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  Introduction and question

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Author Topic:   Introduction and question
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 3)
posted June 11, 2000 05:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kain   Click Here to Email Kain     Edit/Delete Message
I just wanted to introduce myself to the board and give a bit of background before I start posting questions/answers. I've been lurking on the board, mainly just reading and gathering info, for the past couple months now. I'm 21, 6'5, 225lbs, around 13%BF...been lifting seriously (5days/wk, eating right, etc..) for 3 years now and since I began I've put on about 35-40lbs naturally. You can imagine then that I was a skinny kid. The past 6 months or so I've been trying different variations with my diet to try to gain some more, but size doesn't seem to be coming anymore....maybe 1 or 2lbs a month. I been researching a lot about hear and have decided on a simple Sust/Deca/Dbol stack to be my first. My goals for the cycle is at least 20lbs. I would like to keep my bodyfat down or even lose some, although it's not a major concern since this is a bulking cycle. I can always cut afterward. I'm gonna try for 4,500cal and 350g protein a day. I know I will see the best results from my first cycle so I want to get this right. I'm planning on:

300mgDeca + 250mgSust + 30mgDbol for 3 weeks
300mgDeca + 500mgSust + 20mgDbol for 2
300mgDeca + 250mgSust for last 3

Doing Clomid ED after last injection and probably nolva for last couple weeks to lessen water retention and gyno chances.
This cycle was recommended to me by a couple people, but I just got my hands on some Primobolan Depot as well...and I've heard nothing but good things about Primo's results for lean muscle. I was thinking of maybe adding it at the end, but not sure if it would be a waste or counterproductive. Any suggestions on how to stack it with what I have presently? I pretty much have as much as I need at my disposal. Thanks for any help guys, this board has already proven to be a HUGE asset in my quest for mass.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 101)
posted June 11, 2000 06:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Eramthgin   Click Here to Email Eramthgin     Edit/Delete Message
Sure load it up and dart it.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 248)
posted June 11, 2000 06:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for D007   Click Here to Email D007     Edit/Delete Message
more that 2 types of juice is a waist of gear for a first cycle. If you still want to use all that stuff, you should go with the d-bol/sust to bulk for 8 weeks then go strait into a 6 week cutting stack with the deca and primo. when its all said and done you will have a lot more lean mass. clomid eod and nolvadex on hand just in case. best of luck.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 3)
posted June 11, 2000 09:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kain   Click Here to Email Kain     Edit/Delete Message
More than two is a waste? Really. Hmm, maybe I'll have to rethink this then. You think doing Dbol+Sust first and then go straight into a cutting cycle with Deca+Primo...that wouldn't be too long for a first cycle?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 160)
posted June 11, 2000 09:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Twisted_Steel     Edit/Delete Message
Welcome Kain, keep this in mind given your age and your background. Your body is primed for growth and your going to respond very well to any amount of exogenous testosterone, especially if you plan to train and diet properly. Keep that first cycle simple and go from there. Your receptors are clean you dont have to bomb them with multiple drugs or high doses.

Give the sus a try, or go for some simple Enanthate 200mg weekly for 8 weeks. Using clomid your last two weeks EOD, then for two more weeks ED.

Brother, if you east well, clean, train well, and supplement intelligently your gonna have years of positive gains to look foward too. Not to mention the peace of mind that your not "overwhelming your vital organs" any more than necessary.

Just keep it mind when your deciding.

215LBS of Twisted Steel and Pure Sex Appeal

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 160)
posted June 11, 2000 09:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Twisted_Steel     Edit/Delete Message
Welcome Kain, keep this in mind given your age and your background. Your body is primed for growth and your going to respond very well to any amount of exogenous testosterone, especially if you plan to train and diet properly. Keep that first cycle simple and go from there. Your receptors are clean you dont have to bomb them with multiple drugs or high doses.

Give the sus a try, or go for some simple Enanthate 200mg weekly for 8 weeks. Using clomid your last two weeks EOD, then for two more weeks ED.

Brother, if you eat well, clean, train well, and supplement intelligently your gonna have years of positive gains to look foward too. Not to mention the peace of mind that your not "overwhelming your vital organs" any more than necessary.

Just keep it mind when your deciding.

215LBS of Twisted Steel and Pure Sex Appeal

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 3)
posted June 11, 2000 10:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kain   Click Here to Email Kain     Edit/Delete Message
Well, I already have the gear here. I have 2400mg Deca, 2000mg Sust, 500mgDbol with clomid and nolva. The primo I can get anytime is why I was asking about adding it. I may just stick with my original and keep it simple...if you can call it that. Thanks,

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 248)
posted June 11, 2000 10:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for D007   Click Here to Email D007     Edit/Delete Message
200mg of enanthate? you may put 2 1/2 pounds on your bench and 5 pounds on your squat with that. thats what doctors give you for replacement therapy.

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