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  What should you eat before working out?

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Author Topic:   What should you eat before working out?
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 19)
posted June 05, 2000 12:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bowflex   Click Here to Email Bowflex     Edit/Delete Message
I know that I shouldn't work-out on a empty stomach. But I've been getting conflicting advice on this one.
No proteins at least an hour and a half before. then, someone says: 50gr of protein right before.

I figured some of you guys could help me more then those wannabes trainers at the gym

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 64)
posted June 05, 2000 12:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MiracleMan   Click Here to Email MiracleMan     Edit/Delete Message
You will get 10,000 opinions on this one. Food right before a workout in my opinion is not ideal. Your matabolism is working to break down the food, thus robbing you of some energy that you may need to lift. When I do cardio, I do it on an empty stomach. Plus your insulin levels are at its lowest and your body burn fat for energy. Or 1.5 hours after a medium size meal, not 6 hambugers 4 slises of pizza and a diet pepsi. I think you get the idea. Good Luck

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 167)
posted June 05, 2000 12:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for RaverDude   Click Here to Email RaverDude     Edit/Delete Message
Carbs before workout-protein after......simple as that.
Ofcourse when I say protein after, I dont mean eat only protein after and no carbs, I mean protien should account for 3/4 or more of your meal. Before my workout I eat: 2 BANANNAS, cookies, rice, bread, chocolate, pasta, YAMS, POTATOES, and any other carb I can find in the kitchen. After my workout, I eat: EGGS, MEAT, rice, and protein shakes.

<<<<<<<<<<EAT SLEEP LIFT>>>>>>>>>>

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 352)
posted June 05, 2000 12:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LittleSavage34   Click Here to Email LittleSavage34     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 51221561
I eat oatmeal before I work out. Complex carbs work great, and I feel more energetic. Sometimes I'll eat a Met-RX or Source One bar 30 mins prior to working out in addition to the oatmeal. Try and eat about 1 hour before lifting. It will give the food time to assimilate into your body.

Post-workout meal for me...tuna, salmon, mackeral patties, chicken, steak, eggs, anything I can get my hands on without carbs. Then for supper, more meat, and mild carbs.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 80)
posted June 05, 2000 01:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for markaveli222   Click Here to Email markaveli222     Edit/Delete Message
Oatmeal with 2 scoops of protein. And after I eat a big meal with carbs and protein.

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Sittin' On Diesel
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 382)
posted June 05, 2000 01:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Sittin' On Diesel   Click Here to Email Sittin' On Diesel     Edit/Delete Message
You can't go to the gym on an empty stomach... come on! Carbs before hitting the gym is a good idea. You want your glycogen stores up when you're busting your balls in there. Assuming glycogen is your primary energy source (except keto, anabolic diets- then eat some fat). I wouldn't consume much protein before working out. You only want some extra energy in your body while you're undergoing the most physically demanding hour(s) in a day.

After working out, refill your glycogen stores (carb up or on keto/anabolic diets- fat up)- and consume protein. This is the best time to eat.

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Karate guy
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 362)
posted June 05, 2000 09:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Karate guy   Click Here to Email Karate guy     Edit/Delete Message
Try 3 russian D-bol and a coffee 10 minutes later then go train.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 136)
posted June 05, 2000 09:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Painkiller   Click Here to Email Painkiller     Edit/Delete Message
50mg ephedrine + long lasting carbs

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 161)
posted June 05, 2000 09:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Quarkey   Click Here to Email Quarkey     Edit/Delete Message
I like working out on an empty stomach. I always a have a better workout than when I eat before. Carbs before you work out doesn't really make any difference, because you won't feel any effects of carbs you eat for at least 24hrs and most likely a little longer than that.

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Thick dog
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 323)
posted June 05, 2000 09:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Thick dog     Edit/Delete Message
For me it really depends on what I am going to train. If I am training chest , shoulders or arms, I eat everything in sight. However, if I am training legs I usually don't eat that much because I may throw up all over the gym. I usuallt like to get a combination of complex and simple carbs along with about 30-40 grams of protein. Like the rest of the guys said, this topic is very subjective, so you have to experiment and see what works for you.

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