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  Post workout- glutamine protein and creatine

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Author Topic:   Post workout- glutamine protein and creatine
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 19)
posted June 24, 2000 10:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ---==\S/==---   Click Here to Email ---==\S/==---     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 35410287
Ok im starting my bulking again this coming week. I went and got some Lglutamine i had pills before they sucked. But this glutamine has 4,500mg per teaspoon. Now im also going to start taking cell-tech. Right when im done working out how does it work? Creatine first then glutimine? or protien? and how long i wait before eating the post workout meal? and how much glutamine post workout? sorry bout all the questions ,thanks for reading.And when you take glutamine you wait 30mins before consumming any food?(for the morning)thanks again guys!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 625)
posted June 24, 2000 10:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for quenepo   Click Here to Email quenepo     Edit/Delete Message
I can't tell you for creatine because I don't like it,but for glutamine I always take it.5g morning 30 minute before breakfast,5g before workout and 5g after,and for last 5g before go to bed.This and protein is the only thing I like to buy,I don't exp.. my money on creatine,prohormes and others shit.

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[email protected]

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 528)
posted June 25, 2000 03:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LivLarge   Click Here to Email LivLarge     Edit/Delete Message
I would take the creatine right after you workout and at 20 minutes max after workout get your protein. I would just space the glutamine out evenly for 5g 3-4 times a day.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 590)
posted June 25, 2000 12:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for flexed1   Click Here to Email flexed1     Edit/Delete Message
creatine and gluaamine compete for the same receptors so don't take together. 15-25 mg a day of gluatamine is what i take and i swear by it. cell tech makes ya fat as it is filled with sugar. i have not seen 1 person i know take this and like the results

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 19)
posted June 25, 2000 02:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ---==\S/==---   Click Here to Email ---==\S/==---     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 35410287
Ok i was just thinking, i read in the article at that site mentioned at one of my post earlier and i know they compepte for the same things now are creatine and glut the same except glut is way better? i se creatine as a post work out healer with the ability to retain water in the muscles and air in repair where as glut does the same helps repair and helps the body out in tons of other ways also so if this were true why is cretine so big and not out of the market due to the market takeover glutamine should have over creatine?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 56)
posted June 25, 2000 03:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LuckyDog   Click Here to Email LuckyDog     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 8979253
Cell-Tech really isn' that bad. It doesn't make you fat, it works especially good if you're in a sport like Football or another physical sport. The extra work burns off the dextrose so you don't get fat. But if you're worried bout carbs and suger, just buy Dextrose in bulk and use 35 grams with each serving of creatine (instead of 75 which is what cell-tech has). BTW, I went to GNC and looked at all the weight gainers and started laughing. No matter how big the servings were (some of which were 2 and 3/4 cups) everything still had 50 grams of protein. Hell Twinlabs brand calls for 900 and something gram serving (which is a shitload of powder) and has 50 grams of protein and like 560 grams of carbs. wha the hell, trying to get your whole days carbs in one drink??? I don't care if you can only digest 50 g's of protein at once. there should still be more in there. We're talking these pwoders will make you really really fat. By the way if you think that Cell-Tech will make you fat you also have to look at sports drinks. One 20 Oz. PowerAde or Gatorade has about 75 grams of carbs (sugers like dextrose) which is the same as cell-tech so if you're going to get fat off cell-tech you're going to get fat off of powerade. Later

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 207)
posted June 25, 2000 04:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TEXASAMM   Click Here to Email TEXASAMM     Edit/Delete Message
AFTER W.O. 10gms creatine(total 20gms daily)
10gms glutamine(total 25gms daily)
50gms protein
100-150gms carbs.
15iu insulin(humalog)
1hourafter drink, eat meal 50protein-100carbs
don't worry about fat, just expand the muscle cells , pack them full of glycogen

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