like they did taking high doses of Dbol. No way. They were too clean and had too many "natural" qualities. Also, they would all have breast and losed gains after cycles; wasn't this pre-clomid/Nolv. They would also need new livers by now. Who else has an opinion?!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 115)
posted June 30, 2000 06:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Thunder   Click Here to Email Thunder     Edit/Delete Message
I know for a fact from former trainers and a couple old timers in my gym who trained with arnold and haney that he took anywhere from
500-1000 tabs a week as far as haney he only
hit up his shit when getting ready to diet.
He used alot of escilene for shows as his arms where not that great. Haney used very little as much as a high school student now a days

DIe big Die young Dianabol

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted June 30, 2000 08:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuiceBoy   Click Here to Email JuiceBoy     Edit/Delete Message
Swollen is right on the money

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted June 30, 2000 08:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuiceBoy   Click Here to Email JuiceBoy     Edit/Delete Message
Swollen is right on the money, I'm a little busy tonite but by tommoro I'll have that article posted up, I'm sure u'll all find it interesting. So keep this thread goin.

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted July 01, 2000 05:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jeff_rys   Click Here to Email Jeff_rys     Edit/Delete Message
Swollen, I know you mean well but there is no such thing as natural qualities if you want to go on stage. No one gets a great body without roids. As Larry Scott used to say "you can look good without roids, but you will look better with them".


Don't look back, life is too short

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted July 01, 2000 02:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Swollen   Click Here to Email Swollen     Edit/Delete Message
I guess there is a communication problem. Well I got Arnold's New Encyclopedia, and I am looking at the pictures and I see natural qualities. I see slim waists, unlike todays pros, I see lines you'll rarely see in a FLEX these days, and I see clean physiques, again, unlike todays top pros. Lets also look at the facts.
Fact-Dianabol converts to estrogen, so gyno and water retention may be a problem although are usually dose related.
Common sense tells me, I can't speak for others, that if the side effects are dose related, and I don't see those characteristics on them, then doses were most likely low.
Make sense to you guys? What ya'll think?

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted July 01, 2000 03:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuiceBoy   Click Here to Email JuiceBoy     Edit/Delete Message
comeon someone tell me how to post a scanned article on this site, This article will answer alot of questions and shut a few mouths as far as the oldtimers cycles were concerned. Talks about Arnold, Sergio, and Larry Scott

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted July 01, 2000 05:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Swollen   Click Here to Email Swollen     Edit/Delete Message
JuiceBoy, can you email me the article. I can't wait to read it.

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted July 01, 2000 05:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for goleafs   Click Here to Email goleafs     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 64961519
my friend lived with arnold for a month.....hahahahahahahahahah

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 128)
posted July 01, 2000 07:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lqdmscle   Click Here to Email Lqdmscle     Edit/Delete Message
The old timer took a lot of shit. I mean a lot of shit. It was cheap and legal.

Back then, what would you do?

That clean natural look was from GH without insulin. Todays pros use GH and insulin that's the reason for bloated.

I like Arnold but common, the guy was out of proportion. Awesome chest and bis, ok back and tiny legs. With his legs, he wouldn't win todays amateur contest.

[This message has been edited by Lqdmscle (edited July 01, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Lqdmscle (edited July 01, 2000).]

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1 Mistake
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 205)
posted July 01, 2000 09:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 1 Mistake     Edit/Delete Message
I'm not saying that Arnold took 30 d's a day before a show,I'm just saying they all used heavy amounts of gear.I know of one old timer who would take 7 or 8 3cc shots per week of test

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Jay Z
Pro Bodybuilder
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posted July 01, 2000 10:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jay Z   Click Here to Email Jay Z     Edit/Delete Message
i agree with you 1mistake

Sign the petition now at LegalizeSteroids.com,DecriminalizeSteroids.com, or SignThePetition.com!

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted July 01, 2000 11:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for The_Blond_Myth   Click Here to Email The_Blond_Myth     Edit/Delete Message
U think side effects are dose related? and that is why the pros look the way they do as opposed to the old timers in the 70's and 80's. So your saying that 2,000mg of test per week has twice the sides of 1,000mg? I don't think so! As said earlier, these guys had a lack of knowledge (for the most part), and a lack of knowledge of a particular drug leads to greater abuse of it. U also have to consider that the old guys tanned in the sun, as opposed to the painted on tans used by todays pros, it really does make a difference, sun gives a more deep dark looking shade. The pros today are bloated from heavy dosing of GH and IGF and insulin. I will say it again, those guys did just as much abusing!! arnold claimed to take 4 d-bol per day? wow, holy shit he must be telling the truth!! Don't be so fucking stupid. Lee Priest, in an interview claims that he only uses primo and deca, in the dosage of 200-400mg per week. Do u believe that? I don't think so, Now wake up!! I am sick and fucking tired of the, they looked more natural back then bullshit cuz they took less. Some will never learn, and its because they never listen.


"This is George the owner, and Tony the Guru... Tony knows everything." -Lee Priest

[This message has been edited by The_Blond_Myth (edited July 02, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted July 02, 2000 03:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuiceBoy   Click Here to Email JuiceBoy     Edit/Delete Message
Blondmyth....let me guess, u were arnolds pool man right.

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted July 02, 2000 04:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jeff_rys   Click Here to Email Jeff_rys     Edit/Delete Message
We may not forget Arnold went to the hospital frequently for a blood transfusion.
Honestly I don't think this is necessary if he only took a few dbols a day.
As for his natural qualities, I saw him once on tv and he could hardly walk because of his overweight. As if some muscles where in the way of other muscles or overbuild. The difference with today BB (on stage) they take a lot more and other preparations that where not know 25 years ago. As for his legs, I don't think they where out of proportion. Nobody wins the big O for 6 times whith bad legs.


Don't look back, life is too short

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted July 02, 2000 04:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lqdmscle   Click Here to Email Lqdmscle     Edit/Delete Message
He did win six. He does have a good physique. No doubt about it. What I mean was back then, legs were not as critical as today. Look at his legs and his upper body. His upper is way better.

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted July 02, 2000 03:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for The_Blond_Myth   Click Here to Email The_Blond_Myth     Edit/Delete Message
I am glad someone finally brought that up, I have always thought that Arnold's legs were small, too small for his upper body.


"This is George the owner, and Tony the Guru... Tony knows everything." -Lee Priest

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted July 02, 2000 04:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Swollen   Click Here to Email Swollen     Edit/Delete Message
Think about this though. With the amount of Dbol some of these guys are suggesting they took, it would be pretty difficult for his legs not to grow. If your poping handfulls a day, and doing the leg workouts he was doing, your legs would be bigger than his were. OK, maybe it wasn't just 4 a day. But to me, that makes more sense than 15+.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted July 02, 2000 05:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Testoman   Click Here to Email Testoman     Edit/Delete Message
Just a little side note my friends:

Arnold is a seven time Mr. Olympia!
Don't belittle this fella and tell everybody he only won 6!!!

One thing is for sure: Nobody gets that kind of bod just from taking 4 Dbol a day. Ha!


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posted July 02, 2000 06:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for The_Blond_Myth   Click Here to Email The_Blond_Myth     Edit/Delete Message
I believe that arnold said that he did not even train legs for his first few years, he only did chest and biceps. When u start early on I believe is the most important time to get your shit together. I trained legs hard from the start, and the same with other bodyparts, I stuck with the basics and alot of pressing movements. My body is very symmetrical and fits together well. I see people post pics, and I can tell they weren't training everything equally as hard from the start. I believe it is very difficult to balance out a bodypart later on. Because even if u try to isolate that muscle, u are still stimulating other ones too. You can play a pretty good job of catch up, but u are putting together bits and pieces of your body, instead of pushing the envelope with the whole thing.


"This is George the owner, and Tony the Guru... Tony knows everything." -Lee Priest

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted July 02, 2000 08:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ahthong     Edit/Delete Message
Personally, I'm a huge fan of all these old timer's physiques. Today's pros just freak me out. Some of my favourites are guys like the oak, mentzer, padilla, pearson and dickerson. It's interesting how some of the old pros lift just as heavy as the pros today, but they just ain't freaky. Must be the roids!!!

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posted July 03, 2000 04:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lqdmscle   Click Here to Email Lqdmscle     Edit/Delete Message
The old timers overtrained. They also drink a lot of beer too. They thought beer could help put weight on.

Have you seen Flex Wheeler train? He doesn't break a sweat.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted July 03, 2000 06:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Recoome   Click Here to Email Recoome     Edit/Delete Message
Arnold sure didn't look like he megadosed an androgen like Dianabol. I seriously doubt they had HgH back then, too. Maybe he just had perfect genetics and responded greatly to low doses of steroids. I don't think he lied about his dosages, back then they were open about steroid use and there wasn't a reason why he had to lie..

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posted July 03, 2000 07:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Les   Click Here to Email Les     Edit/Delete Message
I think the understanding is that back then steroids were used for precontest and weren't abused like today..HORSESHIT..they just didn't have a wide selection..also no insulin, GH, DNP T3 and other shit. Get real. You know they abused what they had access to. I don't know why people have to juice and be full of shit, it just makes you look like an idiot

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Still Growing
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posted July 03, 2000 08:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Still Growing     Edit/Delete Message
I know Arnold has had at least one liver transplant.

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posted July 03, 2000 08:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jeff_rys   Click Here to Email Jeff_rys     Edit/Delete Message
You are right Testoman, I miscounted one(probably 1976), because he made them all in a row, except for 1980 (if I recall well. His first win was 1971 I think or 1970, don't remember. Do remember he lost his first try against Sergio Oliva.
But they were not that open in the seventies.
Certainly not in the early 70's. They started talking around 1975. I then bought Joe Weider's magazine.


Don't look back, life is too short

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posted July 04, 2000 04:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuiceBoy   Click Here to Email JuiceBoy     Edit/Delete Message
comeon guys, someone tell me how to post this article. You guys will luv it, it talks about Larry Scott, Arnold, Sergio, Serge Nubret, Boyer Coe, and others.

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posted July 04, 2000 04:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lqdmscle   Click Here to Email Lqdmscle     Edit/Delete Message
Yes they did have HGH back then. You can't even look like the old pros without HGH. If you look like them with just steroids alone, please post a picture.

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posted July 04, 2000 04:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for D007   Click Here to Email D007     Edit/Delete Message

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted July 04, 2000 04:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Recoome   Click Here to Email Recoome     Edit/Delete Message
I think I know what article you're talking about. The August '98 issue, with Milos Sarcev giving the girl a piggyback on the cover, right? Greg Zulak goes on to say that Larry Scott and others had a meeting in '65 to discuss if it was safe to go from 5mg Dbol a day to 10mg. Back then it was all so new and people were worried about potential side effects. Arnold was qoutoed from Muscle Builder magazine as saying a small guy should take three Dbol a day, and a big guy should take four a day. He also admitted to taking Primobolan Depot. Boyer Coe felt it was necessary to take 200mg of Deca-Durabolin for at least 12 weeks to get maximum benefit from it. John Brown swallowed whole handfuls of Dbol with some salt. Serge Nubret and Sergio Oliva was said to do the same thing.
So it's obvious guys today take more drugs than their counterparts 20 or 30 years back. It's reflected in the dramatic change in physiques.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted July 04, 2000 04:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Recoome   Click Here to Email Recoome     Edit/Delete Message
I doubt they had HgH back then. Back then I think the only growth hormone came from dead cadavers, and why would they mess with that when they had legal access to all the steroids they wanted? They didn't have distended guts and huge hands back then. They weren't freakish looking.

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posted July 04, 2000 04:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuiceBoy   Click Here to Email JuiceBoy     Edit/Delete Message
no they did NOT have hgh back then, it came out after arnolds time and yeah that's exactly the article I'm talkin about, nobody should take it as the gospel but hey it gives u some insight u know what I mean?

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posted July 04, 2000 10:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Swollen   Click Here to Email Swollen     Edit/Delete Message
JuiceBoy and Recoome are on the money. Some of you guys think they were stupid back then. Why would anybody with common sense abuse something they didn't know about?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted July 04, 2000 10:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for anibolism   Click Here to Email anibolism     Edit/Delete Message
I know that Lou looks great now,but I would have liked to have seen what all of the greats would have looked like if they would have had the drug selection we have today.

Live for the pump!!!!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted July 04, 2000 10:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GreatOne   Click Here to Email GreatOne     Edit/Delete Message
i heared that primo and d bol was arnolds favorite, and that when frank zane got off a stack he would still take 1 or 2 d bol a day for months at a time until he go back on another stack

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted July 04, 2000 10:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Swollen   Click Here to Email Swollen     Edit/Delete Message
I'm gonna to bump this one up a notch fellas!

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