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  Need profile for Proviron please...

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 172)
posted June 06, 2000 01:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MP5   Click Here to Email MP5     Edit/Delete Message
I have taken a tab a day for 3 days and this stuff really brought back my sex drive. I do not know much about it other than this. Is it anabolic?, and I read somewhere that it does not shut down your nuts, true? I need input.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 177)
posted June 06, 2000 02:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for D007   Click Here to Email D007     Edit/Delete Message
(1methyl-dihidrotestosterone), mostly used to compensate for lack of male sex-drive. the anabolic effect of this drug is not usually considered strong enough for muscle building. More often used as an antiestrogen. probably rough on the scalp too.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 779)
posted June 06, 2000 02:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for matty   Click Here to Email matty     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 74082278
here ya go !

Proviron, or mesterolone, is a popular antiestrogen used by bodybuilders. It acts as an antiaromatase, which means it prevents the aromatization of steroids into estrogen. Proviron is frequently used by athletes on heavy cycles of steroids to prevent gynecomastia. It is also favored by competitive bodybuilders since a lower estrogen level corresponds with increased muscle hardness and lower water retention.One or two 25 mg per day should be sufficient to prevent gynecomastia. Proviron can also be combined with Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) if needed. Side effects are extremely rare with dosages under 100 mg per day.
One major problem with Proviron is that it tends to reduce the gains made from a cycle. This is due to the fact that Proviron is an androgen and therefore binds to androgen receptor sites within the body. With Proviron binding to androgen receptor sites, the other steroids present in the body (androgens) are blocked out and unable to take effect. Consequently, many athletes prefer to keep the intake of Proviron at its minimum effective dosage in order to make sufficient gains while still preventing gynecomastia.
Proviron is usually fairly easy to obtain on the black market. Most versions are manufactured by Schering and cost about $1-$2 per 25 mg tab. Proviron can come in push-through strips or small glass vials. There is currently no need to worry about authenticity when buying Proviron since no counterfeits of this product are known exist.

Proviron: (mesterolone) 25 mg/tab 50 tab/bottle

This is an oral androgenic steroid which is commonly used as an estrogen antagonist. Once the drug is in the blood, it competes with estrogen receptor sites, in some cases this results in an end to aromatising effects of other steroids. Proviron itself will not aromatise and it is moderately toxic to the liver. Some women take the drug to enhance their androgen levels, giving them much harder looking muscles. Usually they stack Proviron with the other drugs they might be using. Male bodybuilders also use it in a pre-contest stack to attain a harder look. Average dosages are two to four tablets a day for men, half that for women. It is rarely seen on the market, and costs about $40 for 50 tabs.


Proviron comes in a box with 10 - 25mg tablets in a blister pack. Proviron is a synthetic androgenic steroid and oral antiestrogen used by bodybuilders. A lot of bodybuilders take this substance for two main reasons. They use it to restore sexual disfunctions caused by steroid cycling. It will help get rid of the lack of sexual desire that most bodybuilders experience during a long steroid cycle. It also will help with the decreased sperm count and quality that steroids exhibit on the body. It does not however increase testosterone production in the body. It is also used as an anti-estrogen as well. Proviron provides a dual blocking scheme in that it prevents the aromitization of steroids as well as competes with estrogen to block the receptors as well. The bad thing about Proviron is that it does not help in maintaining strength and muscle gains after a steroid cycle whereas HCG, Clomid, and Teslac do. This reason alone keeps some people from using this drug. It does however block gyno and the increased water retention that steroids give the user. It does allow increased muscle hardness since the estrogen levels will be low which is of great benefit for a precontest bodybuilder. As far as side effects are concerned, Provirons main one is that it gives males a continuous hard-on (bummer for their girlfriends) at higher doses.

Effective Dose:
50 -100 mgs. per day by taking one to two 25 mg tablets in the morning and one to two 25 mg tablets in the evening.

Street Price:
It normally sells for between $1-2 per tablet on the street.

Stacking Info:
This drug is commonly taken with Teslac, HCG, or Clomid. It is a popular precontest drug to increase muscle hardness. When taken along with Nolvadex, it almost completely blocks the effects of estrogen.

****"What we do in life, echoes an eternity!"**** GLADIATOR

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 35)
posted June 06, 2000 02:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Renegade   Click Here to Email Renegade     Edit/Delete Message
I just read on another board that it speeds up hairloss like the tests. How true is this?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 172)
posted June 06, 2000 02:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MP5   Click Here to Email MP5     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks Matty! Anyway, any of you guys know if after I quit taking it I will once again have a low sex drive? And how long can I be on it? Do I need to cycle it? -thanks

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 257)
posted June 06, 2000 06:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dutch     Edit/Delete Message
MP5, proviron can be taken for long periods..
It will NOT restore your natural test production so if you stop taking it and your natural test is still low, you will lose your sexdrive again. On the other hand it will not make your problem worse. Proviron will not decrease your natural test production further.. So it is a fix for your problem for now, but it will not help you in the long run.. This is going on for a long time now. Please consult your dokter..

Good luck, Dutch

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