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  Gyno & Marijuana

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Author Topic:   Gyno & Marijuana
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 37)
posted June 14, 2000 10:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bowflex   Click Here to Email Bowflex     Edit/Delete Message
I asked a friend if he wanted to smoke up with me before we went out. He freaked out and said that I should never smoke on a cycle because it would make the test convert to estrogen and give me gyno. I asked him to back it up, but he just said he heard that a million times. I know this is problably bullshit, could someone reassure me on this?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 22)
posted June 14, 2000 10:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Sadist   Click Here to Email Sadist     Edit/Delete Message
yeah marijuana can cause gyno if you smoke large enough amounts of it,but not because it makes test convert to estrogen,but because pot contains natural plant estrogens like in soy,but unlike soy these estrogens like to bond to estrogen receptor sites and hang out there for awhile.manana....

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elite hot topic
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 129)
posted June 14, 2000 10:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for elite hot topic   Click Here to Email elite hot topic     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 24539228
dude weed does convert but i believe that some people get gyno easyer than others. You probley not going to get gyno from smoking a joint but pot can convert.

just some info but dont freak i would not make smoking out a habbit though.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 224)
posted June 14, 2000 10:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Latimer     Edit/Delete Message
Your friend is right bro. Just do a search on marijuana and you will get plenty of past posts about it. A lot of people still toke during a cycle but I wouldn't risk it. If you have to keep it to a minimum. Alcohol can give you Gyno too. Marijuana definately lowers your test but I don't think there's any clear studies on how much it lowers it and the time frame it lasts. I heard it's a small amount.

[This message has been edited by Latimer (edited June 14, 2000).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 37)
posted June 14, 2000 10:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bowflex   Click Here to Email Bowflex     Edit/Delete Message
Damn, I can't beleive he was actually right. Thanks god I hadn't smoke yet. And I wont. I've had a few drink too. I know about the liver damage, but It's sometimes very hard at my age...

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