posted June 03, 2000 11:19 PM
Dianabol: (Methandrostenolone) 5 mg Tablet Also so known as: Anabol, Reforvit-B, Trinergic, Anabolex, Pronabol, Bionabol,
Methandon, Danabol, Metabolina, Nerobol
Top 5 Steroids: #1 Deca-Durabolin #2 Sustanon 250 #3 Various Testosterone's (Cyp
�most popular", Enant, Prop, and Susp) #4 Anadrol 50 #5 ***Dianabol***
Dianabol, Ciba's old brand name for 5mg Methandrostenolone tablets, has always been
one of the most popular anabolic steroids available. Dianabol's popularity stems from
it's almost immediate and very strong anabolic effects. 4-5 tablets a day is enough to
give almost anybody dramatic results. Along with strong anabolic effects comes the
usual androgen side effects. Dianabol converts to estrogen, so gyno and water
retention may be a problem although are usually dose related Aggression may be
increased, and users often report an overall sense of well being. The fact that
Dianabol has been off the U.S. market for almost 10 years has not at all stopped its
use and remains the most popularly used black market oral steroid in the U.S.. The
most popular versions in the U.S. are the Russian tablets coming into the East Coast,
Pronabol from India and Reforvit from Mexico. The Russian Dianabol, which is vastly
and accurately counterfeited, has been losing it's reputation as a safe buy. Users
generally won't know if what they have is real until they use it, making for many angry
users. Reforvit is an injectable D, containing 25mg/ml of the substance. A 50 ml bottle
contains the equivalent of 250 tablets and sells for a reasonable price. Most users opt
to take this orally as it is just as effective as tablets. The pink Thai tablets are also
popular and should be the only tablets purchased without paperwork or box. These
ship in quantities of 500 and 1000 only, so they are almost always broken up and sold.
Methandon is also available in Thailand, but much less popular than the Anabol tabs.
Methandrostenolone was a very popular drug in the 70�s, and still is. It is a 17
alpha-alkyl based steroid which produces dramatic strength and size gains. This is also
a very toxic drug. This drug is probably the reason for Arnolds muscles.
Black-market price: $.50 to $2.00/tab (5mg/tab)