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  thoughts on my winter cycle

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Author Topic:   thoughts on my winter cycle
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 247)
posted June 21, 2000 11:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DRRman     Edit/Delete Message
Ok, im on a cycle of eq and winny right now, im trying to start gathering my gear for this winter. This will be my third cycle of juice, and my second cycle containing test. Someone tell me what you think of this
-weeks 1-5 30mg dboll per day
-weeks 1-5 750mg sus per week, and 200mg T200 per week
-weeks 5-8 500mg sus per week, 200mg T200 per week
-weeks 1-8 400mg deca per week.

Do you guys think this is too much test? SHoudl i drop the T200 and go for 1000mg sus per week? Anyone have any experience with the side effects of that much sus? I already have 2 10ml vials of T200 though, so i would like to use it. And of course clomid EOD and two weeks post cycle. Any thoughts or additions?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 71)
posted June 21, 2000 12:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jawoak   Click Here to Email jawoak     Edit/Delete Message
i'm not the most experienced guy in the world, but i would say drop the t200. Sust has plenty of test in it to begin with, and only 200mg of enanthate per week isn't going to do anything anyway, except maybe add to the gyno problem. Just stick with the sust and you'll be alright.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 257)
posted June 21, 2000 01:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for msg   Click Here to Email msg     Edit/Delete Message
i like it. i would keep the t200 being that this is your third cycle and second with test but taper down on the dbol bro. you should gain like a madman if you eat eat eat.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 305)
posted June 21, 2000 01:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for The_Blond_Myth   Click Here to Email The_Blond_Myth     Edit/Delete Message
the d-bol looks good, keep the test at a constant dosage for 8 weeks, like 750-800mg per week for 8 weeks. Then add the deca. All depends on how much juicing u have done, I am doing a gram for my current cycle. U can mix in the T200 or up the sust, it won't matter much, test is test...


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 247)
posted June 21, 2000 08:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DRRman     Edit/Delete Message
thanks for the replies, i think im gonna do 750mg sus per week along with 200mg T200 per week, i've heard the T200 is underdosed anyways. I am going to start the dboll a little higher at say 40mg the first week, then taper down to 15mg on the fifth week. I may start eq sometime towards the end also.
any more suggestions?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 121)
posted June 21, 2000 08:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for gamer   Click Here to Email gamer     Edit/Delete Message
I would start the d-bol at 40 for the first three weeks to help jump start your gains. Taper it down over the remaining weeks. (I would go no more than 5 weeks of the d-bol) The 750 mg of sus is probably enough being your third cycle but it certainly won't hurt to add the CC of t-200 a week as well. i would follow the blond myths advice and keep your test constant throughout most of your cycle. Take your clomid and make sure you have enough Nolvadex on hand in case gyno becomes an issue as their are alot of aromitizing androgens in this cycle. Good luck and I'm sure you will grow like a weed.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 229)
posted June 22, 2000 04:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuiceBoy   Click Here to Email JuiceBoy     Edit/Delete Message
yeah leave the test vials and use em properly for your next cycle and go with the gram of sust a week, instead of the t200 why don't u maybe try some halo or fina? That would make for a cool cycle

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