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  When to worry about cholesterol levels?

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Author Topic:   When to worry about cholesterol levels?
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 31)
posted June 11, 2000 10:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bloatboy35   Click Here to Email bloatboy35     Edit/Delete Message
hey guys, just wanted to ask any of you who know a little about the subject. When to worry about cholesterol levels, (total cholesterol)? What is too high, in such that you really should watch your levels. I had some tests done a while ago and the doc said they were 880, i know that's high, but how bad is it? He also said the triglycerides were high. He told me that most people have cholesterol levels around 500-600. How much would they raise after a 10 week cycle of AS? Should i get them lowered alot more before i start another cycle? I know this is a long post but i don;t want to make a huge mistake by starting another cycle if I shouldn't. Calling on all ya bros, need all the help i can get.



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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 106)
posted June 11, 2000 10:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bigmofo   Click Here to Email bigmofo     Edit/Delete Message
880 if you live long enough to read this post your lucky,i think you must have misunderstood even 500-600 is incredably high
mine around 175 i think anythng under 250 is ok but 880???

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 31)
posted June 11, 2000 10:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bloatboy35   Click Here to Email bloatboy35     Edit/Delete Message
That's what i can't understand! That's what the bastard told me, 880! My diet isn't that bad, I am totally confused?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 536)
posted June 11, 2000 10:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for quenepo   Click Here to Email quenepo     Edit/Delete Message
If you have 880,are you posting from heaven?

Para cualquier duda o pregunta en espa�ol.en confianza e-mail.
[email protected]

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 123)
posted June 12, 2000 12:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoviceJuicer     Edit/Delete Message
Bloatboy, what country are you in? I know some countries use different measuring units for various blood tests.

This is the literal truth - the time to worry about cholesterol is when it is clogging your arteries. David Letterman (a night show comic in the USA) recently needed quintuple bypass surgery and his cholesterol had been 175 for years and he jogged 5 miles a day. On the other hand a man I consult with on occassion had cholesterol around 600 and triglycerides around 2,000 (normal is about 120) and had no clogging because of a heavy nutritional program he was on. This stayed the same until he switched from ascorbate C to ester C and he clogged up in a month or two and needed a by pass.

Cholesterol itself is not a bad culprit (total cholesterol). Cholesterol is like luck in that there are 2 types ; good and bad. Good is smaller and denser (hence the name HIGH DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN or HDL). It is good because it actually helps strip plaque off the arteries. HDL does not oxidize easily. LDL (LOW DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN or bad cholesterol) oxidizes easily.

Rust on iron is oxidation - and it makes it rough. WHen cholesterol oxidizes it becomes rough and tends to stick to arteries. That is one reason to take antioxidants (like vitamin C in the form of ascorbate C) - is it prevents oxidation.

At least as important as cholesterol is the condition of the walls of your arteries (cholesterol does not tend to stick to veins). If the artery walls are rough cholesterol of either type and at any level will stick. Several things will roughen the walls of the artery. Cigarette or cigar smoking (refer to David Letterman). High levels of homocyteine which is caused by several things not the least of which is excessive protein intake (and is helped by maintaining high levels of the B vitamin called Folic acid). Another is a state of inflammation that is monitored by a blood test called a C-reactive protein (CRP) - CRP can be lowered consistently with a digestive enzyme product called Bromelain.

A roughened artery wall is repaired with a substance called mucopolysaccharide. If you have heard of glucosamine sulfate and how it sometimes repairs hyalin cartilage in the knees and fingers of people with some forms of arthritis, mucopolysaccharides does the same thing to artery walls. In the presence of high levels of vitamin C the body produces more mucopolysaccharides....you can also by the product directly from a company called the KEY company in St. Luois Mo.

A painless non-invasive test called Doppler ultrasound can detect plaque in the peripheral arteries( neck, arms and legs etc). There are now non invasive ways of detecting plaque in the heart too.

But the truth is I have seen people with cholesterol way over 300 and who had no plaque. I have also seen people with choelsterol at 156 with over 90% blockage of the coronary arteries (heart blood supply). It is also possible to have cholesterol that is too low - you need chol to build cells, hormones, enzymes and antibodies. If cholesterol gets too low (like below 120) you are more prone to hemorrhagic strokes - blood vessels rupturing in the head. Balance is the key.

So in a way cholesterol is like income - the only important amount is the amount which sticks. Total; cholesterol has been an over emphasized issue - how much if any is sticking to the arteries and blocking good flow of blood - that is the question.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 31)
posted June 12, 2000 09:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for bloatboy35   Click Here to Email bloatboy35     Edit/Delete Message
novicejuicer, thanks alot bro, that was alot of good info, i live in canada, so maybe the numbers work are different.

thanks again,


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 123)
posted June 12, 2000 09:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoviceJuicer     Edit/Delete Message
Don't mention it, eh (just had to try out some of my Canadian....second language you know).

Yes, I do know Canada uses different units of lab measurements. That makes it tough. I am not familiar with what units they use. PSA for prostate hypertrophy is really confusing to "translate" from American to Canadian. So get one of these done and really freak us Americans out who are use to a normal PSA under 4.0.

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