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  ****_***'s cutting cycle

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Author Topic:   ****_***'s cutting cycle
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 97)
posted May 28, 2000 08:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Milk_Man   Click Here to Email Milk_Man     Edit/Delete Message
Week GH(IU) Fina(mg) Winny(mg) T3(mcg) Eq(mg)

GH is 4 days on 3 days off on a patern of MoTuThFr-on-those are also the training days.

Eq is there to help with week 7 and 8 when anabolics are low.

Fina and winny are daily doses. BOTH are taken orally. I'm thinking that Fina will pass 20% for a 20mg release.

Some of you are thinking that 20mg of trenbolone per day is too little. Its not, less sometimes means more gains. Anyone taking 120mg of that per day IM will only get cut unless he eats a tremendous amount of food. But a smaller dose will results in more gains. If you don't understand stick around.

This is a lose fat and gain some mass in weak areas cycle after a 1.5 year bulking cycle. Consintrating on neak, legs, upper chest, forarms, and legs. Also the GH will run for about 3 months, dose will be adjusted as needed. And so will the T3, also might bump it up to 50mcg as last time at 25mcg did not do too much. If Tren gives a progestogenic bloat it will be droped.

[This message has been edited by Milk_Man (edited May 28, 2000).]

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Will B.Huge
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 92)
posted May 28, 2000 09:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Will B.Huge   Click Here to Email Will B.Huge     Edit/Delete Message
I have never bought gh what does 4IU go for on average, and what is an IU compared to a cc or ml, sounds like a stupid question but I just don't know sorry.

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the truth
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 580)
posted May 29, 2000 07:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for the truth   Click Here to Email the truth     Edit/Delete Message
I think this could work. You're probably right on the tren pass, although I don't know for sure. I personally would use more EQ, but I really love the stuff. The only recommendation I have would be to suggest doing the t-3 in a diamond pattern over 3 weeks, going from 25 mg to 75 mg then back down, changing the dose every 4 days. This seems to actually improve my thyroid function afterwards.

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