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  Enlargement of the heart

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Author Topic:   Enlargement of the heart
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 52)
posted May 29, 2000 08:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigT   Click Here to Email BigT     Edit/Delete Message
I have read that enlargement of the left ventrical is a side effect of A/S use....If this was to happen to someone is it from a cycle or two nd the person was predisposed, or would it only be caused by long-term use and abuse...also, what exactly causes the heart to become enlarged??

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 197)
posted May 29, 2000 08:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lexicon     Edit/Delete Message
I do know that heart enlargement is a pretty common side effect of long term users. I know a bunch of users who have come down with this. You can find out by having an echocardiogram. I'm not all that sure on how bad it is or how bad you need to abuse to come down with it though. I suppose that like any muscle the heart is affected by AS use. Most of the people I know with this problem are on the majority of the time with no breaks. Would like to know more though...

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 497)
posted May 29, 2000 09:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rich1   Click Here to Email Rich1     Edit/Delete Message
I'm just started my second cycle, am 44, and I'm getting mine checked out on the 15th, heart conditions run in the family, so I figured I should get it checked out..Besides I was involved in a head on car wreck last November 29th and had a major crushing blow to my chest, so it's time. I'll post the results here so others may benefit from my experience, I hope every thing turns out okay, lawsuit is pending on the asshole felon who fucked me up for five months, I'll have no mercy on his ass. I wish he had been killed out right in the wreck. If I could get my hands on him his ass would be worse then gone, he'd wish he'd never been born before I was done with him...that's the truth and it would be justice too, he just got through a dui, got his license back the week he almost killed me, has two convictions for computer hacking Intel's super computer, and has a restraining order against him for domestic violence, what a fucking loser, he ain't done loosing yet...
He has two houses, and want I one of them. He should have been in prison for violating his probation on the hacking charge when he picked up the dui...I'm going to clean him out like the biggest laxitive he's ever seen.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 91)
posted May 29, 2000 10:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ripp   Click Here to Email ripp     Edit/Delete Message
left ventricular hypertrophy (enlargement and thickening of the left ventrical) will more than likely not happen with short term AS use. Long term use will inevitably lead to this condition. Do a search on High Blood Pressure and Left ventricular hypertrophy

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 131)
posted May 29, 2000 11:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for RaverDude   Click Here to Email RaverDude     Edit/Delete Message
Just my opinion but I think that GH would have a greater effect on the heart. Because anabolic steroids are both catabolic and anabolic, the muscles that are being worked a lot are the ones that grow. If this wasn't true, every muscle in our body would grow even if we didn't lift. So in conclusion, I think that people that do a lot of juice and a lot of cardio (I mean a lot),or the ones that have high blood pressure, are the ones that might be affected by this heart enlargening thing. I know a lot of bros might disagree with this post but thats ok. Remember this is just my opinion, I am not stating any facts.

<<<<<<<<EAT SLEEP LIFT>>>>>>>>

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 91)
posted May 29, 2000 11:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ripp   Click Here to Email ripp     Edit/Delete Message
anabolic steroids catabolic?


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 131)
posted May 29, 2000 11:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for RaverDude   Click Here to Email RaverDude     Edit/Delete Message
yes thats right. If AS werent catabolic as well as anabolic, you would grow the same way if you didn't workout at all. yes, they are much more anabolic than catabolic though.

<<<<<<<<EAT SLEEP LIFT>>>>>>>>

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 91)
posted May 29, 2000 11:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ripp   Click Here to Email ripp     Edit/Delete Message
RAver...i hate to break this to you...but AS are in no way catabolic. Do a little research on this topic or at least check out Websters def. of catabolism. You may be confused with what your body may go through after a cycle of AS. Now corticoSTEROIDS are catabolic..maybe that is whats on your mind. I did like what you said about excessive exercise causing LVH. This is true and many many athletes have this. Excessive catacholamine production too. I better stop here.
No offense.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 131)
posted May 29, 2000 11:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for RaverDude   Click Here to Email RaverDude     Edit/Delete Message
I didn't say AS are catabolic, I said that they are not only 100% anabolic like most people think they are. They become extremely over-anabolic when combined with intensive muscular movement. If AS are only anabolic then why doesn't your brain and your dick and your fingers and your toungue and every other muscle in your fucking body grow 2 inches. I have done research and AS are catabolic as well as very anabolic.

<<<<<<<<EAT SLEEP LIFT>>>>>>>>

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 91)
posted May 29, 2000 11:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ripp   Click Here to Email ripp     Edit/Delete Message
research--->smooth muscle vs. skeletal muscle
there are different "types" of muscle in our body...some are responsive to AS some are not. MORE RESEARCH!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 131)
posted May 30, 2000 12:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for RaverDude   Click Here to Email RaverDude     Edit/Delete Message
you are very true ripp and you look like you know what you are talking about. But the fact remains that AS are 99.9% anabolic and 0.1% Un-Anabolic(not catabolic). They are 100% anabolic to those skeletal muscles that are being trained intensiveley. If they were only anabolic, that would mean that you could just do juice and grow like a weed without doing any exercise. This is a somewhat complicated subject and I dont think I am the person to describe it fully.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 91)
posted May 30, 2000 12:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ripp   Click Here to Email ripp     Edit/Delete Message
im done with this subject after i say this...they are not at all catabolic! They are anabolic...u just see more of an anabolic effect (muscle growth) when you work out. Please no more!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 264)
posted May 30, 2000 03:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for bstrong   Click Here to Email bstrong     Edit/Delete Message
i'm preaty sure what ment to say was that AS cause both build-up of muscles and beake-down, this is what happens cause anabolic=breake-down+bulid-up, the 2 of them are equelly important to BB.
BUT they r not catabolic, catabolic is the oposit. anabolic=faster protein syntesis.
while catabolic mean slower and break down of amino acids.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 342)
posted May 30, 2000 03:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for thiassi   Click Here to Email thiassi     Edit/Delete Message
What I understand is that the heart becomes thicker because it is a muscle and because it is thicker it can not pump as much blood. I don't think it is a big deal I just cut back the cardio just in case.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 33)
posted May 30, 2000 07:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BehindYA   Click Here to Email BehindYA     Edit/Delete Message
of coure this happens

your heart is a muscle

so it will grow
if you have a heart failure this whould be worse if use ing AS

this is only my oppinion

and yes GH whould make everything grow (of course)

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(Total posts: 3261)
posted May 30, 2000 10:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for E2   Click Here to Email E2     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 54337564
RAVERDUDE, i'm sorry you're an idiot. Plane and simple.

First you can't tell the difference between mass and volume, mg and ml, and you can't realize that there is no universal direct correlation between the two. Now you come up with this crap. It's blatently obvious you're an idiot.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 149)
posted May 30, 2000 11:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Quarkey   Click Here to Email Quarkey     Edit/Delete Message
You're the man E2

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Dark Stalker
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 12)
posted May 30, 2000 11:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dark Stalker     Edit/Delete Message

Bump ...

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 100)
posted May 30, 2000 01:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for cockdezl     Edit/Delete Message
Raver, you are very wrong in your statement that androgens (anabolics) are catabolic, and you did state CATABOLIC:

"Just my opinion but I think that GH would have a greater effect on the heart. Because anabolic steroids are both catabolic and anabolic, the muscles that are being worked a lot are the ones that grow."

"yes thats right. If AS werent catabolic as well as anabolic, you would grow the same way if you didn't workout at all. yes, they are much more anabolic than catabolic though."

Your logic that if steroids were not somewhat catabolic, then one would grow off of them without working out is wrong. For one thing you do grow while on steroids without working out. Several studies have shown muscle gains without the exercise stimulus, it is just not as great as when exercise is combined.

"I didn't say AS are catabolic, I said that they are not only 100% anabolic like most people think they are.

Here's were you begin side-stepping your statements.

"They become extremely over-anabolic when combined with intensive muscular movement."

"Over-anabolic"? Please define.

"If AS are only anabolic then why doesn't your brain and your dick and your fingers and your toungue and every other muscle in your fucking body grow 2 inches. I have done research and AS are catabolic as well as very anabolic."

This is my favorite. You have done research on steroids, but yet you don't know why your brain (HAHAHAHA!!!), dick, fingers, and tongue don't grow. You need to learn the basics of physiology before you jump into this discussion.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 288)
posted May 30, 2000 02:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ectomorph   Click Here to Email ectomorph     Edit/Delete Message
E2 heheh... Raver must have been thinking of aromatization or SOMETHING!! Or, he could be an idiot as earlier stated.

I say no to drugs...they just don't listen!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 141)
posted May 30, 2000 03:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MS   Click Here to Email MS     Edit/Delete Message
Wow. LOTS OF MISCONCEPTIONS floating around here. First of all, like bstrong pointed out, the definition of anabolic is an agent that results in an increase in nitrogen deposition. AAS cannot possbly be considered as catabolic (ie a reduction in Nitrogen deposition). However, they are not 100% anabolic either. As we all know they are also androgenic to varying degrees.

Second- you have to distinguish between thickening of the heart and enlargement of the heart. They are not the same thing. Thickening is brought about by working the heart such as seen in elite rowers (due to high intensity cardio exercise), and is also seen in some strength athletes who abuse AAS. This is not a dangerous condition as such, but is sometimes a precursor of dilated cardiomyopathy (heart failure). The condition usually goes away when the person stops the exercising/AAS. Left ventricular cardiomyopathy is exactly the opposite. It's when the left ventricle expands without a corresponding thickening of the muscle. Same amount of muscle over a larger area means the heart is much weaker and can't pump efficiently. This is the other sort of enlargement that comes from CHRONIC AAS abuse, and it's what kills people. Heart thickening can lead to heart failure if you don't back off.
The heart muscle has no androgen receptors on it, so does not grow in response to AAS.
And finally, GH can cause an enlargement of the whole heart (not just the left ventricle), and just about every other internal organ, but ot takes a lot of the stuff over a very long time.

The Mad Scientist

[This message has been edited by MS (edited May 30, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by MS (edited May 30, 2000).]

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Mr. T
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 467)
posted May 30, 2000 04:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mr. T     Edit/Delete Message
Ive never heard of AS being catabolic, (Not even .01%) if they were no one would take them. And the brain, fingers, and dick are muscles? Thats news to me-

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