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  awesome counterfit info from doggod....

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 114)
posted May 27, 2000 01:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for msg   Click Here to Email msg     Edit/Delete Message
Topic: Newbies and vets, awesome counterfeit info.

Senior Member
Posts: 500
Registered: Oct 1999
posted May 27, 2000 12:13 AM
Off of this weeks T-mag.
The S-Files
Europe's ******* guru is here�
be afraid, be very afraid
by Brian Batcheldor

Know Your Source

Over the last few months, I've been very busy doing seminars during my "Ragin' Roids World Tour." (I hope you got a chance to attend and pick up a satin jacket or at least a T-shirt.) In every country I visited, groupies made pilgrimages to meet me, often bearing gifts of various brightly colored ampoules and pills. Unfortunately, I couldn't find three wise men among them, as most gifts were about as authentic as Burt Reynolds's thatch. It became apparent that this was the ideal time to provide another public information notice about fakes, counterfeits, and clones.

As the most popular products in America are foreign, I'll give you a brief rundown of the ******* situation in their countries of origin. Hopefully, this will aid you in any future shopping expeditions.


In Australia, it's still possible to find good quality veterinary products, available from companies like Illium, Nature Vet, and Durox. Boldebal H (equipoise), Spectriol (nandrolone phenylpropionate, methandriol, and Testosterone esters) and Drive (methandriol and equipoise) are just a few of the exotic little gems still available in this anabolic paradise.

Test Suspension can be found in abundance in 100 mg/ml, 20-ml bottles. Stanazolol (Winstrol V) can be found in 20-ml and 50-ml bottles in a 50-mg/ml strength. The list goes on and on, and the message is clear: with such an abundance of legitimate quality products available, why take a chance on suspect foreign imports?

Of course, there's also the demand for oral products that has to be met and, therefore, the Thai D-bols, Anabol, and Methandon can also be readily found in Australia. Thanks to the country's large Greek population, nandrolone decanoate (by Norma) and Primobolan are also easily found. Counterfeit English Anapolon can also be found and should be totally avoided as it contains no oxymetholone. All foreign human use multi-doses, e.g. cypionate and nandrolone, should be avoided like the plague.

South Africa

In South Africa, I also found many of the Australian veterinary products. Every product I saw was legit and probably made its way onto the black market via the backdoor of one of the numerous veterinary wholesale companies to be found here.

To their credit, South African Customs officers tend not to be the same self-righteous wankers we run into in other countries. I guess when you consider all the country's other problems, these guys are simply not as fascinated by sticking their hands up your arse as their foreign counterparts appear to be. The fact that most of them weigh about 300 pounds and probably could bench that amount all day long doesn't do any harm, either!

Depo-Testosterone, Depotrone, and Testan (veterinary) are Testosterone cypionate preparations that are generally available here and very inexpensive. A box of ten 200-mg Depotrone shots will set you back about $16. Androxon caps (T undecanoate 40 mg), methyltestosterone, Primobolan depot, Deca, and Sustanon are available on prescription. However, Egyptian Sustanon (Nile Company) is preferred due to its more attractive price. I found several business-minded pharmacists who were more than willing to let us foreigners "harm" ourselves, something not encountered in Australia.

Primobolan tabs (25 mg) and Orabolin (ethylestrenol) have been discontinued here but can still be found in some pharmacies, if you don't mind remortgaging your house or selling your kids into slavery to finance your purchase. Real Thai Anabol was to be found in South Africa, as was its Bulgarian counterpart, Bionabol. Counterfeits came in the guise of Stromba from France, the usual European multidose rubbish (nandrolone and cypionate), white foil-stripped methandrostenolone tabs and, yes, that friggin' fake English Anapolon!


Europe is where the most sought-after products are to be found. Unfortunately, it's also where most counterfeits are produced. Long gone are the days when this practice was confined to some back street lab. Nowadays, these products are produced by legit pharmaceutical companies in countries like Turkey, India, and Thailand � countries that have little respect for copyright laws. They can duplicate in appearance anything they're given to copy, the contents being something quite different. Printers in these countries then copy the boxes and labels, resulting in one big headache for us all.

After realizing that all of his juice was fake two weeks out from a competition, one famous strength athlete intimated to me that he would like to shove a few shoe stretchers up the counterfeiters' asses and fill them up with concrete. Personally, I feel this would be a little too fast and gentle for them. Whatever our sentiments, in reality, the situation is only going to get worse.

In 1997, three German scientists, Frank Musshoff, Thomas Daldrup and Mathias Ritsch, set about analyzing 42 products found on the European black market. Their findings were published and revealed information well-worth taking on board. If you feel that Europe is a safe haven when it comes to purchasing legit products, get an eyeful of this:


Product name
Should contain

Masteron 1
Drostanolone propionate

Masteron 2
Drostanolone propionate

Masteron 3
Drostanolone propionate
Nandrolone d

Primobolan Depot 1
Metenolone enanthate
Vitamin E

Primobolan Depot 2
Metenolone enanthate

Primobolan Depot 3
Metenolone enanthate
Nandrolone p

Primobolan Depot 4
Metenolone enanthate
Nandrolone p

(Genepharm, Greece)
Nandrolone decanoate

Deca Durabolin 1
Nandrolone decanoate

Deca Durabolin 2
Nandrolone decanoate

(Theramex, Monaco)
Nandrolone undecanoate

Nandrolone decanoate
(GG Pharmaceutical, India)
Nandrolone decanoate

Nandrolone decanoate
(Denk, Germany)
Nandrolone decanoate

Parabolan 1
Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
Sustanon blend

Parabolan 2
Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

Parabolan 3
Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

Parabolan 4
Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
Nandrolone d

Testosterone heptylate
Testosterone heptylate
Nandrolone d

Cyctahoh 250
(Russian Sustanon)
Testosterone propionate,
Testosterone isocaproate,
Testosterone phenylpropionate,
Testosterone decanoate
Nandrolone d

Sustanon 250 1
Testosterone phenylpropionate,
Testosterone decanoate

Sustanon 250 2
Testosterone phenylpropionate,
Testosterone decanoate

Sustanon 100
As above, but without Testosterone decanoate

Testosterone phenylpropionate,
Testosterone propionate,
Testosterone isohexanoate,
Testosterone hexanoate

Tectoctepoha iipoiibohat
(Russian propionate)
Testosterone propionate

Testosterone enantate
(Denk, Germany)
Testosterone enantate

Testoviron Depot 1
Testosterone enanthate

Testoviron Depot 2
Testosterone enanthate
Nandrolone d

(International Pharmaceuticals)

(Paynes Laboratories)

Winstrol Depot


Product name
Should contain

(Russian D-bol)


Anabol 1

Anabol 2

(Spa, Italy)

Anapolon 50
(Syntex, England)

Synasteron 50
(Syntex, Belgium)

(International Pharmaceuticals)

(Jenepharm, Germany)

Of particular interest is the fact that known underground operations (i.e. products that are purely generics) like International Pharmaceuticals and Paynes Laboratories produced products that came up "okay." Indeed, International Pharmaceuticals has been found by myself and others to produce products whose dosages are usually on the high side, oxymetholone being one example (63 mg).

Incidentally, although this survey determined that some counterfeits contained the authentic material, it told us nothing about the actual amounts contained within them. True to the form of most anti-******* propaganda, it demonstrates just how easy it is to piss good money up against the wall when it's somebody else's money.

In the three years since this survey was conducted, little has changed in Europe. Nile Sustanon (Egypt), once believed by many to be a counterfeit, has established itself as legit and has become the most common form found. Pakistani Sustanon is also very common and is about as effective as Richard Simmons at the World's Strongest Man competition.

Methandon is the best-trusted Thai D-bol, as there are several versions of Anabol to be found, and even the original can be light on dosage. Primobolan from Spain is heavily counterfeited, the Greek version now being the safest alternative. Turkish Anapolon and Greek Oxybolone are the only trusted forms of oxymetholone.

Know Your Gear

It's almost impossible to keep on top of the counterfeit situation. In the end, it just boils down to trusting your source or tracing its origin. For example, some of the Australian veterinary products commonly turn up in the US, coming in via Mexican pharmacies. However, this isn't an endorsement, as these products are also counterfeited in the US. Exactly the same applies to Nile Sustanon and Virormone (English propionate), as I've seen fake versions of these in the states.

In future updates, I'll include a "******* mugshot" which will be sort of like a ******* version of the "Playmate of the Month" feature. I will highlight a certain product and include a picture and identity information about it. These products could be anything from "the old standbys" to some of the more exotic products and closely guarded secrets.

Until next time, remember to never, ever buy English Anapolon or Parabolan. No real versions of the products are left! See you on the next world tour.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 75)
posted May 27, 2000 01:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for superdave   Click Here to Email superdave     Edit/Delete Message
good info bro

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 239)
posted May 27, 2000 01:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for XXXL   Click Here to Email XXXL     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 39468048
oh no, another post that says onma and sust are different. . .

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 265)
posted May 27, 2000 02:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tri~zilla   Click Here to Email tri~zilla     Edit/Delete Message
so the pakistan sustanon from (organon) are fake?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 20)
posted May 27, 2000 03:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BIG TOE   Click Here to Email BIG TOE     Edit/Delete Message
I thought the paki sust gave good results ? Well i sure hope so because i have a shit load of it .

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 265)
posted May 27, 2000 03:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tri~zilla   Click Here to Email tri~zilla     Edit/Delete Message
same here... the ones i used must have had something in 'em because my strength went through the roof. then about two weeks into it started growin' good and kept growing .

maybe there are another type (not Organon)
coming out of paki, anyone know?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 191)
posted May 27, 2000 04:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mudworx   Click Here to Email Mudworx     Edit/Delete Message
Great post! Funny, I have also enjoyed excellent results from Paki Sustanon. Wonder what was in them?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 69)
posted May 27, 2000 05:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Brutis   Click Here to Email Brutis     Edit/Delete Message
Will the "mug shot" be a three page centerfold?

If you have to tell people you're a bodybuilder...you're not.

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