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  Clomid, effects emotionaly.

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Author Topic:   Clomid, effects emotionaly.
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 71)
posted May 25, 2000 11:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jdismukes   Click Here to Email jdismukes     Edit/Delete Message
I am on a cycle of test and deca. I am currently tapering off to 400mg each a week. I have gained about 13 pounds of muscle in the last month. My question is this, I am considering taking clomid in a couple of weeks, when I really start tapering to the end of my cycle. I read a post on here yesterday saying Clomid effects you emotionaly, I don't need that. I alreay take pamlor for depression and headaches. What can I expect and what are my alterntives? I want to keep as much as possible.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 12)
posted May 25, 2000 12:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigPaul   Click Here to Email BigPaul     Edit/Delete Message
i to would like the answer to that question. i am taking paxil right now and i don't need to get anymore fucked up than i already am.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 367)
posted May 25, 2000 12:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rich1   Click Here to Email Rich1     Edit/Delete Message
Stay with your anti depressant bro I found out the hard way, I'm on serzone 250 mg twice aday, my depression was really unfucking bearable, but it was always lurking around under the table, then when I went off cycle and started the clomid, wham it just came crashing down on me. Now I need serzone and it does help but boy does it take time to work. I'm taking a month off to get my life back together and get back in touch with all the stuff that made life worth living, too much work and no play makes one VERY a dull boy...Maybe arimidex (SP)? instead would be one piece of advice, but I still think your gonna need the clomid to retain your gains and get your nuts back on line, donot use for more then two weeks though. Ultragan can harden you up and help you keep your gains too. But it's very importent to get those balls back on line as fast as possible. Try some tribulus, you can find it in a heath food store.

[This message has been edited by Rich1 (edited May 25, 2000).]

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