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  Need your help bros. on a serious question........

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Author Topic:   Need your help bros. on a serious question........
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 169)
posted June 20, 2000 05:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BiggDogg     Edit/Delete Message
Hey bros and broettes, I went to see my doctor and he is sending me to a specialist to have a biopsy(sp?) for my gyno. He stated that they will make an incision to get the tissue to test and see if it is malignant. My question is if it isnt malignant will they still remove the gyno? I have told my doctor that the pain is almost unbearable so that I can get it removed. He said that when they go in to get the tissue they will remove all of the lump, but is that actually removing all the receptor sites as well as the tissue? Thanks for your intelligent answers in advance!!!!

I'm in the GAME for life.
Keep growing bros!!!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 169)
posted June 20, 2000 05:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BiggDogg     Edit/Delete Message

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1028)
posted June 20, 2000 06:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for studcj   Click Here to Email studcj     Edit/Delete Message
Are you saying that all of your receptors are in your nipples?? I thought your receptors were found throughout muscle tissue. People (bodybuilders) have had gyno removed before so I don't think you really need to worry about receptors.

FYI: I don't know a hell of alot about receptors, so get more advice before you take my advice.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 169)
posted June 20, 2000 08:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BiggDogg     Edit/Delete Message
No, what I was talking about was the receptors that estrogen binds to. I was wondering will they be removed also?

I'm in the GAME for life.
Keep growing bros!!!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 169)
posted June 20, 2000 08:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BiggDogg     Edit/Delete Message
Any other answers are welcome

I'm in the GAME for life.
Keep growing bros!!!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 153)
posted June 20, 2000 08:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Monster   Click Here to Email Monster     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 35077339
Only the receptors that are in the tissue that is removed. I dont think youre fully understanding what "receptors" are...
But Ive heard that post gyno surgery, people have a lot less problems with it...

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 169)
posted June 20, 2000 08:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BiggDogg     Edit/Delete Message
okay, isnt gyno caused by a build up of estrogen and binding to estrogen receptor sites? Then if that is the case when the gyno is removed will those sites that estrogen bind to also be removed?

I'm in the GAME for life.
Keep growing bros!!!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 170)
posted June 20, 2000 10:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Brutis   Click Here to Email Brutis     Edit/Delete Message
Wow, this is a good one. Bump.

If you have to tell people you're a bodybuilder...you're not.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 226)
posted June 20, 2000 10:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Eramthgin   Click Here to Email Eramthgin     Edit/Delete Message

Don't put off to tomorrow what you can do today.

If you enjoy it today you can always do it again tomorrow.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 28)
posted June 20, 2000 11:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for IndyMan2   Click Here to Email IndyMan2     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 2662180
Typically during a biopsy, they will remove a portion of the "lump" to test for malignancy. If they suspect that it might be cancer,the surgeon might request a lumpectomy where they will remove the mass and test it further. The surgeon will mark the "edges" of the lump after he removes it and will have a lab test the specimen and see how far the cancerous type cells extend. If they extend throughout all these margins, then they can diagnose it as a malignant cell carcinoma of some type. However, I would dounbt that they would totally remove all the tissue involved in your gyno. If they were going to do that, they would advise you to sign a surgical consent for an "excision of a lipoma" or a "lumpectomy" or something worded very similar to that. For a biopsy, they simply want a specimen.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 169)
posted June 21, 2000 11:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BiggDogg     Edit/Delete Message
Gotcha........Can any of the Mods or Vets answer the questions about the binding process of estrogen?

I'm in the GAME for life.
Keep growing bros!!!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 221)
posted June 21, 2000 11:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mudworx   Click Here to Email Mudworx     Edit/Delete Message
2 things:

Firstly, have you told your Doc that the gyno is most probably from steroid use? The only reason for a biopsy is to test whether the tissue contains cancer cells or not. Seeing as the inflamation caused by Gyno from aromatisation of androgens should never be cancerous, you could be saving yourself on medical bills and an even lengthier procedure if you came clean with your doctor up front.

Secondly, all cells within the body contain receptors. Hormones regulate many of our bodies processes and have receptors situated on their outer walls to receive emmitted hormones that dock onto a receptor that fits the particular hormone molecule. Once the molecule has docked on the receptor, this then releases a chemical called Cyclic AMP that sends a message to the nucleus of the cell to begin the function the messenger (hormone) intended it to. It so happens that cells situated in the breast area have large numbers of receptors for estrogen. Once the estrogen docks onto the receptor, the reaction begins which results in the inflammation and increase in size of cells in the area producing excessive breast tissue.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 308)
posted June 21, 2000 11:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigPappa     Edit/Delete Message
Maybe this is a stupid question but why do you have gyno? yes, you took steroids but did you use an anti-estrogen like Nolvadex? I am not lecturing but seriously wondering how someone can get gyno from roids if an anti-estrogen is used? Is it still possible to get gyno EVEN if you use Nolvadex?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 169)
posted June 21, 2000 11:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BiggDogg     Edit/Delete Message
Yes I have told him it was from juice, he still wanted to do the biopsy. Yes i have used nolv. however i am predisposed to gyno, in fact i have had a mild form of it since my teenage years. My gyno isnt very bad but it is a bit painful, and the mine are just puffiness in the nips with a quarter size knot in them.

I'm in the GAME for life.
Keep growing bros!!!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 35)
posted June 21, 2000 01:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hercules   Click Here to Email Hercules     Edit/Delete Message
From what I've been told by people who have experienced the surgery is that they make an incision and drain the liquid from the gland. I have a friend who went for surgery and told them to remove the whole gland because he didn't want to take the chance of it coming back and having to go through the surgery all over again. Another friend of mine went for a consultation just recently and he told me that the doctor said that they no longer cut you, they just drain the liquid out of the gland. Again, this is what I've been told.

[This message has been edited by Hercules (edited June 21, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 298)
posted June 21, 2000 01:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for The_Blond_Myth   Click Here to Email The_Blond_Myth     Edit/Delete Message
I had it done, they cut out enough tissue so the nipple will lay flat, then contour the chest with lipo. I don't know about them cutting out the entire gland. I have spoken to two expert doctors that specialize in cosmetic surgery, and gynecomastia surgery, and both said that if u remove all the tissue the nipple will be sunken in. Mine is wierd, it still protrudes a little but when I raise my arms above my head, it sinks in. I am unhappy, I had the surgery, but feel the doc didn't take enough off. I will probably have it done again in a year or two. Its not that bad, if u look around at most non bodybuilders, most guys have gyno to a certain degree, u just notice it more on us because our chest protrudes which makes the gyno look worse than it is.


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jersey boy
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 6)
posted June 21, 2000 01:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jersey boy   Click Here to Email jersey boy     Edit/Delete Message
The surgery you are speaking of involves a biopsy, this much is true. The remaining tissue that gets removed is up to the Dr. and "professional" opinion. What is not removed gets a chemical compound injected into the area that disolves the remaining tissue. If disclosed, the protrusion is due to steroid use, it becomes a cosmetic surgery which will NOT be covered by insurance, otherwise you may be able to put it on your carriers tab. The tissue growth is due to the high affinity of estogen receptor in the male breast tissue. If not removed entirely, the gland in which the estrogen originally binded to will regrow what has initially been removed. Dude, tell your doctor what you want-be honest as far not wanting that shit to grow back. If he avoids your requests, get another doctor.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 381)
posted June 21, 2000 01:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Fish   Click Here to Email Fish     Edit/Delete Message
This is a very informative post.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 169)
posted June 21, 2000 03:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BiggDogg     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks for the replies guys!!! I am going to see the Doc tomorrow and I will keep you posted on what is going on.

Thanks again Bros!!!

I'm in the GAME for life.
Keep growing bros!!!!!

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