Topic: Laurabolin, Deca, sust, primo
CornFed Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 77)
posted May 29, 2000 02:38 PM
I just got back from mexico and some anabolcis basically fell into my lap that I was'nt too familiar with. Any help would be much appreciated....I've used sust and deca before and I am familiar with how to use them. But I also got some Laurabolin and Primobolin. I started with 3 weeks of ref-b so far and I am ready to mix the sust and deca and drop the ref-b (no more). How can I, or should I try to mix in the laurabolin and primo and what exactly is it??? I thought that primo was supposed to be like deca?? can anyone give me a reccomendation on dosages. I also plan on finishing with clomid and nolvadex. Any detailed suggestions would be greatly appreciated... IP: Logged |
CornFed Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 77)
posted May 29, 2000 03:23 PM
CornFed Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 77)
posted May 29, 2000 05:20 PM
No One knows anything about these compounds???? That suprises me on this board...Sorry to BUMP this againIP: Logged |
matty Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 692)
posted May 29, 2000 09:29 PM
Primobolan Depot:</B> (methenolone depot)100 mg/cc, or 50 mg/cc 1 cc ampules <p> This drug is available from Schering labs in Mexico in the 50 mg strength and from Germany in the 100 mg dose. This version is very similar to the Acetate in that it is effective on limited calorie diets and is good for pre-contest use by bodybuilders. The difference between the two is that the depot lasts much longer in the system. For this reason, shots are only necessary every seven days. The Depot is effective for some on a muscle bulking cycle and even though it does not usually result in large gains, it is favored because it is so safe. It will not aromatise, it is not toxic, and it is low in androgens. Most common dosage is 200 mg per week for men, half that for women. It is more widely available on the black market than the Acetate. Prices are in the $15 per amp range for German or Mexican, even though the later is half as strong. It costs $3.53 per 50 mg over the counter in Mexico.Primobolan Depot: Description: 50 mgs. / cc. 1 cc. ampules. This is one of the safest steroids in use today. Users usually don't report huge gains but the great thing about Primobolan either Depot (Injectable) or the tablets is that the gains attained from it are basically permanent ones. It won't aromatize, it's not toxic, and it has low androgenic properties. <p> Effective Dose: 200 mgs. / week <p> Street Price: $30 per ampule <p> Stacking Info: Used on bulking cycles with Sostenon 250 and Deca-Durabolin. On cutting cycle used with Winstrol and Androil. <p> <b>Primobolan Depot:</B> (methenolone depot) <p> 100 mg/cc, or 50 mg/cc 1 cc ampules. This drug is available from Schering labs in Mexico in the 50 mg strength and from Germany in the 100 mg dose. This version is very similar to the Acetate in that it is effective on limited calorie diets and is good for pre-contest use by bodybuilders. The difference between the two is that the depot lasts much longer in the system. For this reason, shots are only necessary every 7 days. The Depot is effective for some on a bulking cyde and even though it does not usually result in large gains, it is favored because it is so safe. It will not aromatize, it is not toxic, and it is low in androgens. Optimal dosage is 200 mg per week for men, half that for women. *********************************** >Laurabolan:</B> 50-(Fortabol) <p> Description: 50 mgs. / cc. in 10 or 50 cc. vials. This is a vet steroid that can be found in Mexico. This is a slower onset but longer acting version of Deca-Durabolan. It will remain active in your body for about 1 month after injection the only shitty thing being that it is only available in low mgs. doses. This baby will come cheap across the border only costing you around $90 - 100 for the 50 cc. variety which is a whopping 2500 mgs! <p> Effective Dose: 100 - 200 mgs. / Every 3 days <p> Street Price: $175 for the 50 mgs. / 50 cc. vial <p> Stacking Info: Good with just about everything that Deca-Durabolan is <p> <b>Laurabolin:</B> (Fortabol) <p> Nandrolone Laureate is longer acting form of Deca. The drawback is its poor solubility in oil. Deca durabolin can be consentrated as high as 200mg/cc. Laurabolins limit is 50mg/cc. Because of its long acting properties its also very slow acting. Almost as effective as Deca if you are not impatient for results.It comes in 20mg/cc and 50mg/cc in 10cc and 50cc vials. <p> Size:*** Strenght:*** Side effects:** Dose: 200-800mg every 14-20 days <p> <b>Laurabolin:</B> <p> Laurabolin is an injectable veterinary steroid containing the drug nandrolone laurate. Nandrolone laurate is basically a long acting deca, staying active for up to a month in the body. Athletes however generally inject this drug on a weekly basis. Being a nandrolone, Laurabolin will exhibit noticeable anabolic effects with weaker androgenic side effects. Although many women do use nandrolones, Laurabolin may be one to avoid. Androgenic effects can appear in women with nandrolones, especially if blood levels were to build up too high with such a long acting drug. Durabolin would be a better choice. For men, doses of 200-400mg per week seem to work fine. At a strength of 50mg it is difficult to use a much higher dose, although some do find it possible. The Mexican Intervet product is found throughout the United States and usually sells for a fair price. It comes in 50ml vials, 50mg per ml. Recently Intervet has changed their packaging. Our photo shows the most recent version. <p> ------------------ ****"What we do in life, echoes an eternity!"**** GLADIATOR
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CornFed Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 77)
posted May 29, 2000 10:39 PM
Thanks Matty much da manIP: Logged |
JuiceBoy Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 135)
posted May 29, 2000 11:00 PM
just don't do the laura and the deca at the same time. Cuz for those of you who don't know, they're practically the same thing, happy juicinIP: Logged |