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  Trying to help a gal freind of mine out...need suggestions bros..

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Author Topic:   Trying to help a gal freind of mine out...need suggestions bros..
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1052)
posted June 10, 2000 12:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for WCP   Click Here to Email WCP     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 39184064
Ok here is her situation, its kinda tricky so when in doubt..I call on my iron Bros..

Ok, she is very active female, well trained in the martial arts, but is now looking to start a heavy weight training regimen.

Problem is....she is battling cancer, and it has caused her to develope anemia (sp?). Anyhow really low iron in the blood...incase I totally fucked that up.

Needless to say she also has a pretty disfuncional thyroid problem and in on synthetic t3 now (prescribed). Her delima resides in her inability to maintain energy needed for moderate workouts. Because of her problems she is constantly zapped.

So no blood thinners, and clen would do little good..and Im running low on ideas for her. I need some suggestions....anyone??


"Man doth not yeild himself unto the Angels, nor unto Death utterly......save only through the weakness of his feeble will"
--Joseph Glanvill

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Jim Layhoe
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 290)
posted June 10, 2000 12:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jim Layhoe   Click Here to Email Jim Layhoe     Edit/Delete Message
Deca is prescibed for anemia

Maybee some B12 injections for energy?
what other meds is she on? did she get any deca?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1052)
posted June 10, 2000 01:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for WCP   Click Here to Email WCP     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 39184064
To the very best of my knowledge she is not on any other meds, and I dont believe she is under any chemo treatments as of now.

Thanx for the reply.

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Lee wanna B
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 165)
posted June 10, 2000 01:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lee wanna B     Edit/Delete Message
Bro, I don't know much, but maybe some advice. She is under doctors care and that is a good thing. You know some people just don't like to go to the doctor. If you are her good friend, one thing I'd suggest is to go to the doctor and be somewhat demanding for a prescription to her dilemna. I know you said she is under one pre now, but she needs to go back and demand more. Also, there is some type of disease that is linked to the no energy syndrome. I don't know what it is called, but a woman I spoke to in my gym 2 months ago had this problem. She couldn't workout for a long time and seemed always tired no matter what she did or how much she slept. Also my workout partner's girl has/had this same problem. I don't know what to do about this, but a doctor's care is the best bet. And if she isn't satisfied with her answer, or they aren't giving any answers, she shouldn't leave until they do, or get another doctor. Remember doctors are to provide the service of knowing our bodies and health, so always get a firm answer. I hope this helps even though I didn't really give you an answer.

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Jim Layhoe
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 290)
posted June 10, 2000 01:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jim Layhoe   Click Here to Email Jim Layhoe     Edit/Delete Message
cancer sucks my dad died of cancer.

I'm glad to see she isn't giving up on life,
she has to fight back, going to the gym is great. The radiation therapy may not be the best thing for a person it will make them very week and dizzy, and if it is full blown cancer it wont prolong her life that much.

She should realy see a Dr. Too many meds and
crank don't mix exp. with her medical history

If the Dr. does not have thier head up thier ass,they should prescribe A.S. because of
her cancer and anemia. They are both valid reasons for steriod therapy.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 854)
posted June 10, 2000 01:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for bignate73   Click Here to Email bignate73     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 65081685
im not up too much on this, specific wise. best bet would be to get a progressive younger doctor, or one with a sports therapy background and try to see what he has to say. i know the idea is to try to find what will work, but take into consideration she has some serious stuff going on with her body. its better to go like you are, treating one thing and then another. low energy etc. but keep the doctor in the loop by all means.
i have a friend with hashimoto's thyroid disease. nasty shit. she can be up for a while and then down. she also has diabetes...rough. she would ask me at time for certain supplements that could help this or that. i tried to stay out of the supp side and just help her with her diet and possible training.
i know the medical system is way fucked up in this country as far as "tying the doctors hands" by the fda etc. there are alot of progressive medication in other countries that are not used here. quite frankly its pathetic but work with the doctor and do some research on your own. maybe you will stumble on something that the doctor overlooks. good luck bro, i know this is hard and we all want to help. i just wouldnt feel comfortable saying "oh try this" or something like that and it turn out to make things worse. peace

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1052)
posted June 10, 2000 02:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for WCP   Click Here to Email WCP     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 39184064
Yo Nate..yeah see I cant really say what she should do, due to the fact that Im not real familear with her situation as it concerns meds or gear.

What I do know is that iron supps she says do little good for her, and due to her thyroid prob..do you think if I got her some clen and jacked the dosage up it would help a bit. I will see what her dosages of t3 are and configure it from there.

She is really cool and I feel sorry for her, and I reall appreciate all your input.


"Man doth not yeild himself unto the Angels, nor unto Death utterly......save only through the weakness of his feeble will"
--Joseph Glanvill

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1052)
posted June 10, 2000 03:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for WCP   Click Here to Email WCP     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 39184064
One thing I should mention is that I am uncertain if she is on T3 or T4....I will verify that tomorrow...

thanx again,

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1052)
posted June 10, 2000 01:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for WCP   Click Here to Email WCP     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 39184064

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 65)
posted June 10, 2000 01:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for morereps   Click Here to Email morereps     Edit/Delete Message
Wcp , I have been a trainer for some time.
And I have worked with clients that had simmlar trouble. You must build a relationship with the physician. Be sincere,
Some physician's know nothing about working
out. But if he is a good one he will work with you in establishing a benifical routine
for your friend. Be patient, lots of rest between sets, try to buid and endurance foundation, a good base structure of working muscle. To heavy of weight's will be to demanding on your friends system. She already
has one of the best things going for her and that is you my friend.

Let me know how things develop.
Good luck to both of you.

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The Ranger
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1070)
posted June 10, 2000 02:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for The Ranger   Click Here to Email The Ranger     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 67366885
I'll talk to you later on icq. But, I agree with Jim...Deca is good for it, as well as B-12 injections....She is probally Glycogen defficent at this point....my thoughts would be to add good carbs and see how it goes....but, in all honesty, I would consult a Dr. and feel him/her out on the subject....May try MCT oil...tastes like shit, but gives me alot more energy on a low carb diet...2 to 4 tablespoons a day....


[This message has been edited by The Ranger (edited June 10, 2000).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 25)
posted June 10, 2000 04:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mokhtarsayed   Click Here to Email mokhtarsayed     Edit/Delete Message
If the Iron supplements your friend is taking don't help the anaemia, that might mean that she has a certain type of "Haemolitic anaemia". This is a case where the blood breaks down all by itself because the molecule of haemoglobin can't support the iron. Then blood is unable to carry oxygen, so the patients gets quickly exhausted.
If that is the case, then it's very important that she IMMIDIATELY stops taking iron supplements, as it only puts a bigger load on the system. Then there are alternative ways to boost up energy, but this is the first step, and of great importance. She'd probably know if she has haemolitic anaemia, if not her doctor will, if not she can get tests and find out.
The B12 is good advice,
I admire her courage, I bet half the people on this planet wouldn't have half her power.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 25)
posted June 11, 2000 12:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mokhtarsayed   Click Here to Email mokhtarsayed     Edit/Delete Message

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 195)
posted June 11, 2000 01:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CornFed   Click Here to Email CornFed     Edit/Delete Message
little thing but flaxseed would'nt be a bad thing to add to her diet and fat deficiency can be one of the worst things someone in her situation could do give her energy. Not much help but has she ever used ECA's orything else similar just to experiment

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 138)
posted June 11, 2000 05:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Milk_Man   Click Here to Email Milk_Man     Edit/Delete Message
First of I'd like to say that some cancer feeds on estrogen, others on testosterone. What kind of cancer did she have and where? You don't want to start giving her deca or whatever untill its positive that it will have no effect on tumor growth.

Unlike some of the comments it this thread the last thing you want to do right now is start perscribing her medication without a doctor.

The best thing possible is do some research and find a doctor/specialist that deals with cancer and its treatment after. Look on the web, call some doctors for references, shop around. It should not be that difficult. Try searching the discussion groups on (www.dejanews.com) Just dont play doctor yourself, i tried that myself and caused a great deal of suffering(I was self medicating myself for some STD that turned out to be nothing!)

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1052)
posted June 12, 2000 12:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for WCP   Click Here to Email WCP     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 39184064
She cant take anything that will thin her blood, so eca's are out of the question.

As far as her thyroid goes..she tells me she has hypo thyroidism (sp??)She checking for me to see just what type of meds she is on for that.

Milk Man, I will inquire about her cancer, and exactly where it is..this is something she dont talk about much, and I dont push the issue.

The LAST thing I want to do is play doctor myself, I would not attempt that, no way, no how.

Thanx a ton bros for the input, she and I both appreciate it.


"Man doth not yeild himself unto the Angels, nor unto Death utterly......save only through the weakness of his feeble will"
--Joseph Glanvill

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